Oracle Part 6 - SHHover 9000!

Oracle Deliver Again.

Always do opposite of what oracle/omega says

volume enough to sustain or we dropping back?

Z make me breath

I will never sell

Thank you based Omega

but they're the same person shilling opposite sides so he always looks right on one trip




oracle say but since 7950

Part 5: P 1 to 4:

wtf’s the deal with LINK

Z already shh this dumb dea

Z not omegle
omegle always no

oracle always right


...ut up already you're going to bring us bad luck you yoda speaking ms paint lover

Z what the people want

where we heading now oracle?

sorry, wrong pic

I would love you Miracle

Oracle shoud I buy more BTC? or wait?

am I fucked if I shorted x25 at 9239?
will we comeback soon to 9k or less?


but, how?


how I



I red vein so much other night

I say HA HA angry type

Orgle bad

but but

How oracle still right?

my hate meme type do nothing?!?

yes non

it do nothing

join SHH

or no SHH

but no shh wrong

at 7950

no SHH

wrong at


No shh wrong today

no shh wrong tomorrow

no shh wrong forever

SHH cult bring happy peace to biz

shh cult just say






all can join

shh is free to join

eventually all hate type turn shh
Z need make nother chart non

ONE chart

deliver psh

TWO chart

deliver yah

now Z will make

THREE chart

you're fun

full THREE chart soon

but need break 9400 now

9400 previous lower high

should be more easy than

\9000 which was lower lower


zoom out

Thank you oracle.

not going under 6k again u say...

IHS confirmed so target is $12.7k

>shitload of random lines across the chart
>coin will reach price x

Come on, are you fucking serious?

will we come back to 9k soon? plox tell me

Never again

Lines aren't random

Oracle is good.

I fucking love you

Dodging stylometry? Nice
I wish I had more fiat ;_;

Thanks mr oracle but nuls not mooning make papa angry he beats me


Senpai has returned!

You made Veeky Forums a lot of money. I now remind myself constantly to shh and breathe.

Post a Twitter Senpai, please. Maybe a discord. We need a direct line to your wisdom.

@oracleofearning on twitter.


NULS accumulate

test net + marketer march

main net may



Brought us good luck so far user. I shadowed the last few trades and profited. Was doubtful of the 9k break - not this soon, and anyone can be wrong. Oracle nailed it though.

Thank you Senpai :)

i swear this guy is up at the weirdest hours...

and its always when its surging..
OOracle what is your great secret O wise 1

THREE chart

come soon





what did he mean by this

I am ready
show me

shhcaressed and learned
chart simple and beautiful
wonder where we go

Overwatch League Boston. He's a big fan.

he or she?

im just meming, I have no fucking idea.

important support

8.9 - 9k watch careful

will test 9.4 prev lower high

over 9.4

great to 10k

Oracle is not a roasty, some nu male just thought so because he says ‘mansplain’

>he or she?
Oracle is a female. You can tell by the way she types.

shwei blessed


Women type like this. Very humorless and needlessly elaborate sentences with perfect punctuation and grammar. This is so you know women are to be taken seriously.

z very proud

non know history of oracle


Based Oracle, I followed you. ENLIGHTEN ME SENPAI

mansplain isn't feminist irony?

Are you saying I was wrong, or that I am a female? I am not.
I do not care what your sex is, keep making me money.

or sometimes people just like language and play with it for fun, you artless fucking pleb.

Oracle what is the ICO that you keep mentioning? I’m desperate to get in!

> eth 900
> btc 9300 incoming

no no non

he just say z guy

z say mansplain ironic

and some people think it unironcially

and say orkle is girl

z never splain

so now many non though z roasty

ico ann march :D

he’s being ironic, yes. oracle’s humor is very complex, and it takes a very high IQ to truly comprehend the subtle nuances and pop culture references embedded within each meme word:





“red vein”

“anger type”


Only true Oracle patricians who have been part of the shh cult from day 1 will be able to truly appreciate the extent of the humor we are gifted with here. This is not to say the cult is hierarchal - all are welcome in the shh cult so long as they learn, and wall will breath together in peace and earning.

Fair enough. I am not concerned with your sex, just wanted to point out what I believe to be true.
>ico ann march :D
This part means?

>This part means?
Super special ICO will be announced in March.

Dude shut up nobody cares. You've been wrong everytime


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Oracle. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of pop culture references most of the jokes will go over a typical user's head. There's also Oracles nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Oracle truly ARE Omegle idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Oracle's existencial catchphrase "shhhbreth," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated skimpletons scratching their heads in confusion as his genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them.

And yes by the way, I DO have an Oracle tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


So we get excluded from the pre-ico?

3 CHART :0000


Can you give me some tips Oracle?
I have about 2k$ in 8 different coins, should I put them into one coin?
I shh and breathe but I'm not sure where to put them.

This isn't Omega. Oracle has made good calls so far.

I dunno. Maybe the announcement will be that the pre-ico is open.

>eth broke through 900
>btc still rising

Oracle I hope chart three is as good as chart one/two.

9.3k BUY BUY BUY BUY, 10k end of today

If you followed Oracle closely this past few weeks, you know he was absolutely right, almost perfect, which is extremely rare for TA in Crypto.
Thanks for helping brainlets here, dont listen to haters, you're doing gods work here, helping the little man against the whales and fud.
I went long and made 5k thanks to you, not much but will look closely to your calls in the future.

Oracle, are you an insider?

Or just a TA master?

I feel like were being led off a cliff...
>follow the trail..says buy buy buy.. higher n higher
AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa *muh weak hands* aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA

>Always do opposite of what oracle/omega says

People were seeing the IHS before the end of the head. He just called it stupidly accurate down to each caress. It's pretty amazing actually

Checked in for 3 chart

Women are the ones who have always been fortunetellers, especially if they're virgins. Are you a virgin oracle?

But they say opposite things. Ignore Omega. Sssh.


Listen to Oracle.

you have to change this to her now that we know oracle's a girl (or at least she says she is)

tfw your valentines date was your crypto portfolio and she’s giving you the best BJ of all time

How much Link to make Oracle my waifu.

Z loves this

Shh cult

make Biz better again

4 coins

8 too many at 2k

his right

Z is not her

No, I type like this. Because whenever people respond with broken English, despite being a native speaker, I know not to take them seriously.

the only oracles i care about are decentralised ones


I tethered up at 6800. Still waiting for that drop.

>I tethered up at 6800
You cannot be serious. Drop to what, ~7600?
You've missed out on a fair amount of gains, quit being stubborn.

Oracle eh? You must like Link


17k confirmed

Oracle how much time do I have left to accumulate NULS?

U tethered up close to the bottom and didn't buy back in once it rached 7k... what??? It was clear it was going to 7.5k once it reached 7k, even if it crashed afterwards you would have time to tether up against probably at a higher price not 6.8k
I've got bad news for you buddy, BTC is going to 10k, and you're risking missin in the coming bullrun.
Right now there is a hearing on the House committee on Science, Space and technology
Beyond Bitcoin: Emerging Applications for Blockchain Technology.
And so far the Hearing has been VERY VERY positive, goverment is considering adopting blockchain technology and solutions, and the hearing on bitcoin before that was extremely positive too, which is what lunched bitcoin to 8k.

Fud has been dispelled, you could be missing the next bull run son.

Love watching the shorts get btfo

>oracle was right
what the fuck