Why are boomers such insufferable cunts?
Boomer Hate Thread
Because they ruined the world, produced a nation of dumbed down fuckers and refuse to accept the blame for it
why are millenials the whiniest cunts?
>me ruin the earth
>me run let hook nose men control my family and society
>you just lazy me hard workers
Success breads jealousy
Epitome of oblivious white privilege
>Implying you are doing even a minimum amount of effort to change any of it.
>Unironically Chad and other normies are doing more than you.
Fucking Embarrassing
you forgot
>me want pay worker less so me hire brown-skin worker from far away
This guy is somewhat right though. The amount of soyboy entitled fucks in the gen y/millennial generation is astounding
Digesting and I.m pretty sure they molested most you guys
kek, this isnt tumblr
>he took it
Not pol either go back to your safe space where words can't hurt you then kys
Why was Gen X so useless in the face of what their parents did? And why did they leave their Millennial spawn with even less money than the Boomers left them?
Damn this thread has a high unemployment rate
In a few short years when pension funds are burned up boomers will get theirs. Millenials dont have the money/numbers to maintain to their pension ponzi.
>Why was Gen X so useless in the face of what their parents did?
they were the first generation to be raised almost exclusively by television. this problem has only gotten worse in current years
>have kid
>both parents work full-time and have no time to raise kid
>just put him in front of the TV (or tablet, computer, etc) for hours to get him to shut the fuck up
>18 years later, confused as to why the kid only wants to sit infront of a screen and has no desire to do anything
makes me hmmmmmmmmmmmm
>implying boomers didn't have their own soyboys
Has literally everyone forgot fucking faggot tree hugging hippies were the original soyboys?
>I was only pretending to be retarded
There is nowhere in the world or internet where the concept of white privilege will become a valid idea
thanks for the excuse to post more girls though guys
I do hate boomers a lot. But dont you think our generation will be hated in the future? I mean, there are a ton of soyboys/numales nowadays. Radical feminism/sjw has been on the rise, and people are offended over everything.
I have a feeling that the next generation will look at us the same way we saw the boomers
post moar mommiespls
>the next generation will look at us the same way we saw the boomers
generation zyklon is our only hope
Found the jew
Shoo shoo schlomo
I'm not the other faggot, but are you denying that white people have it better even in non white majority countries?
They do have a slight advantage, nothing to be butthurt about it, but denying it is beyond retarded
idk, why are you such an insufferable cunt? are you actually unaware that you really can get a job by walking into places and asking? are you that mentally cucked by confirmation bias?
Oh yes those whites in South Africa have it so much better.
You’re pathetic. White privilege boils down to one single fucking thing, self discipline. Whites have more of it.
T. 15 year old "adult" nobody just can't understand.
White people have it better in white countries just like asian people have it better in asian countries that are tailored to the community and people that created and fostered it
Just because white society chose to open its arms to refugees for a couple of decades does not mean they are defacto multicult zones with no regard for host populations and cultures
So no, I dont believe whites have a noticeable privilege over others, I see that as normal human nature
Please biz enlighten me! What is the Veeky Forums definition of a boomer, cant find anything on google
>but are you denying that white people have it better even in non white majority countries?
show me a white man in a non-white majority country, I.E somewhere in africa or the middle east that lives there and doesn't get beheaded or heckled everyday
you're retarded if you think a white living in afghanistan or something would be the same situation as when niggers live in the first world. there is no civilization or laws there to keep the niggers from making your life hell.
anyone with at least 10years of work experience
retired demolition men
Because they've been cuddled and spoiled all their lives. That's ironically the fault of boomers. They've been told they're special and important. And when reality hit them, they blame their parents because they still believe they're perfect.
I blame my boomer parents for me losing 65% of my money on this crash. I had to help them move their mini mansion which was basically a full time job. Started Jan 12th and weren't done until Jan 26th. Didn't make nay trades during this time period because I wasn't sure what the market was doing.
Now they're staying with me st my beach house that I rent from them and I missed the recovery because they're all over me.
