Will getting into Deep Learning get me the $$$$?
Will getting into Deep Learning get me the $$$$?
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too little too late
we quantum nao
yes but it's really hard.
you should look into "reinforcement learning" if you want a trading bot
Quantum is a meme
t. work in quantum
>T. Uncle works in Nintendo
>t. my uncle is quantum
If by getting into deep learning you mean acquiring a Ph.D in Computer Engineering or Applied Math then yes. Otherwise you'll never be able to compete with the absolute wizards who make $500,000 a year in this field. You cant just pickup tensorflow and becomes a deep learning engineer, you need to be an absolute math wizard.
b-but I watch this channel
meant for you
If only.
fkin lol, I actually like this guys explanations for a lot of deep learning stuff. But let's be real, nobody gives a fuck if you can implement existing algorithms. You gotta make your own.
>nobody gives a fuck if you can implement existing algorithms
I believe there is a lot of demand for that market and you only need to make your own shit if you want to get paid a shitton
Honestly that seems to be a reliable prospect for the future.
Almost got a job there. I heard the pay is pretty low. Qu'est tu fais là-bas mec?
True, but any SE can implement existing DL algos by going on github etc.
There is generally a lot of demand for SE's. /comfy/ career choice no doubt.
Pay is at industry standards but they actually give you 10 weeks of holidays per year (other companies give you 5, but compensate you with cash).
Nanoscale etching process dev.
This is true now. In the future as there are more jobs you might be able to get away with having a masters and knowing Tensorflow.
True, its hard to say if more or less DL jobs will appear. Generally I'm bullish on ML though. I just wonder if DL is here to stay or not.
>tfw studying a masters and learning tensorflow
I'm in a relatively specific field though so should be safe even if ml goes up the batty crease
I studied EE, focused on quantum optics and its applications in semiconductors and learned machine learning during my free time.
Let me tell you this: Both quantum tech. and machine learning are hyped a lot by media, which makes these fields seem very attractive. In reality these fields have a lot of downsides too. There is not much quantum stuff going on in industry yet. There is quite some machine learning stuff going on though.
I can tell you that learning machine learning stuff is very rewarding and fun. I hope you like math though.