I'm so depressed. I hate wage cucking so much. I'm starting to realize the socialists are right. We are fucking slaves. Hard work is a fucking meme. Human beings were not made to work 40 hours a week. I hope universal basic income becomes a thing so I can start following my own dreams instead of being a slave for some jew and being in debt.
I'm so depressed. I hate wage cucking so much. I'm starting to realize the socialists are right. We are fucking slaves...
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Put money into crypto and hope for the best, like the rest of us OP
t. fat kiss virgin
>Human beings were not made to work 40 hours a week.
So why you do not just work for 10 or 20 hours? In Socialism you have NO CHOICE.
Lets hope crypto makes it fast, so we can get rif of the financial system.
Yes because in capitalism you do have the choice right?! Work 40 hours and live or work 10 or 20 and starve!
Fuckin a what a brainlet
Like we have a choice today? How many part time white collar jobs do you know of?
I'm doing that and I made 20k from my 10k initial investment so far. but I feel like I'm too late. The Jews will always win in the end. And even if I make it, I'm still sad we live in a world where the majority of people are being exploited. I wish everyone could make it.
Most globalist socialist models are not feasible. National Socalism on the other hand works fine. You'd not have to kill yourself to work. The finesse and health of it's inhabitants stands at the highest priority. Race; ancestors and off-spring, is everything. There's nothing more important then those, and that's a natural fact. That's why any other system will never be able to give humankind the boon it needs. NatSoc pulled a battered post-ww1 Germany into a superstate that rivaled the US and USSR.
All because of NatSoc.
Life eats life depressed user. It's the way it is coded
Agreed on 23 and can't hold a job longer than a year because i get fucking over it and quit
OP it's universal BASIC income, the goal is for you to not die of hunger when you are unlucky in life. You should still "choose" to work anyway to afford all the non-basic stuff. Unless your dream is minimal vegetation like an impoverished street artist the basic income will not be enough.
You realize that work is a literal symbol of socialism, you fucking cuck?
nature is a fascist
another libtard faggot that wants everything without working for it
that's what you deserve for being a commie faggot
capitalism is for the clever ones, not leftovers
Life is zero sum, you retarded cuck. Probably the best part of being wealthy and free is the fact that others are not.
What do you think those dreams of yours would look like if they were suddenly within everyone's reach? Imagine a stroll down the most picturesque mountain trail on Earth... oh, except that now you're constantly surrounded by 10,000 other disgusting NEET faggots because they too are now free from financial obligations.
Hell, you probably couldn't even get some whore to suck your tiny virgin pecker anymore because they too would no longer be dependent on your cash.
Anybody advocating for universal basic income should kill themselves immediately or be gassed as soon as possible. Save us the trouble and KYS faggot.
Bernie Sanders ran on the "too many deodorant platform".
This. Socialists need to be euthanized.
Oh my god you're right
It's so simple really
>I can start following my own dreams instead of being a slave
God I get enough of this bollocks from the missus without some unwashed layabout bobbing for gibs too
Try to get a more interesting job then
You must be sociopath if you derive pleasure from other peoples failure.
NatSoc has a bit of a bad rep though thx to the jewish disinformation campaign
but you could literally rebrand it as "social nationalism" and normies would agree with all the talking points
goddamn communist faggots. human body was built to pusj far beyond whatever retarded job you have. you fuckung losers arent going to make it because youve never worked hard in your goddamn lives and expect your half assed effort to get rewarded becausr you grew up only earning participation trophies
t. I sell generic shit and make $100k
I'll derive extreme pleasure when you kys.
back into containment
That's actually not what UBI is user. But even that would be nice. At least I'd be able to buy things I want with my money instead of most of my wage going to my student loans, rent, bills, and food. I can't even enjoy living anymore.
I will never kill myself.
