Fuck a trap
Never suck her dick
Fuck a trap
Chase a green candle
Never a red one
Why fuck a trap when you dont wanna suck her dick user?
Just be gentle about it.
Drink the water
Never the koolaid
Two cups
Toast up with the gang
From food stamps
To a whole nother domain
Out the bottom
I’m a living proof
They compromising
Half a million on the coupe
Drug houses
Looking like Peru
I was overdue
Pink molly
I can barely move
Ask about me
I’m going bust a move
Rick James
33 chains
Ocean air
Crusin' Biscayne
Top off
That’s a liability
Hit the gas
Boosting my adrenaline
Which diseases did you catch?
>not wanting to suck a beautiful girls feminine dick
go back the plebbit gay faggot
girl you so fine i'll suck yo daddy's dick
>missing out on that nutritious female sperm
Low test detected
Sry couldn't understand you, take her dick outta ur mouth before you speak
Is this a meme? How does the presence of two dicks make it anything other than gay?
the fuck are niggers even rapping nowadays
this made me so hard user
Molly, Percocets
Molly, Percocets
Wear a dress
Gotta wear a dress
Fuck a trap
Never suck her dick
Mask on
Fuck it, mask off
Mask on
Fuck it, mask off
Molly, Percocets
Wear a dress
Gotta wear a dress
Fuck a trap
Never suck her dick
You like wearing your traps dresses user?
>Never suck her dick
It's spelled 'feminine benis' shitlord.
The Canadian lyrics are written that way. It doesn't translate to American very well. Good catch. Fancy a donut?