>has literally everyone forgot fucking faggot tree hugging hippies eventually got jobs and voted for Reagan twice
Fuck off. White millennials are in the same economy as you, jackass.
stop replying to lazy and obvious bait, newfags
If you had any knowledge of history you'd know.
i dont think youve ever been to a nonwhite country user
First thing first: i don't believe white "privilege" exist in America or Western europe.
>Oh yes those whites in South Africa have it so much better.
I know that you're trying to be ironic, but thats actually a good example of it.
>White privilege boils down to one single fucking thing, self discipline.
Anyone has more discipline than fucking niggers.
I live in a castizo majority country - Chile. And meanwhile i do not deny the fact that western culture has make us relatively (very relatively) successful, its indisputable that white(r) people have it better than dark skinned people.
Hey, i'm not a butthurt sjw, i don't really mind it being that way. But the most stupid people i've seen in medical college are white who came right from elite schools, meanwhile some of the smartest are castizos-mestizos who came from public schools (literally shit).
Eventually "white privilege" will dissapear in this country, but we are not quite there yet.
>show me a white man in a non-white majority country, I.E somewhere in africa or the middle east that lives there and doesn't get beheaded or heckled everyday
Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Japan, China, Pretty much any non white majority country that isnt filled with niggers.
>alive during the most prosperous, rich, high quality of life decades in human history
>still have mortgages
>still need the taxpayer to fund their existence
absolutely pathetic
kek i love that first one
>Be 16
>parents want me to get a retail job
>full out applications at several places
>parents tell me to call and ask about my application so they know I want the job
>I do
>no callbacks
>eventually get a job at a store
>work there for a while
>other people apply
>call to check on their applications
Why the fuck do boomers think this is good advice?
Is it because they grew up in a homogenous society with a functioning economy?
Boomers in any developed country are the same, usually have had jobs handed to them, never finished school and started their own franchises when nobody had a clue. Fucking kys
chile is a nation. Of course the nation is tailored towards the european contingent that founded it. Do not mistake nation for country, or geography. Life isnt fair, this is true - but consider the other possibilities within the context of human nature. Countries that were colonised might have been dominated by communities that didnt share such an altruistic ideal, which may have led to eradication entirely.
Attacking white identity and the right to the same human rights of self determination is not the answer to global social injustice such as poverty. You cant overwhelm the only places that can make a difference with the same poverty its trying to fix, that just creates total global poverty
>Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Japan, China, Pretty much any non white majority country that isnt filled with niggers.
so pretty much not the west? I am talking european nations and their diaspora colonies m8, not asian and developing nations.
Veeky Forums is and always will be a place of unrepentant bigotry. Gtfo if you don't like it, niggerfaggot.
I thought I wouldn't find this kind of stupid persons in Biz. I think it was supposed to happen eventually.
like pottery
A friendly reminder
back to plebbit you fag
The last one is fucking gold. I'm not an american, but I still fucking hate the fact that I'm being called an idiot for investing/speaking out for crypto while I'm being forced at gunpoint into the biggest LITERAL PONZI SCHEME of all time called a state pensions.
Fuck this gay earth all I want is for choices to have consequences.
It really was their fault. They wouldn't let me hire Mexicans to help pack and move which would have given me time to realize we weren't correcting but actually crashing.
I'm a white Mexican man, and I haven't had it better than anyone. My grandparents come from an indigenous village, where there were only people like the pic related. My grandmother is white and has grey eyes and so are her siblings, You want to know something? She has worked since she was 7 years old. She only studied until third grade and dropped out of school because she had to work full time in her village. When she came to the city, things were not different for her despite being white and having her gray eyes. Exact same thing happened to my grandfather and to my mother. Now, I'm white and I studied in public school and I worked while I was in college, earning $800 per month. Is that white privilege? White privilege doesn't exist, it's only used as an excuse for mediocre people that didn't work their ass off to achieve their goals and tried to find someone to blame.
>this triggers the /pol/ neckbeard
>basically the social justice right
>tfw I could have literally anyone or anything I want.
I wonder what that feels like.