You missed the point (of course you would, you're retarded). Everyone cannot succeed. Many must fail, in order for success to mean anything. That you cannot grasp this basic fact of life tells me that you're either a clueless child or a retarded faggot who should be gassed.
it's obvious you've never worked hard. work destroys your body and narrows your ability to improve. why else do you think boomers who have worked the same job their whole life are fucking idiots? I worked construction for 3 years, 50+ hours a week, and it killed me. Life is not worth living if you're busting your ass for other people, and that includes self-employment where you are working for other people to pay you for unintersting services or products that you couldn't give a shit less about.
zero sum?
how do you think the world works
He's just a miserable failure who enjoys dreaming that he isn't
That's what you've been programmed to think user. There are enough resources in the world for everyone but the rich hoarde it all.
I have been wagecucking since 22 and I am 32 now. Eventually you come to rely on the constant dull pain of wagecucking. Its been my only companion through this long slog.
The real pain is when you stop wageing for a week and human joy and passion starts to bloom. All the joy will have to be unlearned and forgotten again.
Hoard* my bad.
its not even that, sharing makes everything more efficient
This post is beautiful
People don't need to eat people. That's cannibalism.
>Pls thread on me master
Yeah right your body is built to sit infront of a computer 8 hours a day. Destroying your vising, fucking up your posture. Drain your life force and joy out of you. Oh whats that you want to spend time with your kid? hahahahha No man pay strangers to take care of your kid and yell at him and beat him up, because it's not their kid at the end of the day.
Yeah so fucking liberal, teh free market.
But of course i am a commie fuck. Just keep up the good work so your boss can buy a new BMW next year. And his boss will sodomize your child because you give him power and he can. But that is all worth it because if you work really really hard and suck enough dick you will eventually get to
Humans of Late Capitalism
Life isn't about power and exploitation of people faggot.
found the boomer
die soon pls
It's rather naive to think otherwise. People don't become "successful" because they were kind to others and want to be liked, they got there because they fucked others over. If you're not a cunt with a thick skin then you won't be able to make the decisions to take things from other weaker people.
motivated humans can work double of that amount of hours without feeling dreadful as you and me do, dear user
wageslaving and office corporate jobs are soul crushing because you're basically pushing someone's else dream. only useless drone people and individuals who experienced NOTHING in their life, no hobbies, no passions, no interests, rejoice in that shit.
my cubicle hive is filled with shallow, incompetent and ultimately boring fucks, mostly unhappy hysterical women, who thrive in the office life because of gossip.
it's their only social interaction and source of satisfaction in life. the "we are all a big family in here" meme that they swallowed smoothly, while we've got this lump of shit stuck in the throat and our only choices are swallow harder (and a lot of people end up doing that, the ones who got the deadest eyes) or spectacularly puke in front of everyone, exposing ourself to humiliation ("ooh user, you gave up? resist!"), fear ("what are you gonna do afterwards??") and pain.
tl;dr: we got meme'd by boomers telling us to follow their steps, when the ladder wasn't covered in their own oily diarrhea
i hope we're all gonna make it brehs.
praise mercury.
I kinda relate to this.
Last week i got called in to my CEOs office. On the table was a paycheck rise for my good performance. I was very pleased. Later i found out everybody got a raise, simple inflation adjustment. And now it sucks
I bet you look down on actual hard working people that are poor and think rich kids who got loan from daddy and made 1m from a month in crypto are more hard working and deserve the money more. Just admit it user, hard work is a meme.
I've been working for 4 months and I find it exhausting. Not boring, not unsatisfying just exhausting.
My parents say I will get used to it. When did you get used to it?
hard work is for machines
well said
what do you mean "sell generic shit"? Online? Open a store?
your parents, like mine, would kts in a modern workplace.
or just be useless, basically unemployable, lost (but still arrogant) mongoloids like basically 99% of our 50+ years old colleagues.
>socialists were right
>socialists need us to be just as productive except we're forced to give even more of our hard earned money to the state by force
>literal slavery is better than implied slavery
>thinking wealth literally comes out of thin air
>not studying the history of socialism
You're a smart dude
>Not knowing it's 2018.
at least 80% of all current labor is completely redundant
i once applied for a full time job, but said i only want to do 30 hours. They saw my potential and let me do 30 hours.
yes, white collar. if you are good they will let you do it your way.
This is pretty obviously human nature. No programming involved humans and monkeys before them have acted like this since the dawn of anything human like, not to mention the other animals with social hierarchy.
