Where is your god now?
Where is your god now?
*tips fedora*
I have no god.
Does this mean its going back up/?
That meme again
it didnt fit perfect, but it was surprisingly predictive.
But were most likely at the stealth phase of the next cycle.
The whole bamboozle again, but this time BTC will reach 100k. (and than drop to 30k)
> he think it's over
Yes, nice and readable.
google tricked me, here you go
its deleted what did they say?
nice double dibs my man.
But dont you think its silly to expect a 100% copy of a previous movement?
Just because the one thing went down exactly 77,40% why would bitcoin to the same?
It go down >60%, isnt that enough for a "crash/despair" moment?
>stealth phase
Are you fucking kidding me
zoom out, we're in the Bear Trap phase
in the past, it was only tens of dollars that had them looking all crazy like your chart, now we're talking about changes of thousands of dollars
you will see
My god is at comfysignals t.me/comfysignals
Never seen this before, can someone please explain it to me?
Return to the mean
we are only in the media attention phase if that
Yes, stealth phase. Institutional investors have only been in this game for a couple of months at the most. Hedge fund talk has only been floating in the space for that long.
you're joking, right?
This hasn't even hit the media yet
Nah that faggot is correct. We’re not even in the stages shown in that bubble graph. The general public (99%) has very little to zero knowledge of what crypto is and where to buy much less owns any. No one can debate this. It’s a fucking fact.
This when my boomer dad called me to talk about I went and got a 2nd mortgage and market bought on bitmex at 100x because I knew It was still the stealth phase.
this. most people know that bitcoin exists at this point but that's pretty much it. normies don't know that altcoins exist, how to buy crypto, or how the tech behind it works.
Riiiiiight. I'm gonna completely disregard the fact that my barbor has been talking about bitcoin the past two months. Same with the babysitter, most of my coworkers, my uber drives, and even my grandparents. Not to mention all of the instagram whores who shill a new shitcoin every week. Or all of the front page articles on newspapers and big outlets like CNN and Fox. Yup, no one even knows about it yet!
well even if youre right we have to hit the enthusiasm stage faggot
lamo yes, EVERYONE HAS HEARD OF CRYPTO, exposure is almost 100%.
"stealth phase", just lol
Have you autists ever considered that BTC won't follow that stupid fucking graph?
this, faggots like are delusional
I’m not gonna bother calling out the rest of the larpers but you know fags know who you are. Go fuck yourselves
On the complete off ass chance that any of you aren’t lying let me play with an explanation. You’re into crypto and stock trading. That mean your parents probably were too. Statistically speaking (in b4 I was born poor larp. We’re all upper middle class white dudes here. Stop larping). So that means your father probably keeps his ear to the market. Crypto is known ONLY IN FINANICAL CIRCLES at this point really. Of the people who have heard of it I bet almost none own any. If you disagree you’re delusion. Go do a fucking study in person at a random supermarket, Walmart, car dealer, football, whatever. I guaran-fucking-tee that you’ll find no more than TWO PERCENT of the general US population owns crypto. Guarantee it. And that’s the “rich” US population. Almost zero percent of people world wide own crypto. If you deny this then you’re denying a truth that you know inside yourself. And to that I have only one thing to say: enjoy being poor.
It's probably even less. I'm sure more than 50% have heard of it but hardly any of them actually own any. Big difference
I'm from a poor family
I own crypto since Q4 2016
>in b4 my family aren't poor anymore
Top tier larp
>The general public (99%) has very little to zero knowledge of what crypto is and where to buy much less owns any.
Do you faggot REALLY believe that the public will be interested in the idea of a decentralized ledger even if you explain it to everyone in detail? Seriously? Oh my fucking god, how much you all cunts underestimate the stupidity, laziness and inertness of the masses. There are just two kinds of people who might really open their heart to blockchain: gamblers (investors) and contrary, rebellious libertarians. THAT'S ALL.
Hey almost no one I know owns gold either, can't wait till the general population finds out about that one!
For now. Obviously governments are becoming more interested in it as well as corporations. Everyone knows what stocks are, but few people individually purchase or even know how to purchase stock. They do have investors do it for them though... and their retirements are tied to stock. What happens if people tie their retirements to crypto in ten years? Wouldn’t right now be looked back at as the stealth phase? Wouldn’t I be correct then? Eat my ass faggots
this is gonna get postet until BTC goes beyond 20k, isn't it?
Can anyone recommend a good filter addon for chromium based browsers?
