>The United States Of America Saved The World in WW1 and WW2
>The United States Of America Saved Cryptocurrency in January 2018
>The United States Of America Saved The World in WW1 and WW2
>The United States Of America Saved Cryptocurrency in January 2018
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You didn't pay much attention in history lessons, did you?
>dropped the largest bomb in the history of earth
Tell me again how we didn't win WW2?
The greatest harm we ever did to humanity is fight on the wrong side of WW2.
You didn't really have a choice. You were already subjugated at the time. We don't hate you for it, we just regret failing to save you.
>coping yuropoors
Love how triggered yurup gets when faced with the reality that America = back to back World War Champs
Again: Americans were the weakhanded ones for months. Pump btc back to at least 15k and then you can open your mouth, dipshit
If Hitler's dumb ass didn't turn on the Soviets, we'd all be speaking German or Russian right now.
Nah would've just dropped bombs on both too like we did the japs.
>Saved The World in WW1
From what exactly
not sure why this meme that the US solely carried WW2 is still being made. It is widely accepted that without either American money ( to pay for Soviet weapons during the lend-lease), British intelligence ( cracking enigma) and Soviet blood ( the sheer amount of manpower the soviets through at hitler), the allies would have lost. All 3 of these things were needed, all were as important as each other
the germans were insanely close to acquiring nuclear weapons, if the soviets were never involved they would have got them far sooner
Dont bother. The infected obsessed eurotards will deny the truth as they always do out of sheer arrogant spite since they think if they can't be the best, nobody can.
>We would be the best IF...!
literally began recovery with the SEC hearing
how bout a source faggot ?
there was no stopping the u.s from getting the bomb though. that is for damn sure.
We would all be living in a nuclear wasteland if the Russians did not go in.
The Germany were close to nukes meme gotta go. Their sole heavy water facility got sabotaged by Norwegians. They were basically 5 years behind USA. USA would drop the nukes as intended and the axis would have surrendered there and then.
not nuking moscow after the japs was a mistake.
not nuking china after the shit the pulled in the korea was a mistake.
and not nuking all the ghettos in the u.s prior to '64 was a mistake.
oh for a time a machine...
>nuke everything
>live in a dried up toxic world
Typical the shortsightedness of an euro. Hell, nuke China and you'd never be able to afford a computer couple of decades later. So you're right, we should have nuked them because then I wouldn't have to suffer whiny retards like you.
>largest bomb in the history of earth
No, that was WW1, seriously.
This. The result of WW1 literally ruined the western civilization in the long term.
USA didn't have to fight, and yet they did. They singlehandedly turned the tide. Unfortunately.
Germans weren't even close to nukes, you fucking retard. Allies were genuinely surprised by how little progress Germans made on The Bomb.
This, but even with all the heavy water, they still wouldn't make it. I read somewhere, can't remember the source but probably possible to be looked up, that they did some incorrect calculations and figured that the nuke would have to be too big to be carried by plane. Also made mistake when they decided to go with heavy water instead of graphite as a neutron moderator.
This. So much fucking this. It saddens me deeply that USA was led by the cuckold Truman.
>USA didn't have to fight
>got attacked by the japs
Larpers need to get shot.
I meant European theater you fucking retard. The war with Japan had virtually 0 bearing on the result in the Europe. You need to get shot for being a subhuman brainlet.
Holy shit, this is the power of a downs baby... Yeah, I guess the trilateral pact didn't exist and Hitler didn't declare war on USA after the nips attacked...
>b-but MUH based Hitler dindu nuffin wrong!
Hitler declared war on the USA 2 months after burgers signed the lend-lease with Soviets (you know, for the convoy raiding purposes and all that stuff, you ignorant fuck). USA were NOT forced to open a second front in Europe though. Germany posed no real threat to them, especially in 44'. But I'm by no means implying it didn't make politically sense for the US to do so, brainlet. If you didn't get so furiously triggered, you'd realize I was actually giving credit to the US for fighting someone else's war.
>b-but MUH based Hitler dindu nuffin wrong!
Never said that, you cocksucker.
>single handedly turned the tide
this is the worst history meme
japan was already three quarters toast from the firebombing campaign. the firebombing of tokyo had more casualties than either of the atomic bombs. for the general that carried out the attack, it was an inefficient novelty in the grander scheme of the pacific theatre. and for the japanese it was just a novel way a city could be destroyed from the air when 65 cities had already been devastated in short enough order.
japanese leadership that made the decision to surrender focus mainly on the soviet's attitude towards japan, the atomic bombings are either footnotes in their records and memoirs or not mentioned at all.
also its shortsighted to focus on the pacific side. are people forgetting that close to 14 million soviet soldiers died? as if that didnt have anything to do with world war two ending, no, the whole thing hinged on a couple bombs that killed 2% of that number. the way most people imagine the effect of the bombings, including (You), you'd think the whole world paused and knelt before america. didnt happen that way at all
this history is googleable, but if you want some sources, here are a few off the top of my head you can read at your leisure:
for a deep and detailed look into the days leading up to surrender, see:
>The United States Of America couldn't save his own youth from mass shooting again
>Arrives as the war is ending, 4 months before the armistice
>We saved you, Europe!
La creatura..
What about the American development of Penicillin? We dont get any fuckin credit for thats role in WW2 and throughout history?
Fuck off you tea sucking faggot
At least it would have been a fucking European language, now we're all going to be speaking Spanish, thanks alot faggot.