Just opened a 30x short on BTC. AMA

just opened a 30x short on BTC. AMA

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thats stupid af...china and europe are incoming

You will be duly liquidated, you degenerate gambler.

Liquidation price?

good point. just went all in on tether


about 9050

When do you liquidated?

Interesting. Do you see that ascending triangle at 9k?


I made my decision after reading actual tea leaves. I'm ages ahead of using primitive techniques like TA

please dont get JUST'd

kek. nice. I'd be surprised if it doesn't break 9k just so bullcucks can finally be satisfied before we plunge to 4k. Good luck bud

I shorted at 8.7 and I'm not having fun anymore

some is about to get justed pretty hard i hope your anus is ready


What exchange?

shorts scare me lately because everybody expects them so i just long these shakeouts

You will be liquidated tonight, I hope you learn your lesson. I will personally see to hit that we hit 9050 tonight, on the phone now with some other whales.

If anyone wants to be a madman like OP you should use my referral code to get a 10% discount off fees on BitMEX.
Remember to use limit orders to avoid paying fees at all. If you use limit orders you actually get PAID .025% when opening a position and if you manually close your position you get paid an additional .025% on close. Those .025% payouts are on your total contracts so say you use 100X on $1000 of BTC to buy $100000 worth of BTC, you would make $50 just for buying and selling at the exact same entry point. I do this for fun sometimes just to make a little extra money.

You do realize that bear markets are prone to jump 100 points from like 5-10BTC purchases right?

im watching

close it soon

See pic related to see what I'm talking about with the limit orders
Not on GDAX or BitStamp which is where BitMEX's mark price is based off of.

Why do you hate money?

hello - can someone help me with how I start taking short positions. what website do you use? I currently have a E-Trade options house account I need to trade some options on. can I short things like.gbtc there?

what are your capital requirements like?

i've been trading for a few days using only market buy and sell and never seem to get what the ROE says. could this be why?


Liquidated short on XBTUSD: Buy 3,100 @ 8834.5

thanks user, bless your larping heart

if thats him thats only $110

god I don't want to take this bait, but here I am anyway

Yes. It's exactly why. Especially if you're trading on a high margin.

See for how you can margin trade BTC. If you're an American just use a free proxy service to sign up and then they don't care if you use a US IP.

damn yeah i've been using 50x. guess i have to go in with targets because i'm way too slow to call it in the moment

u pajeet

It's hard to use limit orders. If nothing else use market for your entry and then try to use a limit order to close. You'll be paying about 1/3 of your current fees that way.

sign up for interactive brokers

$50,000 margin to short, $40,000 maintenance

but it's only like 44% or something to go long

look up GXBT and BRR to trade futures on Bitcoin

I'm long 2 contracts BRR Mar 29 expiration (that's 10 bitcoin total) @ 8k

appreciate the heads up

Half the time when I try to use limit the book shifts $10 immediately and it ends up being a market order

we wait

great thanks I'll.check out interactive brokers. I can put 50k in there but does that mean I have to open a 50k size short positions? I really only want to open about 5k$ short positions (so essentially I don't want risk getting liquidated for more than like 5k) is this possible?

You have to be disciplined and not FOMO in if you're going to use limit orders

Bitmex is the simplest and easiest. No verification or minimum deposit. Takes a while to get used to, but there's a paper trading mode you can try.

I don't do it that often and I use a reasonable leverage so fees aren't that big for me

you need to deposit $50,000 so they let you short at all

then you can sell 1 GXBT (if you have -1 BTC that's considered a short position) contract for some expiration at say $8800

you go back and set a limit buy order at $13800 so you "liquidate" yourself at a $5000 loss

Whats stopping me from using bitmex x100 margin from a vpn, and just bailing if btc goes opposite way?

ahhhh I see. thanks based user. Im going to do this.

Nothing is. Use my referral lol


So i could go naked either way just with 0.1btc, and bail without funding the loss based on limit

yeah its super easy i do it all the time

Are you pulling my nipples