Why are most LINK holders National Socialists?
Why are most LINK holders National Socialists?
Stahlharte Arme to hold the bags.
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National Socialists have lower IQ, it makes sense.
Because niggers are fucking retarded. Juice is retarded tough
Maybe because we are filled with compassion and empathy like most Germans were?
Fuck I'm to drunk. I mean't that juice is ok
Fuck that kind of dedication is unseen in this world today... apart from a few LINK holders.
Because understanding the potentials of LINK requires deep abstract thought, much the same as understanding why the Holocaust didn't happen.
No abstract thought is needed to understand that, just one serious look at the insanity of the claims.
You're right, I should've just said it requires thought. People who believe in the holocaust are guilty of letting the powers that be do their thinking for them.
It's a meme, you dip.
Because hateing Jews is completely natural.
Maybe because we're smart enough to see through the lies perpetuated by ((them))
decentralization is codeword for dejudafication
>national socialist
I'm no socialist. I'm a reactionary monarchist.
My nigga!
Maistre did nothing wrong.
>Believing in the divine right of kings post locke, kek
I wouldn't worry about it.
This sounds about right
I'm sorry were under an NDA
Other way around, LINK is soyboy central, just look at Sergey