Why aren't you faggots investing in Memphis Meats. You know artificial meat is the future of your N33t Diet

Why aren't you faggots investing in Memphis Meats. You know artificial meat is the future of your N33t Diet.

Ive got some artificial meat for you right here

*unzips dick*

why do you keep steaks in your pants seems rather unsanitary?


currently there's no market for it. Soyboys will still claim that, despite evolving as meat eaters, meat is bad for humans n shit. People that enjoy steaks won't like vat meat for the same reason they don't like fake butter. People that give up on soy and want to eat meat but have problem with the "ethics" seem to walk dick-in-hand with people that hate the concept of artificial/genetically-modified foods. The TECHNOLOGY has growth potential, but will the market adopt it?

>"World's Greatest Steaks"
>From a box, frozen

>Eats his steak well done

Is this guy retarded?

>well done with ketchup
if I met someone that actually ate their steak that way I'd assume they're missing a chromosome

I looked into investing into them a couple months back but they aren't traded publicly?

People adopted lunchables, bottled water, and sugared wheat in the mornings. If the price is cheap it'll be adopted.

I hear the new White House pet is not going to be a dog.

Trump brought in a sickly, balding chimpanzee that was spray painted gold.

>hurr people won't like it
it's not about what people like, fast foods will be the first adopters, and the only factor there is cost

we can already make meat out of literal sewage

You poor thing.

we eat meat because we hate animals. we grind them to mush and stuff them up their own assholes. that kind of hate. artificial meat simply lacks the feeling of triumph over the whore nature.

>People that enjoy steaks won't like vat meat for the same reason they don't like fake butter.
This has the same chemical composition as real meat while fake butter is just vegetable oil.


I see your autism is getting the better of you. Try asking someone, sometime, why they prefer real butter to fake butter, instead of masturbating and then coming up with your own assumption as to what they would say.

Yeah Memphis Meats is private though, Tyson invested in them this year though

I thought dildos were already artificial meat

No, hes a businessman.
People drink trump wine to say they did. They will eat a trump steak for the same reason.

Invest in Tyson or Cargill user. Those motherfuckers are already eyeballing that market.

quite the opposite... using his inflated brand name to cash in on suckers wanting to "eat like the big boys" sounds like a money maker to me...

or might it be about something else but the business idea or the ethics...

do i...
do i taste salt?
salt? anyone?

>being a predator = hate
you have just literally shown yourself as a walking talking, bleating sheep... because the wolf will always seem like a heartless monster to the prey who DESERVES to get eaten, by LAW OF NATURE

I'd love to, but aren't they (or all the other fake food thingies for that matter) private?
Or did I overlook some?