Make lots of money for your boss today :)
Good morning Veeky Forums
I-I-I totally enjoy my dayjob user
When BTC crashes we wagecucks will have the last laugh
fuck you im going to tell your boss youre faking
Joke's on you faggot, NEETs don't answer to anyone but themselves.
>buy LINK
>put your earnings in the decentralized 420 powered economy
>>dethrone the illuminati
I am my boss.
Jokes on you. Work is mostly dead. I sit in an office and watch Netflix for 6 hours a day and get paid on salary.
of my 8 hrs a day i actually work like 1.
rest ist lurking, shitposting, reading shit or watching jewtube.
i even fought for a third monitor to have better view of my shitcoins dropping.
This but I'm an IT pajeet so I have all the monitors
Has anyone on Veeky Forums actually tried to start a business?
Seems like idiots like OP over here think that you can just stuff your pockets with money and let your employees starve, and they'll somehow stay at your company lol.
Quotes degenerate drunk
enjoy pushing your freedom cart
good movie though. Barfly, of course it glorifies his life
You'd do well to hope that most men keep enjoying this. The majority of what keeps the world running lays in the hands of men getting up at 6 am. But what does that mean against the quote from some tryhard faggot author and poet and draft-dodger.
The pursuit of pleasure leads nowhere.
Cultural Marxist actually believe no one will have to work
>work from home
>do like 2 hours of work a day
>spend the rest of the time on crypto
>make 80k/year and have health insurance/etc covered
but right, all jobs are just wageslavery ;^)
>The pursuit of pleasure leads nowhere.
typical shithead leftist "muh fefees before everything"
Are you surprised?
Fuck. I forgot
ib4 larpers
>alarm goes off at 8:15
>get out of bed to turn that off
>get right back in bed
>start checking social media
>second alarm goes off 8:45
>why do I even set these again?
>continue media
>girlfriend calls at 9:00 reminding me to leave bed
>open laptop
>make an omlette
>download a few files a coworked sent me for project handover at 9:30
>debate actually reading them
>lurk Veeky Forums
Work from home is pretty great. I have a meeting in 5 minutes where I plan to say and do nothing.
sure much better to slave away 40 hours a week to ensure that Muhammed and Shaniqua can keep breeding
>What is balance
>what are taxes
Is a surgeon who works 70 hours a week a wagecuck according to Veeky Forums?
Doing any work whatsoever, even saving lives, is abhorrent to Veeky Forums
Is that why CEO pay in America is 300+ times that of the average worker?
>the entire economy would collapse tomorrow if people stopped producing and consuming pointless wasteful shit like Gucci phone cases and Mercedes
Normies see nothing wrong with this. Keep chasing those shiny bright things you cuck, I need my portfolio to grow.
Ancient Greeks wouldn’t recognize the profession of a doctor who heals for payment. You’re supposed to be a surgeon of your own volition to help mankind and live a meaningful life for yourself, not dude money lmao
>social media manager for several musical acts around me
>okay money
>still getting cucked by a day job
why am I like this
KYS you disgusting wagecuck
picrel is for you