Told me earlier she's "unsatisfied" and wants to "experience" while she's still young. Should I show her my ChainLink wallet to try to win her back? Cash out some for a vacation? Ugh.
Gf wants another man in the bedroom
Get rid of that roastie wtf.
Look to also bang another chick? These are equitable times for both genders. If you're down, four way?
How can a white boi who browses a weeaboo board compete with tyrone thunder cock?
post pics
insta dump her
>not getting the joke
That’s a hard NEXT you weak minded simp. Sell me all your LINK- you’re unworthy.
>pathetic FUD tries to paint LINK marines as cucks
Truly laughable
Give Jamal all of your link in return for satisfying your girl.
Show link, then break up and tell her you gone share with some other bitty
it's not a good joke tho
Just talked to her again. I think it's gonna be okay. She said if she just gives her friend Darnell a blowjob while we have sex? She said that should be enough for now. At least I have some time. I told her I had a special surprise for her. I have 34.5k LINK... She always wanted to go to Jamaica
2/10 b8 larp fat faggot
I guess I really am the stereotypical ChainLink holder. It's like a self fulfilling prophecy. Generations of men conceived through cuckoldry. Gallons of black semen drenching the family tree.
do it, but make sure you suck him and have him fuck you
that'll show her
that's what i've always thought about this meme. if you're going to be gay, be gay.
whoa whoa whoa dude who said anything about going gay?
She says she wants me to wear a baby bonnet? Wtf. Is that a thing? She said, "Oh honey, your milkies getting cold, come suckle" - like she's not even pregnant, I'm so confused. I know her step dad was black, could that skip a generation?
It isn't going to work. Money wil only lengthen your suffering. Let her go, and find a better girl.
Ok I just sold half my stack.
2 things: 1) she is in love with you and feels your bond is unbreakable and wants you to DP her with another dude (she’s only human, you wouldn’t want to bang another woman and your wife simultaneously?)
2) she already sees your link wallet and doesn’t want to cheat on you but still wants better cock than you’ve got.
What I would do is take her up on it, you might enjoy seeing her suck another dudes cock... if the vibe just isn’t right, then laugh it off and take your LINk bags on a vacay.
You can goto Cuba and bangs some Cuban honeys, a few specific night clubs and hotels literally offer sex and it’s not even a secret once you’re there. Also, Thailand if you’re into Thai chicks (Been here, personally not my thing, they smell funny imho)
Count your blessings that she was so open about it, dump her, and get into therapy so you can figure out why you are attracted to women that think you're a cuck.
Aren't fat fat faggots just the worst?!
You you dirty chutney ferret.
let she go and look for one girl wich is unsatisfied from someone other.
Op if she says this she is fucking another man 100%
Sucking dick and taking it in the ass doesn't make you gay as long as there's a chick present.
You can make a case for it making you bi.
Let her do it OP, it's every white girls dream
It's not even humorous.
Sell her to the highest bidder.
>gf drops casually that she'd be down with a ffm
>slip one finger in her ass while we're fucking
>she goes batshit crazy, screaming how I should pull it out or else
>ask her how she would've imagined a ffm if not like this
>ask her whether she'd like my cock to be in her ass or the other guy's
>see the realization dawning on her face
>never brings up ffm again