>he thought he only had to pay food, rent and gasoline
oh boy, you teens are in for a wild ride when moving out
ITT: retarded teens
So what else?
well what the fuck else would i have to pay for
Am I missing something?
Insurence, internet, phone bills etc.
Groceries besides food. Shit that brakes in your house (dishwasher, etc). Medical bills. Etc, etc.
Time to move back to teenforum.com kids.
Who the fuck doesn't pay his own phonebills anyway?
damn so i have to pay rent and food twice
Phone bill
Internet bill
Water bill
Heating bill
Rent (maybe includes water + heating)
Stuff like toilet papar, washing soap etc
Car insurance
Life insurance
House insurance
Transportation cost
All this shit is what you take for granted right now
im 18 with 6 figures suck my nuts grandpa
damn you are so braindead that you probably would end up paying your landlord twice
>Phone bill
>Internet bill
This is the internet bill
>Water bill
>Heating bill
>Stuff like toilet papar, washing soap
I'd include this with food and call them necessities
>Car insurance
>Life insurance
>House insurance
>Transportation cost
Why would I only now start paying for transportation?
Looks like the only retarded teen here is you.
>buys a car, rents house/apartment, 6 months of wood, clothes, furniture
congrats, you're back at 0 again
they are still individual costs.
insurance is important you idiot
i said that because you listed rent and food which were ALREADY LISTED autist
made over 500k in crypto literally fapping away in my moms basement. i made 50k one month just sitting in front of my computer with porn on one tab and binance on the other.. how do you wage cucks do it when 20 something losers like me are making a years salary off of crypto.
you're a fuckin brainlet lmao
>6 months of wood
ah yes, the necessities in life 180 days worth of lumber
>burning wood
>not just putting on seven layers
NEVER gonna make it
NEETs? I didn't when I lived at home.
You really are special, aren't you
>insurance is important you idiot
Insurance is the jews' biggest scam to date. Be a good goy and pay for every kind of insurance that you will never end up needing.
I moved out last year, 100km from parents house. Every second weekend I go visit them. They prepare food for me that last one week. Also, they are washing my clothes. I'm living the dream.
does mommy tuck you in too
im in my 30s and im never moving out of my parents house
I moved back in and have to pay for food, power, water, fuel, insurance, condoms, drugs and alcohol
>Stuff like toilet papar
this shit
fucking $20 a month just for this shit
I mean yes you can just buy the cheap knock off shit for $10 a month but then have fun with hemorrhoids
I’m 30 and I’ve lived on my own since 20 (when I got my first proper job). It’s not even that bad to afford everything. Just gotta make sure all your bills are covered and then you can fuck off and drink away the rest of it
>ID: IMbdXson
You're a bad son
why are there so many underaged faggots on this board
>Insurance is the jews' biggest scam to date. Be a good goy and pay for every kind of insurance that you will never end up needing.
mfw insurance is literally OBLIGATORY in my country
top kek
Friendly reminder everything seems so expensive in real terms because the dollar is overpriced. The overpriced dollar is based on the Petrodollar and the Petrodollar exists to accomodate the fake boomer economy of eternal trade and budget deficits. Soon the dollar will fall precipitously and boomers will cry
It’s illegal to drive without insurance and a litany of landlords require renters insurance you don’t have a choice. Also I’ve used both my car and renters insurance and thus it’s saved me capital.
GG boomer no homo. 23 transfem here
Usually renter’s is only like $5 a month more on top of car anyway. It’s not even a big deal money wise and yes it’s a legal necessity in almost every state I’ve lived on my own in (which is 3 so far)
You fucking nerds, get a girlfriend user and live in a bigger, nicer place with better things and pay together for all of it.
That's for the time her parents pay for her, once she starts working and earns only 1/3 as much as you do, you're fucked.
Jesus Christ, why am i on this site
>tuck you
No, but breakfest is already prepared when I wake up.
Op fucking retarded.
To live you need
Utility (water, electricity)
If you want more enjoyment
Then the liability shit
And most people like to do stuff.
Liabilities is just retardness and no necessity at all. You are stupid if you don't think about these things.
>once she starts working and earns only 1/3 as much as you do
thats a retarded meme and you're retarded
show me any employment in the western world where a woman will get 30 cents for a dollar compared to a man
dont rely on convoluted reasoning that draws in statistics regarding childbirth and free agency that completely disregards that fact
show me a job where a woman gets 70 cents vs a dollar for a man in the west
is a joke, doesnt exist
you're a joke
Steal toilet paper from work
Y'all niggas retarded no wonder you're poor
Once I get my own apartment Im going to live sparsely as fuck so it's all good.
>Insurance is the jews' biggest scam to date.
insurance is german. german created insurance beasue they are risk averse.
did you have a job?
Holy fuck, get more fibre in your diet.
Car insurance
House insurance
lol idiot
These threads make me sad. I miss the how to turn my 6 digits into 7 threads. Fucking bear market draged in all the peasants here that count toilet paper as an expense. Fuck.
Should have fucking sold at 15k. This past month of BIZ has been the worst after the initial pink wojaks ended.
Um, or just get daddy to pay for phone bills?
i only pay for ammo and propane
>using phone
U wat
buy a bidet
>$20 a month
Get your asshole checked.
Also what's the deal with people buying themselves top grade, perfumed toilet paper? Is your ass made of satin? How fucking sensitive are people's buttholes?
I spend $20 on TP for two people maybe every three months. You aren't suppose to wipe with the entire roll.
>Phone bill
Normal fag spotted, also aren't phone bills super cheap?
>Internet bill
Not much money either.
>Water bill
>Heating bill
Won't have one, live in FL
>Rent (maybe includes water + heating)
>Stuff like toilet papar, washing soap etc
Expended, don't need to buy it every month if it's 1 person though.
>Car insurance
LOL if you buy a car you won't make it.
>Life insurance
HAHAHAHA You're better off buying fucking bit connect tokens than life insurance.
>House insurance
Why would you list this if you listed rent as an expense?
>Transportation cost
Public transportation exists, walking, bikes.
The state of this sub is fucking pathetic. I’m done. There’ll be no more old fags soon have fun buying bottom barrel shit children
you gotta go back
top kek
this is why i steal cleaning supplies and toilet paper from work. fuck paying for these