Someone help these guys out, the entire order book is only a few ETH away from being completely wiped out. The devs forced a crowdfunding to pay for a single exchange listing and now everyone's DUMPING. the shill teams didn't do much for volume. Get your tokens out while you can, and while they're actually worth something.
Other urls found in this thread:
>devs forced a crowdfunding
Stopped right there. Dumping is normal due to the current crypto market. Devs never even started the crowdfunding. saged.
>Dumping to a point where 8.6 ETH wipes your shitcoin out
Sell now user, you won't even be able to find a buy order at this rate. I'm all for profiting off shitcoins but these russians are exit scamming you.
Update: PFR dead. 2.6 ETH left before it's at 0.
Anothercoin for PnD joins the backlogs of CoinMarketCap
I told the hodlers that a shill group targeted the coin and they were getting dumped on
I told them to sell weeks ago, they didn't listen
Idex barely had any volume to begin with dumdum, that doesn't mean the coin will go to 0 and it doesn't stop the team from working diligently. If you've got an ounce of brain matter in your neanderthal skull you would know that it's a wise choice to pick some up while the going is easy and the fud is strong.
>"B-but IDEX has n-no volume anyway dumdum :("
this scamcoin is only listed on idex and ED, a fucking smart contract that anyone can list on
It's dead. sell and move on before it hits 0.
Devs didn't ask for anything, rather they were hesitant to crowdfund. Community pushed for it and it will happen. EtherDelta is down hence the recent shitstorm, enjoy your cheap bags/indulging your dead soul though.
Not selling diddly squat, the platform has yet to even release. I'm only going in circles from here because fud hogs have no valid cognitions. I give in, I ate right into your bait.
you telegram shills are really fuckin harmful, you know that? You make people lose money. you lose fellow user's money. I'm trying to help by steering them away from a dead PUMP AND DUMP coin. and here you are pajeeting away for nothing for russian scammers.
1. Not in the telegram
2. I don't make anyone do shit. By the looks of it you're an irresponsible manchild who went all in and sold the bottom like a little bitch with parkinsons. Take a hike.
Second worse people on earth after the Chinks.
Wait no, third. Niggers are the number 1.
Sold at 15 cents luckily before the entire order book costed 2 ETH, had to make a thread when I saw the order book on this dead coin. if you still hold this piece of shit, you're one dense motherfucker.
ITT: people trying to crash idex so they can buy cheap before etherdelta comes back online again
If you're still holding this, you're watching your eth dissolve in front of your eyes. sell now or wait until you can't even find a buy order.
I love how you can tell you have a motive by how panic-y your sentiment is, classic propaganda :)
my only motive is to steer anons away from you telegram shills trying to pump and dump your dead shitcoin. no one wants to buy it, Ivan. 2 Eth left now.
wow you have such a pure heart, thank you so much for being concerned for my eth purchases. Bless you son.
Not touching that shit.
Sorry about your bags man but you're delusional if you think Payfair isn't a total PND scam
Its a little suspicious that a coin with a sub 10 million market cap has an awful lot of threads made about it. Even if it is a pnd like some of you are claiming, so many other coins, even coins higher with a much higher market cap, have not even 1/3rd the threads made about them as are made about payfair......
really boggles the knoggin
The first two asks = all the bids. I've only seen this on YoBit and Nova. Glad I didn't buy PFR earlier.
>PFR scam is about to collapse completely, 2 eth left in buy orders, devs ran out of funding
>he wonders why there's negative threads about PFR
maybe because its a fucking scam coin and scam coins get ridiculed a lot here.
>mfw people can't see the obvious FUD from people to buy up PFR at basically free from the dumbasses selling this low
>mfw no face
I cant believe im responding to such an obvious shill but here it goes....
>pfr scam
please provide evidence for why you think it is a scam that doesnt include the word ivan
>2 eth left in buy orders
Idex isnt the only exchange its on, just the most functional one at the moment. you can still buy on ED, or even forkdelta, its just that the buy and sell list isnt updated at all.
>devs ran out of funding
thats untrue. The community wanted to get listed on another exchange and the devs offered them options, and the community themselves chose to hold a fundraiser.
This is your future, user.
-devs ran out of funding without telling stakeholders, decided to crowdfund for a fucking exchange listing giving their stakeholders worthless IOU tokens in return. exit scam
-Etherdelta isn't even an exchange, shows how much you understand what you're invested in. It's one one exchange, IDEX.
-yes, they ran out of funding and this is why the price is tanking. you can go ask the devs themselves, funds are wiped out.
Niggers before chinks? No no no
Even Mexicans are worse than nigs, come on user
Show me some evidence of your claims
A lot of you asshole fudders want instant gratification 'ZOMG DA PRODUCT'S NOT RELEASED YET DURPY DURPY DURRR"
Have some patience
finally you telegram shills get hit with a little reality when pfr shit itself today. no one cares about your scam coin and it can die silently.
waiting on that evidence bud
Reminder: PFR is one of the new shill targets of childfucker Alpam's group along with ADST
Great success, superb use of your time guys.
It was dead for me when those UFR shills decided to jump on this instead.
