I've hedl 30,000 LINK from November and I unironically think it will never hit $1 again. Waiting for a pump to $0...

I've hedl 30,000 LINK from November and I unironically think it will never hit $1 again. Waiting for a pump to $0.75 to sell. There's just too much hype and not enough tangible reasons that this will amount to anything besides being a massive meme. Reputation matters, especially with the already negative connotations of crypto being scammy and over valued. DGB 2.0

→ #

This is what I mean. It was a promising project now it's just a joke. A bunch of autistic children hold it. That's enough reason for legit businesses and enterprises to stay the fuck away. You think corporations would by into this, given that frog nazi NEETs plastered all over the internet it's now associated with? And you think you'll be dumping as those big companies buy this all the way up to $50? $100? $1000?! Fucking deusional but ok. Muh tesla partnership. Lmfao. Oracles should only make up like 0.02% of ethereum's marketcap. You guys are just too dumb to explain this too, emotionally blinded by your neat logo. It literally is bounded by the marketcap of Eth. Unless Ethereum can reach BTC prices, this will never be above $10. Reality.

Other urls found in this thread:


I hold 200K LINK and it will be be back to $2 in a month.

Except that's economically impossible given the current marketcap and growth of ETH given how much % and oracle service should take up on the network.

Oh wait, you didn't care about that, you just FOMOd in and want to be in the cool crowd with all the silly memes... we're all gonna be millionaires.. GUARNTEED!

2000k EOY!

FUD you salty cuck, link is the truth

I find it absolutely hilarious that this thread sinks to the bottom while there are literally 5 active threads now "LINK PRICE PREDICTION EOY ?!?!?"

You guys are going to get wrecked so fuckin hard it's going to be laughed at for years.

this is not a link worthy meme
I suck at photoshop so I leave this to the autists

Just like the redditfag in the Nano XRB sub got laughed and accused of FUD for pointing out the vulnerability in the wallet... then what happened 3 weeks later. You can't refute my point about Eth's mcap because it's true so you cry FUD. Fucking delusional.

I mean. It was a promising project now it's just a joke. A bunch of autistic children hold it. That's enough reason for legit businesses and enterprises to stay the fuck away. You think corporations would by into this, given that frog nazi NEETs plastered all over the internet it's now associated with? And you think you'll be dumping as those big companies buy this all the way up to $50? $100? $1000?! Fucking deusional but ok. Muh tesla partnership. Lmfao. Oracles should only make up like 0.02% of ethereum's marketcap. You guys are just too dumb to explain this too, emotionally blinded by your neat logo. It literally is bounded by the marketcap of Eth. Unless Ethereum can reach BTC prices, this will never be above $10. Reality.

Refute the part about the percentage of Eth's marketcap that should be desicated to Oracle services

I bought 11k Link today. Will hold untill 0 or 1mio. Why u salty though ?
It's fun buying crypto and I wish all coiners to make it to the lamboland.
Or salt is for lack of fiat, or balls4coins ?

((Still waiting))

Radio silence..... :)

the proper past tense of hedl is hedl'd.

People bought into XRB as well and that one is the definition of a shitcoin.

Losing your money is fun? In an intentionally manipulated and overhyped, misleading secretive project? Yeah keep investing you fucking moron. You deserve poverty. The fact is the probelm of oracles being such a high % of the ethereum network (meaning the price is above $10) is not possible. Vitallik even said it was overvalued. The creator of ethereum, ya know the fucking blockchain this shitty tolen is completely baded upon and dependent on

Ok. They're both shit and we know retards can be coerced into buying anything. So we agree on that

Like I said i hold 30,000 of this shit!

Anyone who can refute my point about ether network % to orcales gets 35 LINK

Sergey did say they would consider moving it off chain if need be, I do not think the success of link rides on ETH network capacity in the long term

>speculation lmfao

It's an ERC20. The cognitive dissonace you guys have about your investment is astounding. You're basically admitting im right by implying they will have to move it off the ethereum blockchain to be succesful, which they have NO PLANS of doing

>tfw you know it’s too good to be true but you’re too stubborn to give up.

Refute? Refute fucking what? You didn't prove anything to be refuted. Pulling a number out of your ass and saying it'll be 0.02% of Eth marketcap is bullshit.

TRX and EOS are both Ethereum tokens and look where they went on the marketcap.