You're asking people to throw away an innate behaviour so you can be a lazy asshole. Also the side effects of trying to remove hierarchy from society would be far greater than you could possibly imagine, literally trying to remove a feature evolution has created over millions of years.
Yet it was destroyed by post WWI comunist russia : ^) get rekt nazis
80% of statistics are made up on the spot. The problem with our economic model is not that its capitalist (it's not even close). It's that its consumerist driven. People are forced to be wage slaves only because we have an ideal of how we need to live our lives, and said ideal tends to be wasteful, superficial and unsustainable.
lets not forget the human nature,
you take away my innate behavior of murdering capitalists just so you can be a lazy renter
most of our species efforts go towards shilling valueless shit to others for others, its just too stupid
>used US tanks and weaponry
>financed by international banking money
>muh communism
I think capatiliam is the best system in the world right now. Was really into creating a firm work ethic but the realized being entirely reliant on your work ethic is fucking stupid if you’re doing an unskilled job. What’s your dream economic system boys?
Not enjoying 40-50 hour a week is human, not lazy. Cavemen actually worked 2-3 hours a day. 40h is simply historically not humanly that is why people dont fit in
start your own company and become a billionaire, what part of this do you not get
2 ez
Fuck, this is so true. This doesn't just apply to wagecucking though.
I opened a business 4 years ago and its been a non stop struggle to get to where I am today. I took my first week off a few months ago abd it was like being woken up from the Matrix, only to be plugged back in when the holiday was over.
This is true. But it's a huge mistake to think that its possible to create some sort of utopia by forcing people to live a certain way, by stealing what people produce at fun point and trying to redistribute it "fairly" based on some subjective definition of fair. This experiment has been tried with disastrous results many times, even today, e.g. Venezuela.
It's important to come to terms with the fact that inequality exists because nature created us unequal, and trying to force equality requires us to work directly against a fundamental property of nature. The gulags and purges weren't a fluke. They were a necessity in realizing the utopia of "equality" and "fairness".
*gun point.
Lol wrong. Soviet tanks where far superior to any other. One of the few military advantages they had. That and man power
dictatorships etc are not the only way out (but it was necessary for capitalist states to go from feudalism to industrial age in 10% normal time)
I literally only work temp jobs because of this. I get bored after a year and leave no matter how much they pay me. About to leave easy $30/hr job for $15/hr wildland firefighter job just because being a manager is fucking boring. My resume is chaos for whatever poor fuck needs to background check me.
This thread. this whole thread, god damn it.
When I heard Veeky Forumsraels talk of the influx of dumb late adopters on this board, I foolishly dismissed it as the rose-tinted-glasses drivel. Is no one aware of how crypto even started?
We went from a majority NEETs fully aware of how the fiscal and monetary policies in our mixed market nations leans too far towards socialism; now you guys try to dismiss OP's stress as just a result of him not working hard, or are backing his shitty solution that will only cause most people like him even more unnecessary toil.
OP I’m gonna fix your life for you-
1. get 3k in cash, do whatever you have to do get it. Suck some dudes off in a alleyway or whatever. 3k is not that much money.
2.?Get on Facebook marketplace and craigslist. Find a used Toyota Prius that runs ok, doesn’t matter if it’s an 06 with 300k miles.
4. Quit your job and sign up for uber and lyft. Work 4 hours a day when you feel like it, work 16 hours a day when you feel like it. No set hours, no boss. Invest in crypto and find some other fun projects for generating money on the side.
I’ve been doing this for years and while I may not be filthy rich I ha e the most badass life of anyone I know.
Full wealth equality is probably not possible nor desirable. But we aren't even nearly at that point - even for all nations to get to the level of, say, Germany, would be an enormous achievement.
People aren't going to voluntarily redistribute their own wealth en mass. Socialism is underpinned by a cynical belief that people must be forced to help their neighbour under the threat of imprisonment or death in order to fix problems like poverry. This is why nearly every single attempt at "true socialism" has resulted in a genocidal totalitarian shithole.
