Guess who just bought $157 million of Bitcoin?
Guess who just bought $157 million of Bitcoin?
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When will this cancerous fucking kike die already
The mad man is shorting the dollar
If the kike dont get berried with his wallet i dig him out and kill him again i swear
Welp rip in pieces buttcoin
your link doesn't say anything about buying bitcoin.
Please for the love of god dump bags on this fucker.
How could he possibly need more money? Hasn't he got enough to retire yet?
Where exactly is it mentioned he bought bitcoin? It's hard to believe he's buying right now. The Rotschilds were much quicker.
waaah waaah the altkike boogeyman soros
wall to wall bullshit
Well, apparently OP's thread is a clickbait.
He bought into overstock and they invest in blockchain startups. There's one for voting on the blockchain, called Voatz or something, they invested like $2M into it. Probably because of all this hillary-trump electoral fraud meme
What better time for more direct fiat gateways to open
Enjoy holding bags you Nazi sympathizing Jew fuck
Am I allowed to smiley on biz?
Cos I'm doing it
Its about kikes ruining the white mans life through economic control. They are obsessed. Fucking burn in hell kikes. Why didn't we buy it first.
not even once desu
>Am I allowed to smiley on biz?
This is the gayest post I've seen all day. Congrats on this. Seriously.
the kike bought overstock shares not bitcoin!
/our guy/
how much baby blood can one man consume? this is unreal! fucking die already
Wait so you mean to say...that the jew that was fudding bitcoin...has bough a load of bitcoin? What do you know!
i am literally gonna pop champagne the day this old fuck finally dies
>inb4 8 heart transplants and the blood of teenage boys
congrats on this, seriously
Why would he? He's been trolling cuckservatives and Wall St kikes for fun and made tons of money from it. He's loving life.
>Human trafficking NGO’s in the Med
>Literally funds subversive groups filled with 95 IQlet pseudo-science majors like yourself who are dumb and violent
Bruh are you actually fucking retarded? You don’t even need to be alt-right you just need to be older than 12 and up to date with current events.
yeah sure he didnt buy it at 1$ and sold at 20k sure... hes buying it now as if if he just discovered it.
yeah all u listed true but you do realise it isn't soros himself doing that
he's controlled by various intelligence agencies. he's kinda their tool to implement foreign policies.
and of course he makes some bank doing it too.
>buys into overstock
>He bought btc he bought btc!!!!
Fucking btc fags. I guess its Andreas fault that retards like you are pretty much = btc and blockchain.
And by bitcoin, you mean a company that accepts it as payment. Nice fake news.
wtf i hate blomp now
He is aiming to crash the coin, this guy literally spend millions on destroying right wing cucks.
And thank god for that. (But please don't kill crypto)
I assume his intents are malicious
Soros is not going to attack Bitcoin you retards.
Soros Fund has ties to Jibrel Network which you guessed it right, it's fucking crypto project.
And also you can guess, Soros has more than 2 brain cells, and he knows if BTC dies whole crypto dies ;)
>knows if BTC dies whole crypto dies
>has more than 2 brain cells
Can we just start a fundraiser for some pajeet to run up to him with a suicide vest or something?
Kek he didn't buy your children's coin
>implying he doesn't approve of cryptocurrencies for their many use cases such as allowing refugees to send money back to africa and protect their finances while migrating to europe
If Soros goes in, you had better go all in. He's the definition of smart money, being that he's pure evil and in contact with demons.
Nothing in that article mentions anything about him purchasing BTC. Clickbait