>be me in gap year
>living in Japan
>decide to "walk straight into office, shake the managers hand, look into his eyes, and demand a job" all in my broken Japanese
>it worked
>go back to the states, do college
>try it again and again and it doesn't work, usually some underling tells me to apply online or go talk to some goon at HR, but in general nobody liked that attitude
>get a job the normal way
Years later after I had left Japan talking to Japanese bros they told me that some blonde giant gaijan just waltzed up to the man in charge and demanded a job was so off the wall he probably gave me the job out of being intimidated.
Gen Z reporting in here, we are here to unfuck everything you've done. Just give it 30 more years
Back to /pol/ you faggot
Same generational aspirations their parents had so they wanted to do it as well for their younger kids. Boomers were actually given everything they wanted and told they were special and shit like Millennials.
For some reason Gen X 'got tough' and were basically abandoned to fend for themselves which is why they all have mental disorders.
Millennials got the "OK Gen X was fucked up lets do the other way" treatment. Or Boomers wanted to give their kids what they had.
Economy has been decent to good since 2011. I think the Millennials complaining are those who had to graduate college 2006-2010 and get literally no job ruining their careers. There is definitely a lost generation there.
Just don't let me catch you whining at 18 when the means to make money are everywhere, crypto, Soundcloud, Twitch, try simply getting a job in marketing after a couple years of retail.
Useless? They did a lot but they were really small. If you look at the numbers Gen X is something like 33% the size of Millennials. Also they all have mental disorders and worked shit jobs which is why they are all on opiods. They worked too hard if anything.
Young people these days don't know the meaning of having to SWEAT to get what you want.
same old old people whining, its not 1970 any more motherfuckers. we have computers we dont need to sweat
im 30 and all i see is a bunch of whiney fucking faggots. yeah the system fucking sucks presently but you whiney entitled faggots would probably have still been fucking losers back in the day as well
Shut up you degenerate, go watch your wife getting fucked by another man of preferably african origin.
look up the term "baby boomer"
Just imagine, working with your hands, disgusting! I mean people used to grow their own food! What a bunch of fools! Didn't they know we have supermarkets for that? People used to write with ink and quill, didn't they know we have computers? I mean old people are so dumb! The government should just pay everyone a living wage because everyone is a human bean!
people like in pic related are proof that work smart, not hard is the golden rule...
if you have to make up documents to rationalize your wagecuck lifestyle and slave aspirations then you clearly have lost priorities in which activities you should put your time to make your life better for yourself and the people important to you...
the man in the picture is simply... proudly COPING...
but we need them, anyway... somebody has to build our houses and clean our sewers, right?
The general term encompasses children of those who fought in WWII, but like all generational denominations the constraints are a bit fuzzy. For me and my usage, boomer means unrepentant statists that are willfully ignorant and nonreactive to: their own apathy, greed, and major changes in legislation that will directly affect the future of their country and their children simply because: fuck you, I got mine.
So currently people about 60 years-old and older, but I still call Gen Xers boomers when they act like the faggots I listed above.
Full transparency: I am a millennial and I think millennials are the distillation of boomers narcissism mixed with the lack of engaged parenting, over-diagnoses of psychological problems, and "medical" treatment that Gen X received; but I'm not a boomer cunt who thinks the generation I belong to is immune to criticism.
not the point...
i build with my hands... i create... i sweat while cultivating a vegetable garden because i want to be able to grow my own food with little effort once i own bigger properties...
it's not about the work... it's about who you do the work for...
i want 100% of my energy to go to 100% of my self development and to help people around me...
not work 100%, get 99% siphoned off by some bigshot business owner thinking he's warren buffet for taking out a loan and opening a shitty company, that then throws me the 1% bone, fully thinking that i should be grateful for those table scraps... FUCK THAT.
any self-respecting man would... but nowadays, self respect is overrated, right?
if you throw it out the windows, you get:
a cushy wagecuck job
a bitch who takes command over your life, as long as she feels like it
lots and lots of goverment gibs, all around for everybody...
and the most important thing:
being agreeable to the other slaves and the owners... you can't live a "free" life without it...
oh, and don't forget to vote... you need to get your voice, heard, goys... it's all you have kek
This man is correct as long as he doesn't reproduce while he doesn't have the means to care for children.
