Is .75-.80 cents reasonable post conference?
Is .75-.80 cents reasonable post conference?
More like 75-80usd
Just drop those bags, man. You're not mentally prepared for making it.
More like .40-.50
More 75-80 million dollars.
Sergey doesn't shill
The conference itself is pretty shit
Nobody will learn about link that doesn't know about it already.
Don't expect any significant price movement until the run up to full main net later in the year.
Crypto prices often rise before announcements based on expectations, and drop after announcements when those expectations are (typically) not met.
I am personally betting on it dropping so I can buy in.
I have more gains in crypto than you do, guarantee it.
This. The talk will have zero effect, if anything it will dip from here.
No, you don't. Just drop those bags.
Yeah 3/4 to 4/5 of a cent sounds about right. Why are you still holding this shitcoin?
Who cares about short term after the conference? We should care about end of year, or even end of decade.
if its anything like sibos the price will at least halve
Tell me about your gains
more like 7500-8000
the sec doesn't care about gains you colossal retard
>Is .75-.80 cents reasonable post conference?
No, I expect no upward movement before the main net release.
It was that price yesterday why didn't you sell then?
Or did you buy then... Lol
>No, I expect no upward movement before the main net release.
Agreed, and im 100% in LINK. I expect the price to plummet after the conference because sergey doesnt hype anything.
>pump and dump like always
>deluded linkies like always
Tell me about your grains
More like .07-.08
>post conference
he wont even mention chainlink. he doesnt even have 'chainlink' anywhere on his linkedin. sergey already has already made his millions. its over
since presale i've had 3 fucking opportunities to sell this shitcoin near 10k sats, i was stupid enough not to. the next time this vaporware bullshit pumps again i'm dumping it all, i'm fucking done.
i feel the same user. im sure as soon as i sell sergey will come out at reveal all though
Tell me about your blockchains
no chance. it will definitely be on sale. either way ill be happy
>selling before mainnet release, marketing begins and partnership announcements
How can you be so dense
>implying those aren't just carrots dangling infront of bagholders
i hope your right user, but theres a whole lot of red flags and you have to be blinded with greed and hope not to see it
Sold my links for mincoins.
Up 5% and there is actual development going on.
Tell me about your pains.
Whats the closest thing to shit posting on stage, in good taste
presenting next to the toilets?
more like .075-.08 lmao
Watch everyone dump bags on preconference hype and sergey pulls a 180 and announces official partnerships and dumps simplified main net on them at the same time
That's actually typical of Crypto. Just when you think the coin is going no where and you sell them boom you get a huge pump. The reason is, you're pretty much selling in the end of the volumn.
There are two possibilities
>Sergey announces mainnet, price pumps to $5
>Sergey doesn't do anything except talking about smart contracts like the previous conferences, price dumps about 10% or stays where it is
there is zero hype for the conference right now and only Veeky Forums is holding it, unlike when sibos came. this is why the dump if it happens at all will be tiny and instantly bought up by people waiting for the price to lower so they can buy in
So tell me about your mains
.75 cents is not .75 dollars
You fucking Yankee mongoloid
$2-3 dollars is reasonable post mainnet
Nothing has ever not dipped hard after a conference
unequivocally this
will accumulate during dip (or crash, really)
Could see that happening.
But then again, I can also see a dump down to .20-30 happening.
The true of the matter is; Mainnet is not out yet. Until it’s released and Link is in full beast mode it will be susceptible to pump and dumps between .20 - $1.20
This is a long term hold, and all or nothing big-balls dare. Only those with titanium hands will profit big and cash out in 5 years time.
LOL. No officer , we are just larping we have coins. We are degenerates that fap to Brap threads. *nervous coughing *
mhm mhm
The conference is already...
>The true of the matter is; Mainnet is not out yet. Until it’s released and Link is in full beast mode it will be susceptible to pump and dumps between .20 - $1.20
You sure about that? I doubt it will be subjected to pump and dumps with that big of a margin if it releases in "beast mode" as you say.
you realize it's going to crash harder after the conference right? you are about to get dumped on hard.
>not holding until late 2020s
Fear not for the Singularity is near.
future Link multi millionaire here
you missed the dip
squeeze is almost over
until sunday conference you won't see much going down only up
16th is new years
No joke. The conference is gonna have zero effect.
The dumping has already started, if you haven’t sold yet, you are already too late.
>he thinks its gonna pump after thr conference
You realize that sergey will give out his usual presentation and it will dump hard right? This conference aint a fucking update on the project, just a presentation about it to bring awareness.
Already switch it all to ETH, gonna buy post cnference at below 40 cents
Sorry user, what I meant by that was:
Link will experience pnd’s Between .20 - $1.20 (as is the case now) up until the point of Mainnet.
Then its uncharted waters, I honestly believe it will surpass all the standards solely due to institutional demand. But this climb to blue chip status could take some time, maybe not, could be relatively rapid adoption. No one can say.
The bio for Sergey on the superconfrence website mentions Chainlink. I think he just might talk about it. The only thing I'm worried about is there not being a stream
final side note for low test faggots itt
during vol spike 17.2 million link has been bought at 5047~5050, 5 days before happenings
do with that what you will
why is no one talking about this?
>5 days before happenings
What "happenings" are you referring to? This conference?
Fuuuck, I hope its not going to moon because of this conference. I want in, and my hope is that it will dump after this conference, but moon after more stuff comes out in March.
>17.2 million bought
>price only pumped up 20%
>10 million gone from one of the 6 dev wallets
the entire volume was 37.3 mil
some paid more some less
Hmmm whatsahappenen
reminder that LINK is a dead project and was only meant as a proof of concept so sergey could consult companies that want to create their own blockchains and oracles
Strongest FUD, because it could be true. Sergey could literally just use chainlink to sell the *idea* to big industry, and simply cash in more on being a major consultant.
That or ChainLink is going to be worth fifty bucks 12 months from now.
>Centralizing your hopes and dreams into a single project and not a distributed trustless network of partnerships
I'm going to be poor forever fuck