Yea lol that shit discord is literally named shills. What a fucking gay ass shit hahaha
And it literally backfires. They're working FOR FREE for a pedophile. Hold on they actually buy into the shitcoins they shill so it's even worse, they're LOSING money shilling for a childfucker
bump, it's important anons see this
Holy crap, never witnessed a shitcoin die live.
Thanks for the entertainment user.
Someone ran off with a few million dollars.
This coin coin hasn’t died, just crazy fud
Devs post frequent updates online and in the telegram
I’ll see you all back when it get listed on a centralised exchange
The initial selloff was insane to watch, I wish i got a before/after of the order book. it got completely nuked. scamcoins.
This. Fud will die eventually, this is shitty to watch for PFR but its not a scamcoin. The only people selling this are the weak hands absorbing the FUD. A month from now all this FUD will turn into shilling.
It's a bunch of russian college kids, of course this shitcoin is dying.
Another coin bites the dust
wtf is PFR
Christ you 19yo's buy dogshit
you sound like a brainlet pfr shill, hoping to scam unaware anons for their eth to "crowdfund" an exchange listing. we all watched this shitcoin die today.
>It's just FUD guys, look at the devs they're saying things in a chat room
>Get your tokens out while you can
You think I was stupid enough to get into something shilled like crazy here?
I cashed out 250k at ATH and still hold a shitload of nodes poorfag, this isn't dead regardless of what the shittiest DEX in crypto says about its current volume, devs will deliver. Fucking shit you retards make me laugh
I remember this coin was 5x what it is right now back when shills were posting multiple threads in an hour.
It was also on ED which had vastly more users than IDEX
>"I dumped a pump and dump coin"
we know user, now go shill your group's next pump.
which is strange, since IDEX seems like it has a much better UX.
But yeah, fucking nothing has volume in IDEX. I mean, look at a hyped coin like DNT...
There's less than an ETH and a half on the buy side.
I bought 20k PFR last night. It's a tiny chunk of my portfolio (less than 0.5%). I would have bought a little more, but I was very underwhelmed by their whitepaper. I do like that they have a functional product on Ethereum test, though. And the concept is very cool, basically a decentralized fiat->crypto, crypto->fiat exchange. Like localbitcoins, but with a decentralized escrow system.
wtf... I'm looking at IDEX right now and I see 4.74903819 ETH on the buy side... desu the fud in this thread is just straight up confusing. Like, I have mixed feelings about PFR, but acting like its dead because the buy side disappeared for a few minutes on one of the lowest volume exchanges out there?
did the buy side even disappear or was that 100% FUD too?
go read the thread instead of sperging out you nigger shill, there's pics of the order book for your tiny brain to look at. pump and dumpers get fucked.
Holy shit IDEX is so sexy. That was the best bag dumping experience I have ever had.
I'm looking at the order book right now, and there's nearly 5 ETH on the buy side.
also why tf would I say that their whitepaper was shit if I was a shill? baka
Everybody laugh at my poor decision. You win some, you lose some.
actually theres 2.8, stop being a fag shill. you make anons like the poster above me lose money.
checked, and sorry for your loss from these pnd groups user.
never EVER listen to shills
Just because it pumps (and dumps) doesn’t mean it’s dead does it? Hasn’t every coin ever been pumped? Just trying to use logic here
>taking time to FUD, posting screenshot and blogging
Pajeets strike again.
When Veeky Forums FUD's a coin this hard, that's when you know to buy.
Thanks OP
Unironically buying a few 10k more for some more masternodes.
>fag telegram shills call in the reinforcements
I'm in the room with you scammers. You need more buy support so you can sell off your worthless shit cause you missed the dump. Fuck off.
down from hundreds of eth. It was more amazing than watching those eth pyramid schemes imploding. Hope some anons were lucky enough to see the death of a shitcoin live.
No wonder no one wanted them, no women in crypto
Watching all those sellers dumping their bags in a hurry is as painful as watching a whole city get wiped out by a nuclear bomb.
IDK if payfair is a good project but I never invest in russian teams. Usually good for me.
Payfair is a mess
1.9 eth left in buy orders, fuck. that's peoples money in that furnace. wonder what itll be at by morning.
Tfw you guys call trtl a scam turtles has multiple btc worth of floor and you guys shilled this and defended it when it had less than 1 btc of floor. Never change biz never change.
payfair trash investors in absolute COPE mode lmao
>haha so what if the company is essentially bankrupt within a couple of months of launching. stop spreading fud guys
bumped for epic dumps
I used to hold 220k PFR.
I Brought in around 2 cents and sold around 15.
I brought in the moment the shill train started. If you don't remember it was basically I'm gonna shill biz for a full week before I move to Reddit.
The way pfr was shilled made it obvious this was the biggest scam coin of all fucking time. If you're still holding it you're a dense motherfucker. I brought in knowing it's a scam because guess what. You can make money on prymaid scams as long as you get in early enough.
The team is a bunch of Russian kids in their motherfucking highschool.
Get the fuck out of this scam.
Pic related.
If you're
>I bought in an empty promise scam coin
>then I bought in two more and an ico
You're playing with fire.
If you seriously think LINK and VEN are similar scams. GTFO crypto because you're retarded.
LAMDEN is also a scam, but I dumped that at 4x from ICO on dumbasses.
Being a scamcoins doesn't matter if you get in early enough.