>tfw scalping shitcoins using 1min rsi + macd
Surely I can't be the only one here doing this? It's free money
Tfw scalping shitcoins using 1min rsi + macd
why do it when a bot can do it for u
which exchanges and how do u start doing this?
thanks SIR from INDIA
how is it worth it after fees? seriously
The profit you get from doing that isn't worth the effort desu.
You'd be better off wagecucking.
Newfag here. What the fuck are you doing?
have fun reporting those taxes buddy lmao
I've made $800 today retard
Use binance there's practically no fees
Go on youtube and learn what the RSI and MACD indicators do
>I've made $800 today retard
Post a single week of you making more than 1-2% a day doing this.
You can't.
He is currently in inspect element editing all his trades as we speak. screenshot coming soon
Binance doesn't enforce KYC dumbass. I'm using a fake name and email there, u mad?
I mean, a consistent $800 per day is more than enough for me. :p
you beginner luck
Hi, What about when you want to cash out? Will you just claim $0 cost basis?
if you scalp with a pool of $10k 1-2% a day is $100-$200 a day. you can then use that to invest in long term holds/swing trade or pay for groceries/rent.
Also, can you be a little more detailed about your strategy?
It's easy to make 1-2% in 30 minutes. You're never going to make it. Take a break from Veeky Forums and go learn something for once.
Accurately describe your strat and I’ll code it up in TradingView and post the backtest.
>buy when rsi is oversold and macd about to crossover
>sell when i've made money
>don't be greedy
Do you have any idea how much 1% compounded day over a year is you brainlet?
ok you fucking retard lmao have fun claiming 0 cost basis when you cash out you fucking 15 year old retarded kid
just showed how fucking retarded you really are there mate grats
just do that for good coins that you dont mind holding bags for and youve already won
Smart move to do that. I've been doing that, but trying with the hour indicators.
Easier to do it at market price. I've thought about trying it with GDAX and using limit orders to reduce my costs. Got taxes, but them fees ain't gonna get me. Just less likely to hit my goal.
>1min rsi/macd
you're gonna JUST yourself, use at least 15 min, NEVER 1 min.
He means buy Link.
How to rsi on binance app I do trading on brick phone
do you use stochRSI? or regular? and I cant seem to get both MACD and RSI up at the same time.
sent ;)
You can't use compounded interest on scalping, the liquidity isn't there.
I can barely get anything more than a 1 btc limit buy/sell filled when the price fluctiation is 2-5%
Newest version of it had full screen mode for mine (Samsung Note 3). Load it up, click on "Trades" at the bottom and then look in the top left for what looks like three bars. Click on then in the middle-right, you'll be able to select "Full". On the far right of the full screen are some indicators. EMA, BOLL, RSI, MACD, etc.
On average you think you make 1-2% per 30 minutes?
Yep. My bot's basically using this strategy on NULS and ETH right now. Shit is fantastic....I don't bother closing "Losing" positions with stops, I just hold em & open new ones. Both are gonna moon, who gives a shit which I'm holding slightly more of?
u should be making that much if you're buying low before reversals. that's why you use cheating indicators.
t. daytraderfag
Use Binance windows client.
op is a larp or retard, maybe both
hmm weird. I am. If I have MACD up and want to add RSI, it just replaces it on the bottom
No? When I cash out I'll claim my initial bitcoin investment as the cost basis. They won't know shit about my binance trades. Are you samefags retarded?
Is it a pretty decent client? I've been using their web system, but it'll act wonky at times during login.
I have that problem too.
Been using a dual screen setup with one on Binance and one on Trading View with the exchange's info pulled up. Worth the free account IMO.
windows client. not browser. try dragging the bottom part with open orders down maybe your screen res too small
>Veeky Forumsraeli makes a thread about an easy way to make money
>nocoiners bottomsellers and noprofits come out of the woodwork to try to shit all over it
the absolute state
>expending valuable time and effort scalping a few bucks on tiny swings instead of simply holding
You're gonna do well until you sell "the top" and get too scared to jump back in and end up watching it break the ATH while you sit in cash like the pussy you are.
you need to be wrong just 1 time and you are fucked but good luck
>oh hey, heres these documents that have my cost basis and here's how much I'm cashing out, i know it literally doesn't add up whatsoever and you're a governemnt agency designed to shit on people like me, but please dont ask about my binance trades!
the absolute state of delusional retards
RSI is some over bought/sold ratio calculated by periods of time. He buys when low, e.g. 30%, and sells when high, e.g. 80%. Some user mentioned that this is a 101 tier trading bot algo.
> judging projected daily earnings based on the biggest bull day this year
>1% every 30 minutes
>1.01**16 for 8 hours work
>1.01**(16*365) for a years work
You're going to run out of liquidity in the markets as soon as you start making more than pennies. Scalping is the absolute worst way to make money. All it does is ensures that you'll lose money vs bots eventually and waste your waking hours making fuck all.
>Scalping is the absolute worst way to make money
ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh WHY DOES IT SOUND SO TRUE WHEN YOU SAY IT LIKE THAT I THOUGHT I COULD QUIT MY JOB AFTER OPENING THIS THREAD
What memescheme is this?
dumb fuckin retard getting attached to a coin. ok so? just jump to the next coin.
More work and effort to scalp a few more % (provided you don't lose any trades, mind you) while I sit back and let the greater market currents carry me to profit
The strategy works you just need massive fucking balls and to accept that you can lose 2% in a minute
Yeah except if you make a bad trade you can -50% your stack.