I vote because you have to try, but democracy is retarded. Sounds like you've had some shitty jobs though. I get a month and a half off a year and can work from home any time I want. I'm actually "working" right now.
Also don't knock on manual labor. Nothing wrong with it. Maybe the fact that people look down on it is part of the problem of a bunch of alcoholics and drug users are overly abundant in say construction, because others think of it as too lowly for them.
Other part of the problem is the way people spend their money. Instead of saving/investing it's spent on new cars or bigger houses than they can afford plus every stupid expensive option you can think of.
found the nigger
Ah yes where everyone posts gore, tells eachother to kill themselves, calls eachother niggers, and posts stats. Exactly the same as a safe space.
>what is IQ?
>These people are objectively dumber on average by far, always have been and always will be, and they don't do as well in almost any measured metric no matter how much you try to help. That makes whites privileged! Whites need to ruin their own countries and dumb themselves down for others!
How can one be so dense?
>/bant/ in charge of quality posts
My grandpa is a boomer and he straight up tells me my generation has it shitty
My grandparents, parents tell me the same thing. They have self awareness.
People here just have toxic families, the subject is irrelevant.
This is actually how I got hired at McKinsey. Walked through a snowstorm, asked who the partner was and shook his hand. He hired me on the spot. Didn't even need a resume.
We have it shitty for multiple reasons, women in workforce doubling worker supply, insane low iq immigration (both legal and illegal), central banks, moving away from gold standard and causing rampant inflation etc. There are also a lot of people from this generation who are simply shitty though. Instead of being smart enough to "work against the system" and try making things better, they either A. give up or B. work for the very system that they hate because they fall for propaganda etc. That's why movements like the $15 minimum wage and UBI catch on, and those very same people are usually fine with flooding the country with even more people. They somehow don't see that even if you could somehow have something as silly as UBI, you can't also provide that to a bunch of literal retards coming in by the millions.
get out liberal faggot
You people are just filth who don't deserve non service sector jobs
There's this one really obnoxious boomer on Veeky Forums that makes fun of all the jobless engineers. Fucking hate that asshole.
Nah, we have the technology to support everyone, maybe not a sustainable model without space travel. But that's the goal, is eliminating fucking stupid things like wages, classes, etc. and just having robots make shit we need for us.
Engineers are worthless, autistic cretins
imagine being so retarded you actually believe this drivel
I driveled your moms asshole last night
childhood of the 50s, 60s and 70s = boomers
70s 80s 90s = mtv / gen x
90s 00s 10s = millenial / gen y
10s + = Gen Z
for less than $15/hr I’m sure. Stay poor faggot
>be me
>honorable Japanese middle manager
>open position in my firm
>plan to give it to Hiroshi, my honorable and qualified nephew
>one day a massive blonde american man walks in
>he's three feet taller than me and stinks of burger
>he iron grips my hand, nearly breaking it, and stares into my soul
>he didn't even bow. I'm afraid he might kill me
>he smiles broad and rips my arm out of my socket, then goes and sits down at my desk
>he uses my computer to watch anime while I call Hiroshi and beg forgiveness
Yeah I have my gripes with boomers within my family. They don't respect me at all, I was late to realize what the game is. But boomers are normal people out in the street. Everyone is struggling financially and looking for some group to blame. My dad gets on me about this shit. My moms constantly reading facebook garbage about millennials, it's warping her once kind christian mind.
I don't ever call them boomers or anything like that. Just need to show them, this is a new era, time to let some of those ideas to rest.
He's not wrong if he's talking about trade jobs. Most of them will hire you on the spot as long as you're willing to work. But for anything outside of that it's bullshit.
After reading this thread I have figured out something.
we no longer have the ability to discover and settle new lands and this is causing people to go fucking nuts. We're stuck just getting what they hand down to us and they fucking ruined it. We can't just pack up and chart unknown territory together because the world doesn't work like that anymore. What can we do? We literally have to wait for them all to die and then try and make the world a better place for our kids. Yes, our entire generation is lost and ruined but we are the ones who can stop the cycle of boomer fuckery. Our time for prosperity never existed thanks to boomers but, maybe, we can make it so others don't have to deal with this again.