Whats your stance on ARK Veeky Forums? You invested? Why/why not? What kinda potential we lookin at for this coin?
ARK Opinions?
Other urls found in this thread:
>you invested
yes. sold after I doubled my money
this coin takes forever to do anything and the oppurtunity cost of holding it is too high. maybe'll it['ll be worth it in a year or two
5.5k deluded arkie here, holding since may
>tfw newfags here dont know about iris ark threads
solid amount of Ark there. What color lambo do you plan to buy?
I dont hold any. But im considering it.
And isnt that kind of the point? Yeah it sucks it takes forever, and I understand your point of opportunity cost being lost by not investing elsewhere, but what if its the next $1k coin? Getting in at 4bucks would be a fucking steal
from the last couple of ark threads apparently there is a rumor that the ark mainnet is being released tomorrow. someone bought a huge chunk a couple hours ago so maybe that user was right after all
5k here...forever deluded!
Just a heads up, fudding ark is a point of pride on the Veeky Forums board.
The dynamic of the fud is such that now everyone says its real fud, not a meme, and to be honest its gotten to the point where its impossible to tell what is actual fud and real fud since everyone's being autistically ironic in some way.
All you should know about Ark is that DPOS is nice if you have a good amount, and v2 and ArkVM are going to pump the price up a good amount when they come out in the next upcoming months.
Enjoy the fud.
red, naturally
i used to FUD ark so much lmao
>Veeky Forums - Business & Finance
51k+ arkie here, started buying at $0.70
earning over 13 ARK every day from staking in ark client (best crypto wallet ever made)
holding until the 2nd coming of jesus christ
All in ark right now idiots
>51k ark
Das it mate. You are doing it right. Even at $4, you are getting $52 doing nothing.
When did you buy Ark?
>Ark mainnet
9% interest rate per year from DPoS.
yea dude im pretty stoked for the main net!
>website redesign will pump the price
>business entity will pump the price
>mobile wallets will pump the price
>arkcore2 will pump the price
>ACES will pump the price
>arkcore v2 will pump the price
the only thing that pumped and the team had nothing to do with it
>not yellow
>thinking im talking about popular lambo colors
>not arks logo
What pumped it is that people thought it was going to be what ArkVM is actually going to be
I have a little over 2k ARK and I still FUD it regularly. It's unironically the most fun I have on biz.
I think v2 and ARKVM are going to be a disappointment in terms of pump action. However it does seem like there will be a significant marketing push following it, so I'm expecting a steady rise.