y-you're not going to miss your last chance to get this under 40 cents right user?
Y-you're not going to miss your last chance to get this under 40 cents right user?
Other urls found in this thread:
Literal scamcoin.
>shitty buzzword whitepaper
>unconfirmed "partnerships"
>no real idea of what the token does or why it's necessary
>overshilled and pumped by discord groups then dumped
Literally NO reason to buy this over a dozen other speculative Chinese coins with actual whitepapers and products behind them.
But I know you just want it to go back to $1 so you can dump your bags, goy.
MAN is the only chink coin you should be buying
I dont remember what this is
Scam warning!!
>didn't do any of his own reserach and blindly follows a couple biz trolls
>implying i would dump at $1
I'm dumping at $3 early march, but thanks
30 ruppies added to your account
keep up the fudding for your whale overlords pajeet
Meanwhile i've made another grand since starting this thread.
Why does biz always fomo in once it's already mooned?
I'm handing this to you. There is always fud before projects moon.
i've researched this coin and still have no idea what it does famalam
seriously it's just a speculative token and if it takes off it's taking off because chinese scammers pump it
I sold at a dollar. Here you are acting tough because it hit 0,40 cents. Top kek.
Scam coin, i’ll keep warning the newfriends every time i see these posts.
Plebittors already knew the moment the ibm fairx chief in command was asking who these chinks were and why they had listed ibm as their partner.
i would explain but thus guy does a better job:
Also look at this graph, only chinks are buying atm.
>I sold at a dollar. Here you are acting tough because it hit 0,40 cents. Top kek.
it dropped because of the cryptocrash brainlet, congrats on selling the top, but almost all coins halved or more in value. Don't be retarded
As for the partnerships the team is only putting out information once the deals are concluded, which is why there is little info. IMO this is better than constantly hyping empty promises on twitter.
This is a high risk, high reward coin, but everything is pointing to a massive return.
The team credentials alone are a bigger guarantee than almost any other coin.
To anyone doubting, look up the february first mainnet launch.
> lists ibm as partner
> Top ibm employees ask who the fuck these chinks are
M-m-muh mainnet, february. Goddamn those bags must be getting heavy.
S-s-scam warning boys!!
>this happened
You sold, hence you have a vested interest in creating fud to prevent the price from going higher so you can keep telling yourself you sold at the right time.
I get it dude, but your points are invalid and i've proved you wrong countless times now.
Keep typing your little message faggot
It’s all a big fucking scam I’d rather it die with you. When I joined the telegram group end 2017 it was fucking empty. There was literally no one there, the asian group also barely had a few hundred members.
Coin gets hyped and shilled more and more. A reddit gets created, biz gets floodwd with shills. Retards start spending their entire time in the telegram group circlejerking each other so they moderator rights, more people start pouring in and so did the money.
When people started to realize shit was off and the partnerships were a fake they mass dumped it to where it belonged.
And here you are still holding bags, tricking newfriends into becoming the next generation bagholders.
That’s why I will continue to say: scam warning bois!!
Nice story, but the telegram admins are 1 int dev and some volunteers.
according to your retarded logic "people dumped it" litterally all coins are a scam.
All coins got dumped idiot, there was a general market crash.
I really look forward to hearing from you when this coin surpasses your sell price. Am screenshotting all your replies.
Scam warning!!
> (OP)
>MAN is the only chink coin you should be buying
Is this out yet?
How do you explain the 350 mil circ supply? Go look at their whitepaper if you think I am fudding. Also fake partnerships
those "partnerships" are rumors for like 4 months already , when are they finally releasing news about it? i tell u never because they are not existent or they are just massive shit and then the coin will dump to 1 cent
It’s not fake, the telegram admin said it’s real.
The chief architect at IBM has absolutely no clue who these scam artists are and was asking why the fuck they put the IBM logo on their website.
M-m-muh muh telegram admin. Microsoft + IBM, the dream.
>some random guy on telegram said it so it must be true
Thanks just bought 100k
*INT Dev