Either way, ChainLink is blockchain agnostic. it's not designed to be an Ethereum specific oracle. It will support all major blockchains. Given that, it would be absolutely possible for it to actually surpass eth marketcap since eth splits it's marketcap with several other like-kind coins like NEO and other platforms.

>Vitallik even said it was overvalued. The creator of ethereum, ya know the fucking blockchain this shitty tolen is completely baded upon and dependent on
Just like he said ETH was overvalued at $7

>There's just too much hype
there's no hype outside Veeky Forums lol, it's virtually unknown outside here

You'll DEFINITELY make it!

(Kidding, you're part of the first flock of idiots to buy in and lose your money kek)

They're not oracles you fucking retard

>Given that, it would be absolutely possible for it to actually surpass eth marketcap

Jesus fucking christ

No plans of doing? You're talking out of your ass dude. Read the damn white paper. It specifically says it's blockchain agnostic and with plans on how to actually accomplish it. It already works for BTC, ETH and HyperLedger. You can try it out right now on their website.

it's literally in the fucking whitepaper you idiot

As of right now that is true, but most tokens choose to be ERC20 due to how easy it is to get setup. Going and making your own system from scratch from the get go isn't that appealing as a dev.

Ofc at some point they will have to move off, but thats like saying ofc at some point a startup would have to make a robust mobile app, which does not mean you can't start on something easier like a website to begin with to get the product working faster and validate the core concept behind it. Having its own blockchain is not the critical part of the tech to begin with, its to see if their oracle network works. Then you worry about scalability. No one launches with the final product from day 1, thats not how SDev works

It's not a ERC20, it's ERC677 which is a better standard to ERC223.

Hooooly shit ! You're right! Cause it's the same situation!!!!!!

He meant that it i overvalued RELATIVE TO THE SIZE OF ETHEREUM...

So it's overvalued against an overvalues asset


They're not oracles but they're Ethereum fucking tokens "retard".

You're referencing Vitlak over the price of it being too much but Vitlak thinks Ethereum is not worth more than $7. So yeah, go ahead and take his financial advice to heart.

On another note, Vitlak talked about ChainLink in particular 2 years ago. He tweeted about it. If Chainlink is just some random token, Vitlak wouldn't be excited that there is an oracle project out there that will help Ethereum.

Blockchain agnostic doesnt mean it will be in it's own blockchain brainlet, we know it's already bc agnostic.

I've read the whitepaper several times

please stop making other people do your research for you. sell your shit and shut the fuck up

The one line you faggots fall bck on to prrot EVERY time.


NONE of you faggots read past the first fucking page

ofc you did, that's why you said they have no plans for moving completely off chain even though theres a section with literally that title..

Wow he won the debate you guys truly are blind sheeps

I never said it'll have it's own blockchain. ChainLink doesn't need to have it's own blockchain. ChainLink is the network. It's flexibility of being blockchain agnostic come from the fact that it's NOT a blockchain.

Nice projection, just because you can't be fucking bothered doesn't mean everyone else is the same. Ultimate sign of a brainlet, inability to see past their own nose.

what's there to refute you just pulled some number out of your ass

Awww baby mad about his investment getting logically picked apart?

top kek

section 6.3 called "Off-Chain Computation"

really weak FUD and you're probably hoping to collect some cheap bags at 30c I presume.

ETH is in the market as a cryptocurrency with a programming layer, with smart-contracts but currently limited to tokenization. How big is that market, and what marketshare should ETH have?

More importantly, why should LINK's potential marketshare be tied to ETH, when it is blockchain agnostic, and actually going after a different market altogether: secure, end-to-end data feeds to payment outputs for smart-contracts via a decentralized oracle network. How big is that potential market share? We don't know, but the writing is on the wall.

More importantly, the fact that you're ignoring those potential markets that LINK is actually going after is showing this is really weak recycled FUD.
These are emerging technologies, that are creating entirely new categories and markets that corporations are trying to wrap their heads around. If it has any hint of disrupting or augmenting their profits, you better believe they will adopt the shit out of a working solution, even if it's imperfect in the beginning.

But it is fun refute. Hope we get that 30c LINK but I wouldn't count on it.

