>Rate my memecoins
Blockfolio Thread
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get reqt
Holding comfy since 600 Satoshis
ran out of fiat today. Am I gonna make it?
Possibly. Here's the changes I would make:
Sell some of your VEN to make it 50/50 with ICX
Sell 7K XLM and buy REQ with that money
Buy 1-2 ether worth of RLC
I think LINK is a huge risk, despite Veeky Forums shilling it all the time, so I would probably sell around half of that stack and buy OMG or PRL.
Agree with user on allocating some of your VEN into ICX. Interoperability will be a major market in 2018/19. (See AION )
Also if you believe in the future of ETH, OMG is a no brainer
Actually, I'd buy 50% ICX and 50% ELF with 50% of your VEN stack.
I'd redistribute the AION stack into 25/25/25/25 AION, ICX, VEN and ELF. Buy 1-2 ether worth of RLC. Solid portfolio otherwise.
Looks good, if it were me I would put some of that ETH into something that has more % gain potential, but your folio is quite safe and solid
Very solid folio, no real high risks, but I like the LINK/VEN duo top 2
Give it to me straight boys, im going for some high risk/high reward, want to escape the shackles of wage slavery.
I'm pre ICO w/ AION. Those coins wont be available to me until next year. Holding strong for now, very confident in Matthew Spoke and the AION.
Appreciate the feedback
Poor faging here
I want to get rid of Req and Sub. Want to buy more ADA, IOT get into: OMG, EOS and AION. Is this a good move Veeky Forumsbros? Thanks
Forgot pic fuugg
These all look decent folios anons.
I feel to diversified any advice on what I should sell and what for?
Got 20 gas, 100 nano and about 1k linkies down the bottom
Congratulations, must feel nice. Not sure how willing you are to sell some of your ether, but you really should consider it. Especially RLC, it's a long-term hold but it has a (very) bright future.
ELF is the AION of China, they're backed by FBG Capital.
Should add some ICON ICX, Dragonchain (DRG)(Both these platforms will have tons of ICOS launching which will boost price) + Blockport (BPT) Normies will invade these types of exchanges. Normies seem to like following a cult leader and I'm sure plenty of Youtube stars will be having their own social gathering on it. Also add Polymath (POLY). Easiest way for Wallstreet firms to list on blockchain.
100% a good move. ADA & EOS are kind of a toss up, ADA if nothing else has more potential than IOTA imo. DAGs might take off some day, but the IOTA is incredibly unprofessional, I don't have faith in their ability to execute on its potential
You need more JNT. This will give you crazy gains this year
Thanks for the feedback bro :)
You could feed that GAS back into your NEO pile. I'd also consider reinvesting your DBC and XLM into your favorite holding atm
Thanks for the feedback. I actually bought most of that gas recently since I really believe in neo so I wanna hold that long term with the neo. It'll probably be xlm desu, I'm still in the green a good bit with that. Can't bring myself to sell that dbc since I got in early and seen that stack go to £3000 +
Fuckin hell I thought I was to diversified. What's your shitcoin collection add up to?
Holy mother of god.. Maintaining all of those wallets sounds like a nightmare
Nice you gonna make it
It was a 2 day job and it was horrible, but now I have most of it on my ledger, also stuff on trezor and some paperwallets. feeling prettty safe. also, cashed out 100k when xrb was 280k sats on bitgrail, that'll last me the next 12 month in SEA . gonna make my divemaster on some island and bang some backpaper whores and expect to be rich when I come back.
Rate mine please
I'm new, be gentle please
Given how small the holdings are, I would say go all in on one coin. REQ is promising imo. Just keep dumping your pocket change into it and you'll do fine. BNB only makes sense to hold if you're trading large volume. The discounted fees dont provide much incentive otherwise.
I have no idea what a divemaster is, but if it makes you happy, you have my full support user
becoming an expert in scuba diving (>200 dives), able to accompany dive teachers and assist their hot scuba students. from my experience, 75% are hot swedish chicks. I banged to many during my beginner course on Koh Tao, best time of my life. can't wait to be back and never wagecuck again.
If MVP succeeds, so will you desu
What should I diversify to
rate me pls
how high will I go? aiming for 10k this year
Poorfag who started 9th of January this year so I won't comment on others as I don't feel I know enough yet to do so.
XLM to OMG. You wouldn't be watching it's price if you didn't already consider it.
Its a good plan. Follow your instincts
obviously fake
Dump your KIN into XMR or OMG. Neutral on STRAT, but I think Monero/OmiseGo is a stronger portfolio
What’s my next move biz
You'll likely see solid gains this year. Good job getting into the CoinMetro ICO. Fingers crossed for you
This portfolio is outside my comfort zone. Not much advice for you other than shilling my own holdings. VEN looks promising. Hope you got into PRL and XRB early.
Gains be with you
Thinking of trading zrx when it reaches 13-1400 sats, any other recommendations?
Wtf user, you bought the entire internet !!??
I also have 180 bloom right below that.
Help me out anons
Im confident they deliver. Skelly, woods, floersch and poon arent fucking around.
3-4 hodl anyway, or if the staking returns are double digit in might not sell at all.
>Thinks about flipping the only promising coin in his folio
You dun goof'd.
Just sell that shitcoin funfair and stack up on more ZRX.
You're so close but so far to a strength node user, make it
Will I make 100k EOY?
Rate Please
What you gonna do with that ZCL?
VEN bro checking in. Am I going to make it?
Sell at the peak
Nice, I say possibly 10x
Pump and dump, probably.
Easily millionaire before EOY
Trying to play my cards right. We'll see. Very hopeful for VEN. Somewhat hopeful for WGR (despite delays), main net/test net out soon.
Thoughts on OPfolio?
I like OMG, ETH, REQ, WTC.
I refuse to believe Link will be anything other than a meme coin, and that's entirely the fault of this board. If I miss out, it's my own fault though.
Don't know enough about AION or JNT to give you any insight.
Help a poor fag out
Absolute abomination. $800 and you are invested in 13 different coins (if not more) ?
Jesus fucking christ just all in on one scam ICO or Pump and dump otherwise you are never getting anywhere.
Can I go to lamboland?
I don't see how how many coins you have matters if they all actually go up lmao. I will double my folio if only HAT AION and PAY 10x and everything else tanks.
>tfw no WABI marines ITT
Be patient. Go all in on AION or REQ
Or If you really want exposure to the whole market just buy BLX instead. It trades on EtherDelta
Kys you’re never gonna make money with all that
If you're confident that those picks will 10x, why would you not go all in to those coins instead of diversifying and risking only 2x?
The dream is still alive
Ran out of fiat as well
i don't plan on selling a thing for like 2 years plus lol.
I don't see an issue with this at all.
I will continue to add to my more confident picks on dips though, like DRGN, AION, REQ, and maybe VEN.
I will also likely add a big chunk of EOS.
>only 2k link
not gonna make it, im sorry
You're deluded and don't understand basic mathematics. Best not to post on here again pal. With that said anyone care to roast me?
Mein neger