
so this is how cults are formed

I could never understand how people fall for cultist ideology, but after browsing this board since September my eyes have been opened

All you need is a few convincing LARPers and false promises of wealth/riches

what a sad bunch you are

You're a tard. You don't even know what a cult is.

Whale here, there’s a reason only biz shills this token. Without saying too much, think about why it never moons. Think about how much it’s not shilled anywhere else. No, biz did not discover a diamond

>paid for membership, check
>ideas not based in reality, check
>leader is treated as a deity, check
>followers will believe anything the leader says, check
>leader is idolized in the form of paintings, memes, and fan fiction, check
>followers are willing to die (baghold) for their belief in the project, some literally with their life savings, check

refute any of these things, go ahead, ill wait

You think people on /biz actually idolize Sergey? He's just another tech geek, no one thinks he's a god, it's a joke dude.

fake and gay

are you sure user? Chain Link, his project, is a work of god. See for yourself. LINK is the GOAT.

Tell me why you think chainlink is a bad investment

Does anyone actually have a copy pasta of LINK's selling points without any of the unconfirmed rumors and unconfirmed "insider information" (e.g. AssBlaster)? I've always been interested, but I never see anything except unconfirmed information

You must be new if this is the first cult you've seen in crypto. Honestly, liking Chain Link is akin to having school spirit or some shit when you compare it against the honestly terrifying cult that is Bitcoin Core supporters. Linkies will just defend their coin (or shit on it even for giggles). Bitcoin Core people will make it their mission to try to ruin your life. Wouldn't put murder past most of these people if this wasn't the internet. It'll be a bright day for humanity when that community is finally dead.

lmao delusional cashcuck

nice leddit spacing you nu-male faggot

Why not just filter "chainlink", "link" and "sergey" and then fuck off instead of complaining?

Ideas are based in reality and the leader doesn't say anything nigger nigger nigger piss poor fud suck my dick.

honestly linkies sound EXACTLY like the people in r/bitconnect - it's fascinating to watch the mental gymnastics literal niggers will do to protect the dream that they will have a lambo.

welcome, op. please change into your white and blue robe. we will be meeting for our nightly big macs shortly

kek, as a LINK bagholder since 30c, the cultish behavior makes me laugh nervously. I like the idea, and it's a speculative bet, and there's enough resources on the slack and gitter to dig up info. But on Veeky Forums, jesus the rate of memes and shilling/FUD is becoming insane. I wouldn't be surprised if it goes viral to the outside world soon

You can say the same thing about Vitalik in 2016 early 2017

enjoy your bags

the link token is fucking useless. Its not necessary for smartcontracts. cult members are to poor and stupid to realise this.

link is the glass of kool aid. drink it newfags. and r editors. yum yum.

this user gets it

lol get fukt nolinkerfaggit

What is this new fud????

well fuck

just bought into the cult

Yep, its ethereum

oh wait you were trying to take a swipe at LINK.. oof.

first off, go fuck yourself loser noLinker.
i have 9000 LINK and i sleep like a newborn.
why? because i believe in SerGay. he will take us all to the moon on his Lamboship. because some fags on Veeky Forums said so. and i believe them. because we're all frens here. so take your Negativity elsewhere. We don't want to hear your FUD, bud.

see that cup & handle on the chart? that's going vertical. it's going to be The Big Dipper once partnerships are finalized. you're going to cry like a little bitch once you realize you were left behind.

You listed many of the reasons for which I happily threw nearly my entire portfolio into ChainLINK (90%+ of over $9000) some time between ICO & SIBOS without a single regret; I will hold bags of lead or gold, idgaf which, FO REVAH, because they'll approach a value of either $0/1 or $1/0, and this is literally the comfiest investment I've yet made.
>t. bought $300 eth 2 years ago @ $10 and sold @ $300 for link

The way I see it, a lot of people bitched and FUDded Vitalik at .30. I watched some videos, thought it was cool at a buck or two but couldn't be arsed to buy any.

I won't be making that same mistake this time around.

Chekkkkked bro.