Except I did. And I've been working on external adapters already. What have you done other than watching Veeky Forums memes all day and basing your financial decisions based on how much people memed a fucking coin. Stupid!

you do realize you sound like an autistic child screaming nonsense off his back porch? comfy people should be shutting their windows, not throwing you tendies

what adaptors?

brainlet doesn't realize this is copy pasta taken from several other fud threads currently active on the front page. classic

Obviously the oracle computations are off chain. You fucking brainlets do not understand the actual dynamics of the network traffic and hoe resources are allocated

could someone explain to me why people make threads like these?

>I been workin in external adapters!

Cringe. They didnt even release chainlink-go. No one is gonna use your shitty coded ruby college project in industry lmao

lol no they're not.

They're done in solidity contracts and 6.3 is about moving that to be off-chain.

Sorry about your low iq, you obvs read the whitepaper many times and didn't have a clue.

They wanna their cheap linkys.

Why can’t i win once? Why does God hate me?

Expose the army of autists who think they're gonna get rich over a dumb meme. Clogging the entire forum with insane price predictions

baiting, bored while waiting to buy cheap bags (no one is stupid enough to threads like these actually drop the price), or just frustrated with the spam. But I imagine that people frustrated with the spam just hide or ignore the threads. So I presume it's usually trolls or bagholders, or probably both lol

Except if you follow the project you would know you could already build external adapters. The schema in the Ruby implementation is the same as the Go version according to Thomas.

Johnny from LinkPool.io already released an IOTA external adapter. It's on GitHub. Look it up.

nah, it's different, check his chat with Thomas on gitter

>35 link
at least give up 1k you greedy nigger. I hope you sell

Post wallet

I honestly agree. I'm waiting to dump my bags. We're in the same shit. If I dumped them before SIBOS and went back to XLM I would be unironically retired by now.

Why do you keep going on about how LINK is dependent on ETH? The whole point of LINK is to provide an oracle service to ALL block chains. So if you wanted a more realistic valuation you’d have to combine the MC of all smart contract compatiable blockchains and then take a percentage of that. AND EVEN THEN, you don’t know that percentage. It’s all new technology so you don’t know how much smart contracts could be worth. On paper they should be around 20% of blockchain tech I’d say. You might say otherwise, you do the math. Bye.

Its going to $10-100 wether you dump, fud or like it or not, thats why we all hold

LINK doesn't run on the ETH network - LINK is a fucking network you absolute fucking brainlet.

You think biz alone pumped it all the way to 200m marketcap you fucking brainlet?

FUDders absolutely BTFO

Give me a concrete statement to disprove for the 35 link and I will do it. I consider that to be $35,000.


Dubs confirm that you're a fucking retard and your small stack of LINK ain't shit. I love to fud but goddamn you are pathetic. 250k LINK here- stay poor street-shitting betafaggit


Can we make a coin that rewards people for good advice/arguments? I've seen this shit enough here to know it's worth something.

We need a smart contract to verify that only people who have read the Chainlink white paper are allowed to make posts about it.

The FUD and the hype are both, for the most part, entirely uninformed.

I honestly feel bad for all the deluded stinky linkies that will be holding such heavy bags in the future

Nice bolognese user, in LINK terms november is ancient history

I mean, you didn't even make it past chapter 1.

>This is what I mean. It was a promising project now it's just a joke. A bunch of autistic children hold it.
You perception is based on posts on Veeky Forums.

$1 is about a gram. When Link hits $100, the standard 10,000 link required to make it will weigh 1000 Kg in dollars. Those are some heavy bags bro

the worst part is you know there are a bunch of wage slaves that put all their money into a shitcoin because anonymous people on fucking Veeky Forums made memes and told them they'd be rich. YOU ARE NO DIFFERENT THAN BITCONNECT SUCKERS!

You done already sperg?

Close your eyes, try to clear any thoughts you are having
Take long, slow, deep breathes and put all your focus and attention onto your breathing
iiiiiiiinnnn.................... ooooooooooooouuuut

good. Do this for a few minutes, then -
VISUALIZE yourself becoming rich through your LINK investment
ANTICIPATE the things you will buy with your new found abundance of wealth
IMAGINE as though it is all happening now in the present moment, for the present moment is all that truly exists
FEEL the way you will FEEL when that moment comes and you make it!
Open your eyes, look in a mirror, and recite these affirmations (use/add your own that is relevant to the reality you want to create once you make it)
It's important to do this when you wake up and before you go to bed, but do it as often as possible. Also hold the image and idea of us making it and LINK being worth $1,000 or more in your mind as you fall to sleep.

