Last chance to get in.
Last chance to get in
but I'm already in user. Sunny will free us from our chains.
In at 6.7, just excited to finally be back into the green haha.
I got in with 50% of my stack at 5.6, rest at 7.2
Someone post the paragraph showing how this coin is a scam. Deluded plebbit bagholders
You know that’s a joke right
We were just posting it to pass time until this started going up again
Yeah man, Sunny fucks hookers in back alleyways and clotheslines reporters during official conferences.
2k VEN reporting in. Will I make it?
I got pic related for the 'airdrop'.
Please are so deluded....
All in at 29 cents. We have a bright future
All in at $1.87.
Still fucking amazed how this has less Veeky Forums exposure than antshares did. Although also equally as surprised a scam coin like link is the new Veeky Forums baby, those fucking pools deluded everyone.
sry for reddit spacin kek will forgive me
Big VeChain fan here but temper your expectations. This will takes decades to reach $100. Ethereum, BTC and Tron all shot up 25+ due to intense speculation. With VeChain everything is realistic and priced in. VeChain mass adoption will take years to come to fruition, and nobody is going to be launching ICO's anytime soon. I expect Vechain to be around 2-4 billion market cap for the rest of the year.
all in since the crash
not a chance it stays that low. you should just focus on learning how to tie your shoelaces.
Sunny is too busy fondling people in an elevator
hahahah. With a crypto market expected to be 2-3 tril?
Already in at 4$, didnt sell at 9$. Now we 5.50$.
Bought a strength node at 2. So comfy. Jump on the Thor train you broke cunts and get comfy.
I am the number 1 hater of vechain, but my VERY conservative estimation is $200 EOY
Last chance was Dec 7-possibly 17th. The fuck OP talking bout?
Strength node bros, bought in at 2.90.
What do you think the price of Thor will be? I think it's going to have to be worth cents for it to be commercially useable. But that also depends on how much one Thor can actually achieve. If it costs one Thor to scan a chip, it's got to be cheap. But if it costs one Thor to scan thousands of chips, then it can be worth more. And as far as I know they haven't said what one Thor will actually be able to accomplish.
went all in yesterday. was totally drunk and couldnt remember. i should drink regularly
have you heard of . walben coine
Not a clue. Whatever it is I just plan on stacking it. I plan on holding for years. That is unless something unexpected happens, Vet hits 1000 and then I just cash out and retire.
If VET hits 1000 I can't retire but I can sure as hell start a business, put the rest into something else and retire sooner.
Can we get some more FUD in here? It is good to have something to laugh at on our way to the top.
I own vechain but come on now, it's possible but defo not conservative.
Part of me doesn't believe it can reach those levels because I'd be rich at 21 and god knows I don't deserve it
Dude. There’s a 870million supply.
Are you retarded?
Last chance was Feb 5th when it was $3 again. It will never be that low again.
Half of that will be locked in nodes.
>yfw baught in cheap and are super comfy now, whilest others spread pink wojaks
Dude. The vast majority of VET will be locked up in nodes generating Thor, taking them out of the circulating supply. Are you retarded?
LOL I'm all for the FOMO, but even /biz was shilling VEN
Technically biz shill everything at some point. They also shilled wtc and tron. Look how that worked out.
You expect autists that didn’t buy ven when it was cheaper and sit here fudding against the number coin of 2018 to understand this?
That didn’t stop dash from dropping over 50% LOL. next.
>buying at the top
BTC will correct back to 9k over the next few hours. You've been warned.
They will still be a part of the total supply you jack Ass.
Plus like I said, that theory didn’t stop dash from dropping over 50% huh faggot.
God I feel sad about people who bought WTC. What a terrible decision.
If you can prove me you have a substantial holding of WTC post your ethereum address and I will send 0.05 ETH.
If 300k eoy is making it.
That was the whole point. The only thing project I've seen /biz shill early that turned out to be solid (if you bothered to read up on it) was VEN. Pretty funny, because I hadn't seen it anywhere else. SO /biz didn't soy for once.
With that in mind, anything above 1 USD was late. That said, FOMO the shit out of VEN on reddit and anywhere else you can!
Wtc is a far better project than ven, it’s easy to see this unless you’re a low IQ brainlet driven purely by emotion.
Listen dude, I'm not making fun of you guys. I am genuinely sympathetic. When we've made it I'll share some of my profits with WTC holders. We're all in this together and unfortunately this time you made a terrible mistake...
I sold yesterday to buy LTC.
LTC dropped and now VEN moons?
Unfortunately for you, wtc releases their mainnet and masternodes before ven.
