done accumulating 836 rlc to my poorfolio.
will sell in exactly 1 year for 5-digits € taxfree
> god bless cucky germany
done accumulating 836 rlc to my poorfolio.
will sell in exactly 1 year for 5-digits € taxfree
> god bless cucky germany
RLC will def achieve at least 100$ in two years, dont be tempted to sell for 50 ;)
wtf is RLC? normofag asking
You want at least 1k bra
I want 10k.
I unironically want to buy 8k right now to get me there, I'm praying for another dip
yeah maybe i'll sell this POWR shit for some last RLC. coin is making me headache anyway
this is the coin of i.exec, team has like 6PhDs with people who studied at MIT and other fancy places, they are making a decentralized cloud service. they joined last month the OpenFog Consortium which is a group of companies like cisco, microsoft, dell, etc... they already have a dapp store and a partnership with REQ. DYOR and go buy it. currently now i have 5k and still accamulating
So how does this different compared to PRL?
- 6 PhD
- Decades of experience in distributed Computing
- Worked in famous research institutions (CNRS/INRIA/Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- 6th largest all-time ICO in April 2017 – 12M$ in 2h45 (2,762 BTC and 173,886 ETH)
- V1 & SDK released during the Devcon3 – Nov 2017
- Dapp store release - Dec 2017 -
- 15 Dapp Challenge winners (deep learning / Jupyter / Tensor flow and many others) – Jan 2018 -
- Docker Support – Feb 2018
- Blender support and Dapp – Feb 2018 (what Golem is trying to do for months)
- On track for V2 with marketplace for data & computation providers for May 2018
- Join EEA – July 2017
- Join OPENFOG consortium (founded by ARM, Cisco, Dell, Intel, Microsoft, and Princeton University) – Jan 2018
- Member of the Institute of Electronics of China – Dec 2017
- Partnership with REQ – Summer 2017
- Partnership with Flixxo – Nov 2017
- Partnership with Signal – Nov 2017
- Partnership with Shopin – Jan 2018
- Partnership with Stimergy – Jan 2018
- Partnership with Cloud&Heat – Jan 2018
- Partnership with Cointelegraph – Jan 2018
- Partnership with Journal du Coin – Jan 2018
- Incentive to be blockchain agnostic and working with NEO in this direction
- In discussion with IBM
- iExec’s co-Founder Haiwu He in the Top 100 Most Creative People in Business of 2017 in China
- iExec is 5 years in advance according to a recent French Tech study
- iExec Wins the 2017 Award of Disruptive Innovation in France
- iExec’s co-Founder Gille Fedak is part of the French Senat meetings on Crypto-regulation
- iExec’s co-Founder Gille Fedak is regularly on French Newspaper and TV
Bought another 2000 at sub 16k. Going to add another 2000 ENG at end of month, and then that is me on hold mode for a while. Feels comfy.
god dam i could have 1 million rlc if i sold at the top and bought at the bottom
they're waaay behind when it comes to roadmap. Put all your shit in pearl for the aidrop, sell everything, ride a few other moon trips, then buy this low volume crap in the summer. It's not going anywhere for now
It goes live in 2.5 months LOL
erc20 = shitcoin
exactly? this shit coin is one of the coins with the LEAST amount of volume and a 80k buy order at 1585 sats. This shit has been stagnant like this ever since the crash. There's plenty of time to ride other profitable coins in the meantime, no point in being stuck in some sideways moving cuck coin until they start marketing, list new exchanges etc,,
U dum or what? The entire market is sideways and will be for a month to two months, which is when rlc will take off. Why hold another shitcoin now when it's a guarantee this will pop.
Wouldn't be surprised if teeka announces this coin as one of his picks tomorrow or next month.
rlc has literally been stuck at 15-17 sats, no movement whatsoever ever since the crash, there's no swingtrading this coin, it literally just sits there on its ass. Why sit in a dead coin when you could be making easy gains by swingtrading other coins with a lot of movement in sats? ven or icx for example, THEN buy rlc when they get their shit together. You literally hate money if you just sit afk in this dead coin. I'm not saying the coin doesn't have a future, quite the opposite, it's a great coin, just not at the moment. This market is great for daytrading, you're the dumb fuck if you just afk in a dead coin instead of making easy free money.
