>get a £10000 loan
>get £20000 loan to pay the first one off
>get £30000 loan to pay 2nd one off
>continue doing that for free money until you die
where's the flaw?
Get a £10000 loan
Thats not how loans work you fucking child. The second broker would say oh you have a fuck ton of debt you just accumulated, we arent loaning you shit
Most likely you won't even get the 1st loan approved let alone the 2nd and 3rd
[spoiler]what if i don't tell him[/spoiler]
Holy shit, you're a genius. Why didn't I think of this? The brokers will have no idea
What about this,
>Get biggest loan you can possibly get, as many credit cards you can possibly get.
>buy gold and silver, bury it, buy cryptos, hide the wallets.
>go bankrupt, they try to get assets from you, looks like you have none
>after a few years sell all the gold and silver, move to the Phillipines, buy a house and creampie flips for the rest of your life
rate my plan biz
they will run a credit check and tell u to get fucked
dis lol
you just need stupid brokers, or be extraordinarily convincing, welcome to your very own ponzi shape.
bitconnect was just right this. people kept giving them their money because they paid back earlier investors. same w/ madoff.
would probz work but is it worth the risk?
you gotta be something special to get a reallllly big loan worth doing that for.
If you take out a loan from a bank in Hell, you won't have to make yearly payments. You won't even be charged interest. The penalty is that you put your soul at risk if you don't pay off the loan in the next 100 years. This fact can be exploited: You need money, and it doesn't seem there's a way to get it without always increasing your debt? We have the perfect solution for you in Hell, let me explain... Build a bank (a small one or a big one, it depends on your needs), and then build another one just like it. Let's call them bank A and bank B. Now, since banks in Hell will not charge you interest, but just bet that you can't pay them back (they will take your soul after 100 years if you don't pay them back), we'll use that fact at our advantage. Borrow from bank A (let's say 10M$). After 95 years (there's a 5 year buffer zone to avoid problems) borrow the same amount from bank B. Pay back bank A with the $$$ you just borrow from bank B. After 95 years, borrow 10M$ from bank A again. Pay bank B what you owe them with that freshly borrowed money. Repeat this procedure until your cash flow is high enough to pay the bank without having to get another loan. There you go, 0% interest loan in Hell...
5* plan don't let the haters fool you
>10, 20, 30k
>not martingaling it
Ask for 10k, bet them on blackjack, if you lose ask for 20k, repeat until you win then start all over again. On top of potentially unlimited gains it builds up your credit score so your profit margin will be greater each time you try it.
Not if you invest in alts darling sir.
This actually could possibly work except the government is gonna want to know, with proof, what you spent your money on. They’ll see it was gold/silver unless you somehow buy in cash. Same for crypto. But if you buy in cash they’ll still ask what happened to cash. I guess robbery might work as excuse? I dunno. That’s your huge hole. How do you get around that?
Well, being as how you're premeditating doing that, it's considered fraud. They will ask you in depth to explain why you took out all the loans and provide documentation for all the things your purchased.
*Could* you get away with it? Sure. Are you likely too? No.
Just say you spent it on coke and ecstasy.
What a dumb fucking nigger
I bought gold and silver then lost it in a boating accident.
I'm going to be creampieing flip teens soon, don't ruin my dream.
Not everyone here is an americuck
Buy gold and silver jewelry and say you gave it to women as a gift.
Nowhere, why do you think rich people are rich? Congratulation, user.
this is literally how modern countries work btw
just take those loans and move to the phillipines straight away. realistically what are they going to do about it, they're not going through the effort of getting you extracted over say half a million
Philippines is a US territory so you’d be fucked if you tried that
This is exactly what I did last year, worked perfectly!
Wow, you find a loophole in the matrix.