Veeky Forums alltime best meme's thread
Fuck sake looking through my Veeky Forums folder and its just fucking braps, please guys post some i need some keks
too good
If anyone is here have a milkie
For linkies
I would just kms really
In your own opinion define normie for me.
Grug will probably be the best meme this year.
That's fake tho
tfw you realize the deep in DBC stands for deep dip
>Lambos to the mooon!
>bitcoin is a shitcoin
>yaaas slay
That's practically all of Veeky Forums.
So, does that mean Veeky Forums is a normie board?
im a brainlet so i cant give a good explanation but in terms of crypto normies yes a lot of Veeky Forums applies
yes and its spreading over to other boards
May be one of the normiest honestly, since november there's been a huge influx from everywhere.
fucking god like
This ad was blocking my view.
Inb4 phone fag
can someone actually explain the context to this chat? i got no fucking idea whats going on
knee pads
sharpie in butt
milo coin
something about pajeets
Now that's gold
I was the one who posted "what the fuck is this shit" just to fuck with you guys after seeing the thread linked from here the first time.
Sweet as a nut m8
Same pls more context
John McAfee is the best meme.
Especially his wife's son
How fucking autistic can you be. He took their shared money and invested it in crypto and she wants her half back and he won't give it so she called Brad.
more? context?
>Lol your girls not happy bro
>Why not sell it, take her out
this reads like sell your crypto and take ur girl out on a date
>slinging your joint $$ around
i thought this was weed money like hes some drug dealer
Hes a beta male trying to white knight for another guys gf.
Brapposting is gonna be huge
possibly the best Veeky Forums thread of all time
Maybe he meant for tax purposes senpai
loooool why are these so good
The guy had bragged to his girl about being a cryptomillionaire. She's ignorant as fuck, so she thought it was real money, and she also believes that you can cash out. When BTC started dying the girl bitched at him a lot so he would sell, but he was willing to hold till 0 or till he recovered every penny. Then the girl threatened to bring a friend who can into computer to sell his coins while he's not in the house. This is from an attention whoring thread from last week.
Is that second quote of his real?
Get the clover app retard
Here my boy.
it's a fake "screenshot" dude
There has to be better memes. Come on lads let me see your pocket pussies!
>Show me
Post orginal pic
Are those even real? Either way hottest girl/cosplay I've ever seen. Fuggg moar
I had someone ask me this same question, and I didn't know how to respond cause I'm a fucking brainlet. Can anyone speak retard to me as to why this is irrelevant?
Brap is one of the better memes to come up recently. I have genuine chuckles about it
They fell for the DDC
Its real and her name is shinuki.
This is her goodbye letter.
Reeeeeeee ported
Fuck forgot pic.
Whats relevant is the price he is selling at not the amount he wants to withdraw. If he is withdrawing 5 dollars and each coin is a dollar he's making money. He's just too retarded to list the price it's selling at.
That's not nice :((((((
It amazes me that you are copypastaing my post from yesterday. Good job user, keep up the good work
oh shit i live there, do i have a chance user?
How did her pics get leaked? Shouldnt have posted them anyway. Play stupid games win stupid prizes
considering how old the pic is she's probably already dead, a shame, seems like a fun qt
I saved this image from like 2 weeks ago liar i even have the thread it was from archived
Nigga get ublock
ty user, that sucks. I hope there's more, how could she be so stupid to think lewds wouldn't be released and why did it bother her so much. Hopefully she'll come back one day too. Anyway people were saying her boobs weren't real before when I've seen some of these pics posted around on Veeky Forums, they look too perfect or plastic almost.
patrician taste
>choose to post nudes on the internet
>nudes get spread on the internet
>this is all everyone elses fault!!
female logic in action
Ha! I was the guy who wrote about Sergey. Shit was so cash
is this one of dem new fangled oriental fuckin toys?
this caused me physical pain
What the fuck is this a real person or one of those sex dolls? I genuinely can't tell.
i want to say doll because of the fucked up looking blue sclera
Real person with a shit ton of cosmetics and photoshop
Nice. I am LOL.
nah girls got weird fake-tits that she put on for this.
sounds like i just made it up, but check a look for yourself
minister you sminem
THIS IS WHY I Veeky Forums