Who here got ruined by this piece of shit and all its derivatives? I can't believe I got pajeeted this hard.
I still haven't recovered.
Who here got ruined by this piece of shit and all its derivatives? I can't believe I got pajeeted this hard.
I still haven't recovered.
Get in on ethercrafts ground floor release on feb. 16th. Easy money if you get in early. Ethercraft.io
you got ruined MULTIPLE times by this?
just send me all your bitcoin you deserve to be poor
Don't worry, you'll lose your remaining stack on the next pajeet scam.
You are like sugar to them.
>thrusting pajeet shilling on a ponzi hopong to be one of the early investors
Wew lad
I've lost everything in this, can someone chip in some crumbs pls., so I can at least start again
Fuck off faggot
you son of thousands rodents
You deserve to get fucked for literally investing in a ponzi.
Deserve it, now kys
I lost a little in powh but I was up 16x from the first one so I had no right to be upset.
What ever happened to 232 eth whale? Still stuck in the contract?
Lost 15k on this and the shadow fork
lol even the devs got ponzied on PoWH, thats what made it great.
Look into the next project being put together under the PoWH name, The two devs who did the site design/art/memes for the first one went and got new non-pajeet programmers to write a non-ponzi remake of the PoWH idea.with completely new code.
You're not better than any of the bitconnect and davor tards.
Deserved. Zero empathy.
Go wageslave quickly and get some fiat before the next bull.
have some sympathy and compassion
I can only feel empathy for people who fell into a shithole by outside forces they had no control over.
You dug that hole yourselves by buying into a ponzi.
How the fuck did you get so greedy?
I doubled by ETH with this and got out after the first 24hrs. Got to be damn stupid to stay in this any longer
it's not a problem of ponzi retard, it's a problem of shitty code -> exploit
> Trusting in the competence of hobby programmers who devise a literal ponzi scheme with my crypto holdings
trusting anything in IT when 10 years old exploits are being found in open sores software being used daily by everyone, just kys retard
this is actually the most autistic thing i've EVER seen
Anyone who willingly goes into a ponzi just because of greed, and wonders why their money is gone is scum who deserves to lose.
the vuln in powh is one of the most common problems in solidity programming and the reason safemath library is ubiquitous in serious projects
it speaks of the collective idiocy, greed and newfaggishness of powh retards not a single person spotted this before 800 ETH were thrown in the contract
>putting money in a literal self advertized ponzi scheme
I wish you could have lost even more OP, retards like you don't deserve to breath
i think there's no doubt that the original team behind PoWH was retarded.
Do you think that (no matter if you trust the team behind it or not). The concept could work out if it wasn't based on an algorithmic ponzi scheme and was just trading of the token + dividends?