If we do this collectively my LINK brothers, the power of positive thought from a strong community such as ours will allow these desires to come true and manifest into reality, there is absolutely no doubt about it.
Keep believing anons, I love you all

LINK is Veeky Forums crack, plain and simple.

>Plausible but overly technical use case that makes people investing in it feel smart
>Plausible relationships between coin creators and an existing industry that make people investing in it feel smart
>Plausible "industry insider" LARPers who come to Veeky Forums to divulge SECRETZ, which convinces the aforementioned wannabe-smartypantses that they're part of something revolutionary that has flown under the radar so far

Truth is, the decentralized oracle problem doesn't have a market yet, and won't for many years.

We're at a phase where smart contract adoption will happen regardless of centralized/decentralized oracles, because smart contracts solve several existing business problems. No one gives a fuck whether their oracle is centralized or decentralized yet, and when Linkies realize they're investing in the crypto equivalent of the Sega Dreamcast, LINK will dump faster than anything you've ever seen.

The Wojaks will be delicious.

Computers only need 640kb RAM user, brb gonna load the entire skyrim map from scratch while I fast travel cause I'm too lazy to take the horse

Speaking of horses do you still drive a horse carriage you amish motherfucker?

You really need to work on your fud skills. When trying to fud your fellow linkies, go in depth with the tech stuff. Don't just make up retarded meme points about how link is dependent on eth. Even saying carvertical is going to btfo link is a more convincing fud.

Intel SGX is a central point of attack. LINK ISN’T DECENTRALIZED.

Critical exploits have already been found in Intel SGX: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_Guard_Extensions

What the FUCK do you think would happen if banks and fortune 500s employed LINK? Spoiler: hackers would undoubtedly exploit the LINK network, intercept and alter data, profit and/or destroy.

They haven’t “solved the oracle problem” they’ve probably just created new problems.

Veeky Forums holds and shills LINK to feel like elite hackers, but you guys are actually fucking retarded. Wasn’t their whitepaper plagiarized too?

Stay poor if you hodl this long term. It’s a piece of garbage with an ERC20 token associated with Ethereum which can’t scale to meet enterprise needs and maybe never will.

Linkies are *actually* retarded. Your bags are Pajeet-tier and going nowhere. No important project will ever use LINK because it’s WAY too easy to program *MORE SECURE* internal oracles / oracle nodes.

Oracles are not difficult to program like blockchains. You’ve all been sold techie buzz words and think you’re smart/hackers/etc.

Unfortunately, you gentlemen are shilled bag holding retards trying to swim in waters you don’t understand.

Sell now because LINK isn’t secure, nor will it be adopted by actually important projects.

He's salty he didn't buy at .4


>tfw bought in at .33
Missed the .16 train in december though.

LINK isn't hitting $1,000 ever. Most it will be would be $5 and that's in 2020 if Sergey pulls it off.

>No important project will ever use LINK because it’s WAY too easy to program *MORE SECURE* internal oracles / oracle nodes.
You clearly don't understand the concept of 'decentralized' and how it's not just a matter of 'programming' a more secure oracle

the decentralization is the security

jesus christ, that guy forgot his funny pills this morning

Stay poor

Yeah and we all know major institutions looks to autistic faggots to manage their next-gen decentralized security protocols, right?

stay poor

I probably hold more link than you but unlike you am not a poor fag and am diversified I to projects that don't have 1billion coins and armies of faggots giving them a bad rap on the internet.

LMAO fudders rekt by kek himself

Man, I just don't know........................

What raised it to previous ATH, or just effect of bitcoin

No you do not hold more link than me, very few do im diversified too but link is 70% of my portfolio

Delet this

>In an intentionally manipulated and overhyped, misleading secretive project?
Sirgay could literally not be any more boring and straightforward in every single interview and appearance.

ITT: Deluded stinky linkies who can't and won't accept the reality.

Been holding a little bit more than 80k since ICO, and I'll admit the recent influx of delusional newfags who'll buy into every single larp thrown their way is a bit demoralizing.

It began with fun and games between LinkMarines because we were bored out of our minds due to the lack of news, but developed into a full on retard fest with actual schizophrenics.

Considering selling most of my stack, but I'd probably hold on to like 20k LINK just so I wouldn't have to kill myself if Sergey actually succeeds.

I don't see a correlation between retarded newfags on biz and Sergey succeeding or not. Can you explain this reasoning?