we're going to be NEETs forever
We're going to be NEETs forever
wageslaving makes me happy, am i retarded
more likely, insane
feels so fucking good I am such a piece of shit but I love it
>shitpost on Veeky Forums
>celebrity big brother live feeds
>playing osrs
Anyone else /loser/ here?
Well I am fucking winning in crypto so fuck all these niggers
>just lost my claws staking
>bank down to 3m
ready to kms
nah, it's nice to work, you don't think. I mean, if you are depressed and all that shit, working is only good for u
No, it really helps me to bring structure into my life.
if you like your job, have a friendly workspace with a cool boss and all that... it's alright. Thing is most places suck
Not me modum is forcing me to cuck
99% of wageslaving is hell if you are introverted
there is a difference between being introverted and a socially awkward fuck
most people who claim introverted are actually just weird and a-social
>made 1.5M in 2 days at chaos druids
bruh just ranarr your shit up and skill combat slowly
why not RWT?
>lack of money looming
>fuck I'll have to work and socialize
>last chance to unfuck my shit up
>invest in meme money
>become a millionaire
>never have to think about it again
>stay stuck in the loop forever
Either a godsend or the devil playing a twisted trick.
Today i had a day off work and it was one of the most miserable days i can remember, 12 hours doing nothing.
Maybe being NEET and having more money that you can spend is diffeerent but fucking hell i want to work tomorrow and maybe talk to some girl at work , i feel terribly lonely.
godsend, now you can socialize when/if you feel like it.
For a well adjusted person yes. But for people fearful of life and socialisation it's going to trap them until the bitter end.
There are a lot of rich people that are autistic/weird. Just look at notch. Nigger is the biggest neckbeard on the planet that spends all day shitposting on twitter and telling people to go fuck themselves from his gigantic empty mansion.
playing pokemon crystal here bros.
feeling comfy
i can see that. i'm thinking of starting a free service for crypto-rich guys that are socially awkward. i can help them become comfortable with being around people. i think it would be cool. would you be interested in something like that?
neck yourself
Same - I just want to do some mindless shit for work so I have some structure and social interaction.
I was thinking maybe I'd buy a bar.
feels so fucking good brother
what's your team
>wageslaving makes me happy
instead of wageslaving, make something useful. You'll feel good because you're working and you won't be a mindless drone.
All I want in life is to have my own place, even an apartment- where I can grow weed
thats literally all I want. I dont even care about smoking it I just like growing it and seeing how different strains look and smell
bayleef, heracross, furret. at whitneys gyms
Nice dude
that's what i've been doing. dont even smoke any more but it's nice to be around a great smelling plant like that.
Honestly, I just want enough to save my family and be able to devote myself to music for the rest of my life. And maybe a small shitbike I can work on and ride everywhere. I was an idiot and missed out on BTC back in 2011-2012 and then ETH in 2015-2016. If I miss out a third time I think I'm just going to gather the last of my money and pick a direction and just keep going until I starve or get eaten by a bear.
Then imagine how good self employment or owning your own business can feel.
u wont miss out, I will protect that smile!
I want to rent a decent apartment and move in with a friend. I also want to retire my parents after that. We'll make it. We just have to be patient.
most people need guidance and activity to feel good in life
only those at either edge of the intelligence spectrum can survive outside of the system without going mad. idiots don't need the stimulation, they're barely sentient anyway; geniuses have a rich enough inner world they could be content in any environment providing for their survival needs
See, that is the differency between geniuses and normal people. Genius never gets bored and human interaction is merely a disturbance
are you a boomer by any chance
if so, then that is merely the product of having lived your entire life as cattle.
all i want to do is painting and writing novels all my life. every single moment of doing this fills me with joy. I'm a student (master engineering; germany) but I graduate in a year...what will I do then?? people will tell me I need a job. but I dont want to be a wagecuck slave for somali refugee asylum payments.
what am I gonna do?
will they force me to work?
Nigger I've seen you post your whiny story all over biz multiple times.
If you want to do that, fucking start making money and get rich instead of shitposting.
Instead of getting the $ to become a useless painting neet you are complaining and making threads trying to ask whether you can do it on the governments dime.
Germans really are socialst scum these day
i want to be a neet but I don't have any coins, how to get more ;_;
It's those russian degenerate genes mixed in in 45'.
>Wagecuck so you have more money to invest with
I don't see the problem.
>This KKK user gets it
For me though I'm ready to give 100 percent just to live the NEET lifestyle. My job is Pajeet tier i.e. Convenience Store.
What to invest in? I'm willing to invest, but basically the things I invest in do not amount to much.
For example I bought 2 BTC when it was around 100, that's not enough to go full neet.
Then on worst cases, I invest into things like IOTA, Ripple, Chainlink and it all goes to shit always.
If you spent the time you spend here whining going out and just getting a job, you'd be in a better place right now.
The days of dropping $100 and becoming a millionaire are over. You're not getting a lambo or a money hungry waifu girlfriend. You're still in the real world, and that means getting a fucking job. Or, you can sit here for another year, whine and snivel, and still be nothing this time next year. It's your choice.
This is a good post.
Just keep on building your portfolio, at least you'll have more money to do fun shit with.
thats why its called a bear market
How the fuck are you guys making money in crypto? New to this shit, just see a bunch of scams on Veeky Forums
>be a neet for years
>get bored
>find an office job
>literally get paid to make excel spreadsheets and BS around the water cooler with the bros on our multiple union mandated breaks
I can see why fast food would be miserable but holy shit I actually enjoy my job