You know the meme charts it is about ADOPTERS and not heard of it existing.
Crypto is adopted by less than 1% of the cunts.
This is the prime example of someone who just got into crypto in the last few months.
GOD? kek
Get your memes straight biz.
You're implying that crypto will become as big as the stock market.
Your denial curve looks too high, nocoiner.
I was born poor, then went upper middle class, then back to poor again when S. Korea shat itself in the late 90s.
Checkmate cointards.
Also all my 89 IQ coworkers (whose parents are mostly peasants, third world country here) can talk about is crypto and how they're going to stick to the ebil bankers.
I am implying crypto will crush teh state and usher a literal new era in human history.
The era of honest money.
This. I don't think Veeky Forums really understands normies. They see 1 camwhore shill a coin and suddenly the entire adult industry is "in on it."
Also, people under 40 in the US have heard of bitcoin, but VERY few actually own it. Similar to how boomerfags knew about the 'world wide web' and 'E-Mails' years before actually calling AOL and setting it up.
Millennials are severely underbanked and underinvested right now... partly because they're broke as shit, but also because Fidelity.com is not a "fun" site and has a lot of confusing words. Imagine what happens when they can put their savings into a fun app, make steady gains AND still use it to buy shit off Amazon for a discount.
That's just Robin Hood.
It even has the correct nu-male approved aesthetic and the name appeals to leftist sensibilities.
Put your money where your mouth is that then.
Put all your disposable income and majority of your savings into crypto then.
The evolution of blockchain will inevitably lead to something like market-pegged assets (crypto fiat). And THAT thing will become really widespread.
Now, comparing crypto to retirements.. Keep in mind that crypto is essentially anonymous (albeit traceable), impossible to regulate due to it international nature and subject to all kinds of manipulations and security breaches. Crypto retirements, how do you fucking see it? It's just plain insane. Institutions might as well put money into poker funds - it will be the SAME risk. The volatility is unpredictable, any major security breach causes a tumult. Not long ago someone cleared literally ALL buy orders on GDAX for Ethereum causing a dump all the way down to zero (google it), you have exchanges getting hacked literally every year (a major XEM dump was the recent case this year). BTC is controlled by the chinks, do you think they're gonna show their famous Asian honor when the time comes, huh? This is a goddamn Wild West, what kind of retirements are you talking about? You don't understand a shit about risk management, kiddo
I have put 32k at 7500.
Post your BTC address.
You’re assuming the market won’t mature and technology won’t change or get better. Imagine a real stock market type exchange
No, get fucked. Crypto unaware normans live lives of debt and enslavement to the global banking system, tell one the story of the message embedded in the genesis block their response will be, where can I buy this shit right now.
I have 0.04 in BTC dust. All into 1 alt coin.
And I will keep it to myself.
>Also, people under 40 in the US have heard of bitcoin, but VERY few actually own it.
What would they buy with it? Drugs? Or you believe that every normie will automatically get interested in blockchain just because it's decentralized? I already addressed this: Or maybe you believe they will want to speculate on it? Well, bingo. That's actually the case we're having right now.
He's talking about the pizza story.
>Imagine a real stock market type exchange
It will not be a CRYPTO exchange anymore. Crypto means that an anonymous Chinese whale can drop a quarter of the coin's supply on you any moment, and there's nothing you can do about it.
>Return to the mean
>That's just Robin Hood.
Robinhood is really close, but I think 2 more things would need to happen for actual mainstream adoption:
1. Less volatility, or at least coins that are tethered to other commodities (e.g. Jibrel) so normies feel safe putting their paycheck into them
2. Amazon accepting crypto, and other vendors following suit
Poorfags don't use savings accounts b/c the moment they get paid, they know they'll just have to spend it a couple weeks later. But imagine instead they had a COIN_HOOD 2.0 account... boss pays them 2.57399 LTC, they put 10% into some longterm coins, use 10% to buy toilet paper off Amazon, and use the rest to pay rent directly from the app.
That red line is 'visibility' not price and we haven't yet crossed the chasm.
>Crypto unaware normans live lives of debt and enslavement to the global banking system, tell one the story of the message embedded in the genesis block their response will be, where can I buy this shit right now.
What a bunch of bullshit.. Normies don't give a shit. They'll trust a fucking bank any time of the day rather than a decentralized ledger unless they see CLEAR, tangible benefits. Not ideological bullshit that teens and rebels fall for. Normies are NOT rebels.
Besides, what's the connection between blockchain and "debt and enslavement"? Are out of your mind?