reminder, never hire fucking women
millennial / gen z especially
but you can't go wrong without women across the board
I got this gem today
Reminder, never hire fucking women
utterly hilarious. Self entitled cunts think they're worth more than 0.
who is this
>tits or you're fired
Before you say this make sure you're in a state where recording you without permission is illegal.
>”receive nothing in return”
It’s called a wage sweetie
>connecting to you in a personal way
I'd be so tempted to reply "Are you... are you hitting on me?"
Don't do that though, terrible idea.
It's not enough to shower them in money, you have to shower them in attention and gratitude, and even that's not enough when it comes to emotionally underdeveloped women.
>I am having such a hard time connecting to you in a personal way
>I'm having a hard time getting you emotionally invested so I can manipulate you into giving me undeserved raises
Sounds like an insufferable hoe. Kekd when she called you on your autism though. Nice.
Gotta boss who's basically handing some chick a software engineering role because he "likes" here even though she knows nothing about code so far. Not that she can't learn but he is bending over backwards to include this girl.
This is false. I used to manage a pharmacy female tech/interns were actually the best hires. I had one rule tho I only hired gooks and pajeets.
Whites/black I threw thier resume in the trash. Op your bitch sounds like a white roastiw.
just don't even reply
it will drive her crazy if you ignore it
You deserve your virginity like a champion
We literally have to hire women. I fucking hate it because the productivity of the majority of the women is like a third of their male counterparts and they literally get paid more.
t. manager at a major uk department store.
ShareBlue spammers just in time.
just tell her how much you value her then lecture her about professionalism
Gook and pajeet stem females are usually pretty dank odd and better employees than the average white male. They tend to come from no bullshit "you must work hard and achieve" families
Can't see any way you would regret posting this
IT hospital worker here. Most nurses are dumbasses. I had to deal with a nurse who didn't know her phone was a smartphone.
You can go back to loving men already, we don't mind that at all.
I worked at a warehouse distribution center loading trucks and the women there did about 1/10th of the work the men did and got paid the same. fucking pissed me off,
never vote for unearned female entitlements.
Lemme guess, The Age/Guardian have (or will) already dragged this company through the cleaners for "discrimination"
try being in engineering with these cunts
What industry was this in???
can confirm this is the better idea
>new phone who dis
>Chad Stevens
Is she actually good at her job? Bad at her job? Tell her. Praise in public and berate in private as needed. 90% of problems with men or women are solved by sharing your feelings and shit.
She needs feedback close to the moment of completion of action. Immediacy and clarity is key. Also, short women in particular need to feel special -- like a little princess. It's because they're short.
Source: managed a team of mostly women at one point. What's clear to me or you isn't to them and vice versa.
Ha! You either have a sister or dated way too many thots.
>What's clear to me or you isn't to them and vice versa
well then clearly they are qualified to enter the workplace
Chad's looking like a xe/xir if I'm gonna be honest with you.
he doesn't become the girl until all the office girls turn him down
alternatively it will devolve into an endless conversation where she eventually wiggles "mentions" or raises or special treatment out of ya.
I'm going to graduate in a sector where there's mostly women and I'm becoming a straw boss. I should've taken that downside into consideration. I'm going to hire only men.
>connecting with you or relating to you in a personal way
Is this fucking bitch serious?
LMAO this