Mfw just sold a 57 year old my minerium bags from 2 years ago on Telegram for 16 ETH

>mfw just sold a 57 year old my minerium bags from 2 years ago on Telegram for 16 ETH

Boomers in the fucking dust



Because I'm a good salesman my brother, whaddya wanna know? I told him they just partnered with a dentistry chain and my local Starbucks accepts it

I feel bad for them. What's it like not having empathy, OP?

Yeah, they doomed my generation. Fuck empathy, I hope they all go bankrupt and lose their retirements.

None of them are innocent.

But how do you contact these people?
Do you randomly add everyone from some ico telegram group?

You have to have an eye for spotting fools with big bucks
Intuition mainly

So you scammed someone? Congrats.

>Yeah, they doomed my generation.
How exactly, whiny Western pig?

Boomercuck got MOGGED

I just stretched the truth a little hehehehe

Edgy teen detected. There’s a difference between being good at sales and straight up scamming someone out of their money.

>Whiny western pig
t. Gook
What do you mean how? Look around
Well I do both so I don't particularly care. We're in the jungle my friend, don't be fooled

You lied. And people like yourself are what keeps more money from coming into the space.

Negative. I'm simply removing market inefficiencies.

ITT Boomers making boom-boom in their diapers


Have you ever considered killing yourself?

Lol, millennial here. If he wants to scam people go for it. But call a spade a spade. He didn't sell it, he scammed someone.
And scammers are why normies still haven't fully gotten in this space and why regulation is coming.

Not even once. I love living. Every day I wake up, look out of my window at the breeze rattling the trees, the sun reflecting off of cars illumunating people in the streets below, all with complicated lives of their own, and I feel refreshed.

Only morons feel suicidal and/or commit suicide.

kek OP, if true post address so we can see the 16ETH or you know..

>Dox yourself
Are you feeling okay?

Elaborate LARP.

i like you dude

>posting an ETH address will dox you
This is now confirmed to be a complex psy-ops thread posted by a boomer OP trying to get us to feel bad for boomers or something.

nice larp retard

why even bother sending him the minerium.. why not just take his eth and go fishing for someone else with your bags

No larp
I've had Minerium bags since biz told me to buy years ago
Was only right to offload on to a dumb boomer
He won't miss it

Nah, thats stealing
at any point he could have researched but he didn't, and so... you reap what you sow

When you get older I hope some kid tricks you into giving him your oxys because ‘the lab called and wants to check your batch...sir!’ And when you are in your confused delirium you’re gonna say ‘what a nice kid! Why can’t they all be like that’ and after a few days you realize he ain’t coming back and he’s getting high off your shit while you shit yourself in withdrawal because you can’t get a refill and you’re too embarrassed to tell your black home visit nurse what happened.

I've made about half a BTC selling BTC to old people who are interested. There isn't really a need to scam them, they'll pay you like .05 BTC to just download the wallets and shit to their computer, explain how it works, and not smell.

found them at local garage sales. all of the flippers bought BTC from me.

Boomers are not people.

>Taking prescription medication

I laughed harder than I should have

Yeah, I help out my community a lot already. Not all bad

This isn’t scammery it’s a service and frankly I applaud you (seriously) different than grocery shopping or changing a flat for them. I sense good things in your future.

you don't happen to have any heavycoin? been looking to buy a small amount of heavycoin, the only people who have em are 4 chan bag holders from ages ago. will buy @ 100 sats each

No, I don't user I'm afraid.

dafuq.. why? are you some uber nerd cryptonumistatist? you realize you don't have to collect 'em all right

Reminder these faggots want us to work several year long unpaid internships just for a CHANCE at making slightly above minimum wage.