Also, I have heard that ven’s blockchain isn’t even scalable. Not that I’d expect you brainlets to understand that.
Salty walty doesn't understand supply and demand. Nothing was going to save Dash. To even compare Vet to Dash just shines a spotlight on your idiocy. Die poor, waltcuck.
Whoa you're saying LITECOIN dropped and didn't keep mooning despite the whole moon ocurring because of a scam fork? Who'd have thunk!?
I sold at 0.00594 ETH because I wanted to buy back in lower, but right after that it started going up and now it's at .00628. :(
I don't want to buy back at a loss, Veeky Forums. :(
The essential difference between Vechain and Walton is the layer at which the blockchain is implemented. Vechain has patents on the txID-reading RFID chips with memory, which allows the blockchain to be implemented in the foundational level through the RFIDs. They are world leaders in chip technology, and make their own chips. Walton does not make their own chips. They outsource the hardware, and have the hardware made compatible with their blockchain via API. So their blockchain is implemented several layers up in the application layer, through business-centralized control. So, Walton is inherently less decentralized and less secure.
This is the essential difference, and it's not a deal-breaker for Walton, but it is a fact, and it does matter. Vechain is somewhat ironically better at authentication than Walton for this reason, despite Walton's original main use-case as an anti-counterfeiting product (they've since expanded their use-case into cold logistics and other areas).
But there are other advantages to making your own chips. Walton is using someone else's hardware and then repurposing it for their blockchain. Vechain has built the chip from the ground up to be compatible with the blockchain and improved the standard chip to be much more advanced, with encryption, fine minute movement detection, anti-collision logic to prevent skipping, low voltage technology so the chips can last more than 20 years, and other advancements over standard chips. Making their own chips also makes them cheaper. Standard RFIDs are 15 to 20 cents. Vechain's are less than 5.
Literally none of that is true and you’ve just switched the names of Walton and Vechain around.
I’d expect nothing less from vencucks.
Thanks for braking downward trend.
Holy shit this is big. Seriously considering dumping wtc for ven
Same here... first time in weeks I decide to daytrade... then this happens. WTF>
I mean you could buy ven now and make money so it isn’t too late... it’s getting too late to be a ven millionaire perhaps but if you can make 2x-10x gains, was it really that late? I’d say no. I bought at a little over $1 and I’m pretty satisfied right now
The essential difference between Vechain and Walton is the layer at which the blockchain is implemented. Walton has patents on the txID-reading RFID chips with memory, which allows the blockchain to be implemented in the foundational level through the RFIDs. They are world leaders in chip technology, and make their own chips. Vechain does not make their own chips. They outsource the hardware, and have the hardware made compatible with their blockchain via API. So their blockchain is implemented several layers up in the application layer, through business-centralized control. So, Vechain is inherently less decentralized and less secure.
This is the essential difference, and it's not a deal-breaker for Vechain, but it is a fact, and it does matter. Walton is somewhat ironically better at authentication than Vechain for this reason, despite Vechain's original main use-case as an anti-counterfeiting product (they've since expanded their use-case into cold logistics and other areas).
But there are other advantages to making your own chips. Vechain is using someone else's hardware and then repurposing it for their blockchain. Walton has built the chip from the ground up to be compatible with the blockchain and improved the standard chip to be much more advanced, with encryption, fine minute movement detection, anti-collision logic to prevent skipping, low voltage technology so the chips can last more than 20 years, and other advancements over standard chips. Making their own chips also makes them cheaper. Standard RFIDs are 15 to 20 cents. Walton's are less than 5.
You sold the bottom of a correction. Look at the one day chart.
Nice one salty walty changing order of vechain and walton
It's not a scam + Litepay.
It’s funny that you rely on outright lies to push your product.
it'll get back there, and then drop a little after they release whatever news they have coming up
Now you. Dont be jelly
so WTC are the sole manufacturer of the chip and this somehow makes it more decentralized? Single point of failure right there. Also, how do walton chips write data to the blockchain if not via an API? Magic and wizardry?
sold at the last high expecting a dip and got left behind
Provinciale =\= national. Big difference boi
Difference is Walton can actually deliver.
By patented tech, they are world leading in RFID and chip manufacturing.
If we're comparing hardware and implementation, Walton has the clear advantage here. As for software, we can't compare yet because we don't know about what technology VeChain has for their blockchain. We do however know that Walton is scalable, due to their dual-chain + child chain structure, which also gives companies the option of keeping proprietary and other information private on their child chain, while only broadcasting needed public information to the parent chains.
