you make money on dividends, cities going to release in a week, you make money when someone buys your properties.....why aren't you in yet biz?
You make money on dividends, cities going to release in a week, you make money when someone buys your properties...
Other urls found in this thread:
Much better than some shitty Jpeg ICO that pretends to be something else. GET IN HERE
Because I don't like free money
finally an honest man
Holding a couple of european and south american countries :)
This is it. Either someone buys of me, or I get dividends when cities come out. WIN WIN WIN
cities could be fun
Like cryptocountries but even better, because of the dividends. Holding some for cities release!
you pajeets are shilling pretty hard but it's not an awful concept
looks ugly, but ill try it out
im not a pajeet, but I like this concept. Thanks for sharing. World is so high!
holy fuck what the fuck
i thought it was dead when the top country was like 5eth
709 ETH?
wow biz its still early, thanks for once
niceeeeee! made.1
Yeeeeah free eth
Buying some asian ones looks cheap
great idea with dividends. i think the world is much undervalued at the moment, europe has nearly the same price
Damn my city flipped in a min...guess buying te floor is the key
why do you faggots always post shit and cuck me by not posting a link?
search "youcollect world" is the link to this one. Everything is still pretty damn cheap
Fuck you I'm not retarded I'm talking about the non pajeet world game not your shitty collect scam
Even your name says FUD
Holy shit America is only 30 eth?
When did this game start? That's cheap ASF compared to the other games.
Someone's gonna make a lot of money.
Started yesterday. Bought 10 countries yesterday night and all were gone when I woke up. Round 2 time
Dude as soon as everyone sees this the world is gonna go to 150 and USA is gonna go to 60. That's when the dividends really start ramping up. I can't believe USA is so cheap people are literally sleeping on the best cities.
Like for real Russia is almost the same price of USA and it's full of shit cities. Can people not into logic or do they not know about the city dividends or what?
I got my 2nd city flipped in 30 mins....thanks for the traffic ...
Cities don't release for a week you retard.
I'm tempted to throw the 30 at USA, I feel like it's gonna flip today and then it will be $7k more than it is now.
lol some cuck just bought chad from me
bought it right back stay cucked poorfag
the big whales just didnt found this game yet. this is the best collectible game out yet and it will raise to the moon they traded over 1600 ETH on the first day after release
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keep trying with your spam game you cuck your just jealous cuz i own chad and you own nothing
holy shit we must have broken some records right
looks like youcollect is a brand which just started one day ago with this next generation collectible game
the dividends are pretty nice, i doubled my money plus the dividends its like 3x now. still way early in this game this is only day 2 and i heard the dev is hiring the same shill army that works for LINK to promote it, shit is gonna get retarded
I'll tell you if you buy my bags. :^)
yes the dividends are amazing i also doubled my money and still have some countries. on dappradar the app would be on second place just after one day but they are not listed yet
you guys are weak handed retards, everything has already doubled in one day and you want to get out, what countries do you own pajeet i will buy them
Biz is ruined, it's all about shilling and fuding.
buy link retard, i 2x on this game so far, only retards are daytrading crypto, this is a fun way to pass the time while waiting for your coins to moon
its all about making money the revolution just started
its televised
I fucking wish.
Get in here! The United States is only 30ETH, worth so much more. Get it before it doubles and it WILL double.
The European countries r so damn cheap now...I wonder the dividend I will get by selling their cities...I will triple my money in no time!!
just joined the discord channel and heared there will come more than cities. landmarks and world wonders are also on the roadmap
>implying the devs won't abandon it for yet another clone the second transactions slow down a little
THIS is basically ethercraft except you are buying items when they only have ten sales.
honestly it's more developed than ethercraft because you can actually sell your items to other players without using some etherdelta bullshit
look at the smart contract, its build for long run, this is going to explode!!!
Yes, surely THIS ONE won't just be left to die within the week like the last two.
the other two will also raise again when enough whales joined the world and see whats behind youcollect
Quick Alert...Time for whale to buy...he is buying in
What's behind youcollect is precisely the problem.
Devs that have spread their attention way too thin and keep shitting out new projects every other day.
Still good for a quick flip
So many spammers in this thread... Wow
I still don't understand how she gets those fake tits to look so much like her own. Photoshop?
That's fair enough. Just be aware of their track record and try not to end up like these guys;
Definitely Photoshop.
what is all this????
finally someone sane. this whole thing is a big fucking scam. who the fuck would buy virtual countries for 30k usd? this shit is so dumb I cant even...
devs collecting money from the fools then a week later when everyone is waiting for the "whales" bc they will totally "come in a few days" thats when devs abandon ship and make another stupid pyramid scam.
Invest in ethpyr if you like pyramids or in proper eth games, not like there is one atm but I fucking know awesome eth games will come in a few months.
30 more mins before the whale starts buying get ur city Asian and European ones...they r his favorite
I am by no means above buying into dumb shit for quick flips, but is just incredibly shady.
can we stop posting lude pics of girls, this a finance and business board not a "dump your fap collection" board
All the hate from this one person who didn't buy when shit was cheap
I wanna thank this thread from not BRAPing and letting me enjoy this ass thank you
I am pretty sure he is the owner of cryptocountry...just shitting on the competitor...they took 3 weeks to achieve what youcollect did in 36 hours....too bad!!
But user, Patreon whoring is good business.
>didn't buy when shit was cheap
ROI stays the same. It literally doesn't matter when you buy in as long as you aren't the last one to do it.
I think you are a stupid guy who gets drunk and spend on hentai images...I started of with 1 eth and has a wallet of 20 eth now...Thanks to cryptogaming
I brapped literal non brap threads and didn't brap this one. Just flipped another country on worldcollect. Up 2 eth so far
2.5 profit now
they are building up hype. hope they dont silent release it.
people who fudded this gonna fomo in so hard when cities release