Coinbase has charged some of its customers 50x and wiped out their bank accounts be careful Anons.
Coinbase has charged some of its customers 50x and wiped out their bank accounts be careful Anons
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For once I am glad they are not accepting customers where I live
Go check out r/coinbase right now, it's a fucking disaster.
>it's real
Oh fuck
I just delinked my shit from there.
did it really? Can you post proof? This is pretty serious
its going down.. see the shitstorm brewing already on the leddit forums..
>tfw coinbase rejected my app because of my states updated tax regulations regarding crypto, they knew not to fuck around.
happened to me. Got charged then instantly refund. Weird things going on, Unlinked my Credit Card.
This is why Coinmetro exchange will take over from coinbase, it's fucking shit.
so many lies
someone created a reddit full of lies and is linking it from here
Hi all, Justin from Coinbase here.
We are actively investigating some reports from our customers about unexpected credit or debit card charges appearing on their statements from previous Coinbase purchases.
We can confirm that the unexpected charges are originating from our payment processing network, and are related to charges from previous purchases. To the best of our knowledge, these unexpected charges are not permanent and are in the process of being refunded. We are running joint investigations with all parties involved, and will provide updates as we receive them.
If you have been affected this, please let us know by following the directions in this thread.
I apologize for the trouble, we are working as quickly as we can to help anyone affected by this. Thanks!
I unironically hope they charge me falsely so I can report them and have every single purchase on coinable refunded. hehe.
Also talked about here, though they source back to the same reddit.
from a plebbit thread
Check coinbase twitter. It's on there too. They are fucking everyone off, exchange will die by EOY.
You expect more from unregulated exchanges where anonymous people trade in coins worth an indeterminate amount.
only impacts those who used credit/debit cards
Which is pretty much everyone. Everyone is selling from coinbase right now and look at the prices..........
Just unlinked my shit. No weird charges so far. What's a good alternative? I know robinhood is supposed to launch their crypto shit soon.
Of course with credit card companies saying a few weeks ago that you were not allowed to use them on crypto, good luck getting them to reverse the charges since you were using outside of your terms of service.
Seriously, what the fuck is going on with Coinbase????
yep. I got x3 charged for an order weeks old. jesus christ
Cuckbase is FDIC insured though.
Guys check your fucking bank accounts if you bought from them. god damn it.
Seems to affect normalfags mostly (debit cards who made coinbase purchases in december and january, mostly US and Canada). Haven't seen a single report of SEPA transfer on GDAX doublecharged.
Apparently they had the same problem in early 2016... The plebbit OP was scrubbed.
exit scam to end all exit scams
plebbit getting mt goyed?
Jokes on them I have zero money in my bank account.
I think their page says that FDIC only insures the cash (dollars) in your account.
Cryptos are still unregulated and uninsured.
It would come down to an argument as to whether the money was in their possession, whether it was used to purchase crypto, and how quick the owners can get to the airport with the dufflebag of cash they're in the process of stealing from their customers.
Joke’s on them, my bank account is already empty.
>this caused todays pump
Coinbase will have to sell all the crypto again to refund their users, making it dump hard.
Same. Double charge for 1100. Had to cancel my card.
Since I don't buy crypto anymore hopefully coinbase duplicates my withdrawals 50x
They're just double charging. No one's getting more crypto.
Funny how it never works that way isn't it.
Massive BTC price drop incoming
theres a reason its called cuckbase
Holy shit just unlinked my bank card.
Will I be okay or can they still use it?
>Funny how it never works that way isn't it.
No kidding.
The question is if CB automatically bought coins with that money.
They can still use it. Recommend cancelling that card.
>what is debt
The claim that it's their payment processor not them directly.
If everyone unlinks their bank card now there is literally no way to cash out anymore
Luckily I use a different crypto gateway not telling. These bastards are gonna crash the market fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugg!
wtf even my shitty spaghetti bank has cards with securecode in it
how the fuck can you be charged fifty times without consent
Brb withdrawing from coinbase to bank account, hopefully they'll overcharge themselves
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe REQ could help
t. americuck
nobody uses credit card in norway
>holding crypto on coinbase in the first place
>tfw i walk past coinbase most days and never realised it until now
Has anyone else gotten extra money off of coinbase?
Saw my account has a few grand more in it and I don't think they overcharged me
Do not touch! I repeat do not Touch or ((they)) will fuck you.
>Grow portfolio 40% on Coinbase in 8 days
>transfer all coin to exchange wallet day before this news hits
See you in lamboland, boys.
There are obvious tells for blithering idiots. The easiest text base tell is the usage of elipsis. Either he talks like the black wheelchair kid from Malcolm in the Middle or he just trails off like a slack jawed hick. The moment I see those fucking ellipsis I know to ignore everything the guy says.
>what is tether
This. If I want to pay for anything on the internet with my debit card, they ask me for my PIN, my digital signature, then they send me an SMS with a unique code. So pretty much if they tried to charge me, I'd notice inmediately. Btw I bought some cryptos in january and my account is fine, no overcharges so far.
unlink your bank if you haven't yet
small time delay to relink...huge problem if you leave linked and they take all your cash
But if you got charged and you unlink you will have another problem.
Its a jew trap, watch out.
Hvilken bank har du? Blitt overcharga?
wew i got double charged as well
I'm afraid guys :(
cant be fucked so i just moved all the money i had in chequing to savings, max they can get out of me now is 84 bucks
So... if nothing happend with my bank account yet, do i have to be worried?
Every deposit i made was via a form that i dropped into my banks mailbox
so i dont think they are even able to charge my bank account?
I purchased bitcoin through my bank and its arriving in a few days. What would happen if I de-linked my bank account? Would the transfer still go through since the money's already been taken out of my account?
I think it was just credit and debit card charges not wires or ach transfers.
Only affects master card.
>tfw visa master race here
Unlink get out, call your bank tell them to not allow any charges. Put everything into an exchange wallet.
thank you lo-pan
i was about to go to bed, then this shit happens
totally not good for my sleeping schedule c:
>what is overdraft protection
And people have the audacity to hate on tether/bitfinex while it remains the best run exchange out there.
Plebbit comments say they've been having charges even on delinked cards. You're still not out of the water.
I used my debit mastercard in December, will I also get fucked? Right now I've unlinked my bank acc and debit card and nothing was taken from my bank account yet, but I'm afraid they do
tfw I registered up to the point of giving them my bank details. Bitter sweet since one of my family will be fucked by this unless it sorts itself out...
I've never had a problem with them. I don't use cards though.
Why tf do people use coinbase.
There a plenty of BTC sites that sell for cheaper and dont require shitload of KYC, and connecting your card/bankaccount.
I had some emergency money in my drawer, about $2,000, last night someone broke in and took it. Today I noticed it $2,000 was deposited to my Coinbase account. They're going all out.
Name 5
The most popular and easy to use for beginner exchange crashes as crypto recovers from a massive mainstream media fud campaign.
I can name 5 they are all dutch.
If you burgers have not even 1 site besides coinbase idk whats wrong.
A cc issue. I thought youre adult enough to know that a big ass company would have been in ungodly trouble if they literally tried to steal money from users.
Your bank shouldnt have allowed such a big transaction anyway
holy fuck my life savings are gone.. IM SUING!!!!!!
Perfect timing for req and it's mainnet to come out
crypto is fucked you ASSHOLE!
Yes, it could never happen
Anyone using Gemini? How are your experiences with that exchange so far?