Lastly, you can compare partnerships and adoption. VeChain has some large partnerships and even national govt support to build a smart city as a pilot for quick expansion into larger scale implementation. I don't want to take anything away from that. It's impressive. Compared to other crypto projects, this should be a dream. Vechain should be much higher market cap due to these large partnerships.
But Walton is no slacker, and while many people seem to just universally think that vechain is far ahead in partnerships, I simply disagree. I won't say who has better partnerships, but I will elaborate on Walton's. They have multiple provincial govt contracts to build smart cities, smart oceans, and smart air purification solutions, and they have won multiple awards from the National govt of China for their tech. They've received govt subsidies for mass production of their RFIDs as well. They have many multi-billion dollar partnerships with many different supply chains that are using their product right now in a testing phase, and with as many companies using their product, they are actually China's most adopted blockchain currently
instead of being a bunch of fucken retards arguing about whose dick is bigger buy both and be twice as comfy.
huge if big
did you just switch vechain with walton lmao
imagine being so desperate that you list "attended a trade show" as an accomplishment.
There is so little FUD for ven that pajeets have to try and shill garb like WTC to get in. Stay poor.
It was a response to a "what-if" comment, never said it was realistic. Why is having basic reading comprehension so much to ask for?
I own ven and wtc nodes. You are the poor retard im afraid..
>wewuzkangs furniture
Vechain does not have a whitepaper
No info on how to scale.
There is no Github activity.
Lied about Vitalik being advisor, deleted tweet after Vitalik called them out.
They mention on their website the release of a so-called Clou(n)d platform in Q4 2017. I started a Reddit post to ask what a clouNd platform is. Nobody could answer me. I tried to ask the Vechain devs in discord, nobody was able to contact me since they were working on their main net.
The coca cola kid is clearly a sign of insiders trading.
Low-quality partnerships brought as HUGE partnerships. For example the DNL GV partnership, there is clearly a partnership, but DNL GV gave an official press release that DNL GV cooperated with Deloitte labs to create blockchain, so I would like to know how exclusive this is. The PWC partnership is a partnership as a third-party provider, the partnership with Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences is brought as something big, while Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences only published one article in the whole of 2016-2017. In short: Any partnership has some way or another some flaws.
Some advisors of Vechain have still Lorem ipsum on their website.
Huge size Rfid tags compared to competitor.
Banned on reddit cryptocurrency for paid shilling.
And the list goes on and on and on.......
can anyone give me a quick rundown of this sunny character? i heard he's real shady
Waltonchain partners/clients
China Mobile IoT Alliance
Zhangzhou Branch of China Telecom Corporation Limited
"Smart Oceans" blockchain R&D project with Fujian Provincial Government
Air purification and smart monitoring project with Jinhu Provincial Government
Building "Blockchain Silicon Valley" with Taiwan Cloud and Fujian Provincial Government
Shenzhen Card Cube Smart Technology co., Ltd
NIDS Sensor Technology
Yunnan Yunshanghuaxia Trading co., Ltd.
JU&KE Creative Design
Fanfangxiang Culture & Media co., Ltd.
Shenzhen M&A Association of Listed Companies
Lipson Plastic
Xiangyu Group
Guangdong Original Clothing Trading Center
Direct delivery
Fujian Soonbox Logistics Park
KISA and Korean IoT research centre
Korea University engineering department
Sungkyun Technologies
NanKang City Furniture industry
Taiwan Cloud Association
Fuyao Glass Industry Group co., Ltd
Sinolink Securites
Jiangsu Zhongke Internet of Things Technology Venture Capital Co., Ltd.
Fujian ST Electronics co., Ltd.
Foshan Haichen Technology co., Ltd.
Xiamen Aerolite Technology co., Ltd.
Do you want to keep posting all those words or do you want to make money bro.
Buy VEN low then sell VEN high.
are we all dumping or holding b4 the 26th rebrand. whats the plays boys
im probably selling day of and buying back in 1 - 2 days later after inevitable dip
>One of the only coins that's been able to do +25% climbs in a 24 hour period
>People still don't think it's legit
We will be the ones laughing when this shit 100x.
ching ching chang chung
Just another 20% and i'll break even!
Look at all this shitty salty walty fud. You losers will NEVER overtake our marketcap. Do you hear me you deluded little fucks? NEVER!
stay poor
Link did that yesterday..... You call that shitcoin legit?
Double space next time so the list looks even bigger!
Can somebody explain why VEN is outpacing BTC for a stupid supply chain Walton Modum cone?
Bitcoin wannabe vechain coin
How many coins did ripple have at 100m Mc i can’t remember, close?
Ven entry 26 cents. Comfy you plebs
could i become a millionaire if i buy 10000 ven?