You are arguing semantics about what hierarchy is which is why these arguments get hung up on stupid shit. I don't think armed revolution is necessarily bad depending on what you are fighting for, many times in history its provided better societies (and thus a shitty but useful feature of humanity) but you are fighting to remove a feature of humans which cannot be removed. Your crusade is one which has an ultimate cause which can never be fulfilled and just like I said all implementations of this idea based on this ideological nonsense will have major issues and end in violence.
>picking race over culture
>what are european social democracies
How much money can you reasonably expect to make at that though? I have to use Uber a lot and almost all the drivers are talk to are doing Uber as a second job.
Not socialism, and are currently in the process of destroying themselves with refugees. Germans as a people won't even exist anymore within 2-3 centuries at current demographic projections. The Flynn effect has already started to reverse in Sweden, France and Britain. It's only a matter if time before they lower their human capital so much that they become third world shit holes.
while this may seem like a ridiculous way to argue society is zero sum realize that because the universe has been created in this way heat death will eventually occur where all particles are equal (in units of heat) and thus you will finally find your socialist utopia where are all equally distributed in space dirt.
The starving hunter gatherer is a meme. They did hard physical work then rested for a day, which is why we do the same when we train. They also woke up with light, not at fucking 6am.
>Germans as a people won't even exist anymore within 2-3 centuries
That's laughably optimistic Hans, you've got one generation, tops
B..but Star Trek ...
I just believe everything in this fucking universe is zero-sum. Human made concepts excluded.
>i hate wageslaving so I’ll be a slave to the state instead
Solid plan OP, give up the autonomy you have in favor of meted distribution.
That’s what it’s really about right? You think production just magically happens? You’ll still work under socialism, you’ll just work for less with no merit based compensation.
>I just believe everything in this fucking universe is zero-sum. Human made concepts excluded.
It is, theres only so much entropy to be had.
Buy a timer that turns your lights on at the the time you want to wake up. 15 mins before the time you want is better. I wake up with light daily, even when it’s early it still feels like a saturday. Every day.
Truth. I don't hate the idea of wagecucking persay but more the whole philosophy behind it. Like you have to slave away at some spuless job you don't like just to have a barelly sufferable existence while some fat fuck on wall st makes millions a day just by making a few phone calls and at the expence of other peoples lives. It's one of the reasons i get into crypto, to escape the meat grinder we call a society. All these moral fags in this thread, i feel sorry for them. They're been brainwashed beyond help and will never escape the matrix even if they get rich off this ponzi scheme
>tfw my dad is a successful engineer who has made 300k+ annually for the past decade by working from 8 to 5 and then 8 to 10 or even midnight during crunch time
>tfw i can't even focus enough to study for an exam for more than an hour at a time
holy shit im a brainlet aren't i
>post yfw quads confirmed that hitler was right
*soulless job. Phone posting sorry. To add to that, the fact that so many peoples dreams on here are purelly materialistic. The lambo, the house the trophy wife etc. I feel some of these people are missing a one in a lifetime oportunity to escape this screwed sistem and are instead buying what the jews tell you you need to be happy. That's how they make sure you never escape. Fuck that what crypto was for in the first place so we didn't have to play by their terms
this is me
>wall st is bad because someone makes millions on a phone call
>lets go make millions with taps and clicks
Muhammed was right their heads do look like rasins.
>I'm starting to realize the socialists are right. We are fucking slaves.
The problem, though, is that the slave drivers will continue to exist, even if we change the system. So it's more complicated than saying: "now we are socialists" because the same people who made capitalism shitty will just make socialism shitty. We really need to find a new idea, if we have any hope of gaining advantage over our circumstances. And since that requires a lot of work, it's probably just easier to save yourself by becoming as valuable as possible to corporations.
I know social darwinism is a bit taboo but it’s definitely real. Not sure you could avoid this with any system. It will always be influenced by natural selection
>unwashed layabout
Say what you will about the Brits, they've got classy bants
Dude im in the similar situation as you but the salary here is $5 per month. I have no way to invest in crypto, I barely have for food. Fucking depressing seeing people starve around you and you start to ask yourself when its going to be my turn since everything is going to hell.
Fuck socialism. Fuck communism.
Inbreeding will do that