RLC is for investors, not traders.
You are delusional, I held RLC during the whole summer until the pump of January, it was a long bleeding journey, I sold at $3 after Binance listing because I knew it would be the same thing again until the V2 in May (when things should finally be really serious).
I guarantee this will be below 10k satoshi again in March, you will more or less keep your value in dollar but for the rest it will slowly empty itself, the volume is crashing back to last year level which is already extremely worrying.
The project is very nice if you are a holder and don't mind letting it sleep until May but considering the amount of shilling we have on it it everyday I would say a lot of people have bags bought over 20k and are extremely frustrated by the perfomance of the coin because they see good fundamentals(I know it, I was here) however they don't understand market runs on hype while iExec is already an old project in the cryptoworld.
Best advice I can give you is to stop FOMOing, go make some profit on other coins (notably going long on BTC which will have a bullrun very soon but there are other alts with good things for march), RLC will not do anything until late May, I guarantee it.
You are a clown
>I guarantee this will below 10k sats in march
Shut the fuck up dweeb. Go chase your moon missions like the other street shitting retards. Average down but never sell your stack.
This is the dip, it was at $4 a couple months ago
my dick is hard for RLC, but if you're a daytrader, you should just stay away from RLC right now, and look other ways for gains.
on the other hand, if you want to "invest", rlc is a solid bet for the long term, behaving a lot like early monero. these guys basically did no marketing so far, they're focusing on the product. that's why shilling RLC doesn't work here. Veeky Forums rather high risk bet on 100x in 5 minutes, not low risk 10x EOY.
Good project, shitty investment. No upcoming announcements, the roadmap is completed and yet it's sitting at $100 million cap. I'm sorry, but a team of autistic PHD's does not make a good investment.
Except the roadmap is not at all completed pajeet
Jesus christ at least look at the site before you come up with your FUD. You're making Veeky Forums look bad
Yes, you're dumb.
Jesus, what a fucking brainlet
They've been announcing quite a lot of stuff lately. It needs just one youtuber or leddit post to blow up.
>guaranteed replies
Kek, someone is frustrated, your agressivity speaks for itself.
>Go chase your moon missions like the other street shitting retards.
I'm not "chasing moon missions" user, I'm just following a long thought trading plan instead of sitting in front of my computer and spamming threads everyday on a coin with no volume or hype and no meaningful milestone before 4 months hoping that it will magically have an impact
Anyway this was just a friendly warning, no need to be upset if you think I'm wrong.
Just did exactly this
So many frustrated bagholders.
Nop, i'm not a daytrader, and i am really comfy for my invest. I just don't like people telling shit because they did 0 research :)
Just don't go all in on this one, it's always nice to have both a long term stack and another stack to trade with every few days, this way i'm also able to add to my long-term stack that consists of ENG and RLC.
>babby's first crypto investment
Enjoy watching every shitcoin around you moon while you feel "comfy" sitting in your (((well researched))) investment, wondering why won't it stop bleeding, despite good fundamentals.
Come on the official slack and you will get some answer if you want :)
Btw, i'm not all in, that's probably why i am comfy
I don't need any answers, I know the project is good, and yet I also know that it's a terrible investment at this point in time.
ok, thanks for you arguments, i will sell to buy Link & BazingaCoin
I can't wait for this to 5x, just so I can buy more Link.
>LINK is bad
And you told the other user he's dumb? LINK went right over your head, didn't it? You're a literal brainlet.
Please don't do your own research and certainly don't buy LINK. I don't want brainlets to make it.
2018 is the year of tokens, brah
kek, you are funny
Please screenshot this conversation and paste it on your wall. It'll haunt you in 6-12 months, I promise.
Haunted by a pajeet
Just remember this conversation, brainlet. Burn it into your grey matter.
I'm going to keep this alive because I want all of you to make it.
The only thing that frustrates me is seeing dweebs like you acting like you can predict the future.
>I guarantee it won't move till may
Stupid faggot, you're almost as bad as the larpers around here
Thanks for this post, just bought 100k.