LINK threads have the best digits.


pic related

>hey user check out my new iphone


^ You're one of these guys aren't you

Checked em bro

hahahaha delicious fud like this reads exactly the same as link fud. It's making me stronger

>>followers will believe anything the leader says, check

how? the leader isnt saying anything

>watch the node creation videos. Requires eth node link node and RDS. Tokens are required. I do see the use, but I don't see the point of 100x. It's not like BTC where everyone could hypothetically need it for everyday life.

Pls delet sir and buy mobius

This thread is proof that the OP was not back here in pre-eth mars mission days. OP wasn't even in here when eth went to $10. Buy mobius instead OP, you deserve it.

buy link

Was the FUD on ETH similar to LINK? With memes and all?

There weren't as many eth memes as there are link memes iirc, but there were enough to notice. Eth was just as polarizing on here when brought up and leddit thought it was a shitcoin until it shot up a few dollars. I made around 140k off of it, unfortunately I only half committed because of the FUD back then.

Link to file Kind sir
Wanna Print /our/ cube

Wasn't ETH already in the top 5 though on CMC?

That's a sheep, my latter-day linkie.

When it got up to top ten, that's when they started to catch on. Even reddit did okay with that one, but at way less profit than the smarter anons. I still kick myself every day over how much more I could have profited. Not going to happen with link though.

No working product and no real plan for the working product beyond much oracle.

Don't direct me to that retarded contract demo. It doesn't do shit.

I more question though, didn't ETH have a large team working on it at the time? IIRC LINK consists of two people...

>What is this new fud????

yes but since I have increased by stack and gains I don't care to persist anymore. Its fud.

I am just a simple man who pursues 1-2% gains a day in anyway possible. Any fucking way.

Every day I am only using 2$ for food, the rest of my little meager salary is used to buy chainlink every single month. I have been doing it since sibos now and with that I have been eating only oatmeal and 100 gram chicken for almost 4 months now.I wake up I eat oatmeal, in the afternoon I eat oatmeal, and in the night I eat oatmeal + 100 gram chicken.
I am so fucking hungry
At least I'll be rich one day

>No working product

Node software is actually pretty good. How many of you assholes have even installed it or have a blade chassis to hump into a cluster. None. BTW one of the implications of ethereum staking is link reaching parity with ethereum you fucking morons. Yes I am a sociopath but only because normies and reees are such vermin an I don't get to shoot anyone there days.

I'm going to steal your oatmeal money take your link and fuck your shivering skeletal corpse while you waste away in the final weak . You've made me hard, I'm going to fap about raping people dying in a famine. The look in their eyes AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>protect the capital
>compound on gains
>slow and steady
you'll probably make it

A very valid point, and you are correct - the team for eth was a lot more promising. But LINK has been hiring, and I honestly don't know if they have unlisted members working with them which is entirely possible considering how long this has been worked on. Eth also much more open with showing that they were updating their code also, which link has been pretty shit at, but remember github does allow for private repos. The concept + the whitepaper (I have read it like 5 times now and had to refresh my compsci to fully get what it is doing) is one of the best written ones I have seen. No bullshit. No marketing buzzwords to inspire fake bullishness. Just the concept and calculations + process behind it down to a tee. Apparently the ENG team (MIT tech heads if you haven't looked into them) also endorsed it in the neo superconf, but that came from posts a media rep was making but that's also pretty big if true, and he did post proof that he had a con press pass. Another thing you'll notice is that they never try to shill their coin hard despite easy sells like sibos attendance. The project reeks of money so big looking at it that plebs like you and I mean nothing to them, and the only reason we know about this is because of the legal requirements to put it on the market so far in advance.

>>protect the capital>compound on gains>slow and steadyyou'll probably make it

I just want to rape famine victims user. Is that to much to ask. Anyone who does not buy link is fucking retarded. Anyone who gives me their link is weak an its like sliding into their ass as they sell to me low and buy from me high. Its fucking orgasmic. Literally paying me to be raped because they are too stupid to actually research link and play with node software. Its fucking real. Best thing out there including on the stock markets an commodities. Its fucking glory and victory.

they are under nda which is ahead of where ethereum was because no one took skelly seriously enough at this stage to talk about anything that needed an nda with him.if you don't know what an nda is just die already

I never denied they could be under a NDA. Chill.

Funny how history repeats itself.