How many LINK do I need for a gf like this?
How many LINK do I need for a gf like this?
Call McAfee and ask how many he has
Just some Watermelons and KFC
Abnsolutely fucking disgusting
JEsus christ i almost threw up a bit
Black women do nothing for me absolutely revolting tier
would rather wank
you are literally a faggot if you don't want to fuck that
Fuck off nigger
1 mill zimbabwe dollars
i know holy fuck white women are so much more attractive because they appear more clean
ironically rather fuck a watermelon
she's literally black
enough for a lifetime of AIDS medication
holy fuck a weak europoor
this comment disgusts me
Shit up wankah!
>>I don’t like things and I’m going to whine like a pussy about it.
Just as fucking bad as the lefties. Muh morals.
Nobody cares about you.
How much for a gf like this?
>wow people are discussing things on a discussion forum created for the sole purpose of people discussing things
>get over yourself man! stop telling people your opinion!
Unironically hang yourself
You weren't discussing you were pontificating and shilling muh ideology.
Massive fucking brainlet.
Your like minded pals shitpost here
I don't wanna hear your opinion everytime someone enters your safespace and makes you uncomfortable
SJWs and /pol/tards are almost identical in their behavior, except they get triggered by different things
Then why don't you kindly fuck off if you are too weak? It's not like you are contributing anything meaningful.
>you're gay if you don't want to fuck X
Unironically this. Leads me to believe its just one big troll/shill.
These people cant be that stupid right?
He was saying that you, are weak. No fucking ideas of your own.
typical brainlet...
you'd think that a guy that wants to turn into a cum receptacle would get his teeth fixed...
Holy shit fuck that fucking cat I would throw it straight in the river after that
Oh shut the fuck up, you're swallowing so many blue pills it's a wonder you aren't shitting the blues yet
Thanks OP just bought 100k LINK
If you can't stand people voicing opinions, you are the weaklet.
You could buy her entire home town for 10 link.
This. Both sides are just as fucking retarded, want their fucking safe spaces, and get triggered by anything outside of their echo chamber.
So we're just going to ignore this post then?
I feel like I'd like black chicks more if they didn't consistently have the worst feet out of any race.
4 zoo coins
>military women
yeah no.
Tree fiddy
You already missed the main thread
I don't know, how many links did her previous owner use to keep her restrained?
>camouflage pants = military
Can someone link the Original thread or post the one with sound?