2 Latinas for 2 hours/day
Eight Ball/day
2 Latinas for 2 hours/day
Eight Ball/day
you’re retarded if you’re paying that much for an 8ball
>4k for some stank beaner pussy
wew lad you are overpaying by about 100x
hes retarded for paying 4k for two hookers
4k for 2hrs? wtf. How do you even get it up on blow....I've mixed viagra and blow ...not the best of ideas...throw some ketamine in there
>spending money for spic pussy
>2 spics for 2 hours = 4k
wait, is it in beaner pesos?
u gotta practice with adderall and wait about 30 or 40 minutes after ur last line
also wtf op one hour is 100 max if ur in mexico and the coke will be way cheaper and potentially better (or worse) too
You're retarded if you're paying more than 100 a day each for those hos.
>beaner pesos
Thats like saying nigger nigger faggot
GHB or GBL + blow for sex.
The comedown on that combo sucks tho, so have benzos on hand.
tfw I'm 6'5 with an amazing body and average face so don't have to pay for those chicks when I go to SA
heh, lost my virginity on acid my dude. Mixed countless drugs with sex (2c / coke / speed/ mephedrone / md / weed / ketamine / mxe) .....whilst ive stopped doing drugs...sex and drugs is the bestest.
yeah, no.
banging on K is spazz tier and wierd.
why not shoot up krokodil and hit the DMT while you are at it?
fuck fucking on dissociatives.
4k? Lol you're getting ripped off. If you wanna fuck hookers go to Brazil, it's a shithole but has the best cost-benefit-pussy ratio bar none. Brazilians are hot as fuck, you can bang a model for 200usd / hour
MDMA and you fuck for hours
mephedrone, coke is the same.
good luck busting a nut tho. girls the same.
just fucking without payoff is just funny after a few hours
"a little" mdma" ontop of 2cb, weed, shrooms or acid is god tier
kill yourself worthless/10
why pay for sex? As a white cant I just walk around and talk to qts and get laid?
4000$ x 12h = 48000$ per 24h for 2 hoes
48000$ x 365d = 17520000 $ for 2 hoes constantly on your nutsack for 24h a day
300$ food x 365 = 109500$ for 2 hoes (you starve or extra 600x365 = 219000$)
+ 109500$ 8 ball
17520000 + food for 2 hoes one year 109500$ + your food 219000$ + 109500 = 17958000$
cut the prices in half by 50% and its solid
also, who the fuck even buys 8balls for that much in Brazil?
please go there. now user.
see you in a thread