>just spent $350 for a hooker and didnt even finish
>had to use a condom and remembered that Chad is fucking my ex bareback and lost my erection
Just spent $350 for a hooker and didnt even finish
That problem will persist unless you change your lifestyle. I actually used the idea of becoming stronger only to kill chad with my bare hands to take me to a healthier habitat. Changed my entire life around and got ripped as fuck, women were coming from nowhere and letting me cum on their tongues after getting out of 4 year relationships and never swallowing once. Ran out of money and have some health problems now tho. Just stop watching porn, masturbate like twice a week at most. Hookers are nasty bro save your money.
sorry man
You're pathetic. Send me your coins, you little faggot.
>I based my mentality on killing a hyperbolic strawman
>healthier habitat
>ran out of money and got sick
Lol, 'healthy'
Lol unironically what i did too.
The anger will propel you to success op. Just let it happen
My ex girlfriend says she'll kill herself if we break up so she comes around to my place once a week and has barely consensual sex with me. My mind is a black hole of loathing and self loathing throughout the entire process. This has gone on for 3 years, which is twice as long as we dated in the first place. I still can't tell her to fuck off because every time I've tried it has been an unbelievably traumatic suicide crisis and i'm pretty much broken. I would say I am probably the number 1 cuck on the entire internet.
No. That literally happened to me. The person was someone I let very close to me, who happened to be in better shape, decided to take my girlfriend and then make physical threats toward me. I responded the same way any healthy human being would. By training in preparation. Please fuck off with your superior attitude and get back to looking for a cure to your male pattern baldness lol
next time she threatens suicide and you have evidence, call the police. they will go to where she is and take her to the hospital
She's slowly killing you. Please do tell her to fuck off, even if she does kill herself, it's not your responsibility to sacrifice your own mental health for her manipulative ass.
???? this wont help
he actually just needs to ghost her and move to another state
Why not just lie to her and carry on with your life like normal and get free pussy once a week for the rest of your life.
>get back to looking for a cure to your male pattern baldness lol
Underrated shiv desu.
jealous soybitch #1
you hvae to stop being a pussy, girls are bad at killing themselves anyways she will probably just take 20 tylenol and cut her wrists the wrong way
I've dealt with women like this. They're going to eventually give it a shot either way whether you leave or not. Just go and be ready to call 911 when they give you the ol midnight phone call to say goodbye forever trick. You'll either save them or force them to explain why they were being dramatic to paramedics
leave her. she's a turbocunt. tell the cops she's blackmailing you/suicidal and they'll come with a party van and lock her in an asylum.
>got ripped as fuck, women were coming from nowhere and letting me cum on their tongues
Just lol if you need to get ripped in order to do this
Honestly sounds like a good time in a fucked up sort of way. Lucky.
hookers are for virgins, once you experience bareback loving sex you can never go back
moving to Thailand doesn't count soybitch
350$ sounds a little a cheap for sex ya dig
find 6 more grils just like this and you're all set forever. well until one sudokus and you have to search again for a tuesday replacement.