Mfw I'm humanities scholar and absolute zero in tech questions

>mfw I'm humanities scholar and absolute zero in tech questions

Hey, brothers, I want to ask you please recommend some academical or even non-academical articles/books/blog posts/documentaries/whatever that could help me to understand blockchain technology basics and fundamentals. Ok, I know that it's publicly stored ledger and so on. But I'm talking not about the knowledge about what it is theoretically but rather about a knowledge how it works practically. I mean that I can understand theoretically the problem of 51% attack, but I have no idea about what network members have to do practically to make or even try to succeed that attack: manually rewrite some blockchain files on their PC or ...? So, I'll be very thankful if you could recommend me some materials in order to clarify how blockchain technology is practically implemented by users. Sorry in advance for my english (I'm native Russian speaker) and if I had to go to g/ with this thread.

if you're retarded enough to major in humanities you're too retarded to understand basic economics, consensus algorithms, and golang.

Clean your room


>humanities scholar


>Listen to a bunch of Alan Watts, Freud, and Nietzche.

Cryptocurrencies are the culmination of everything they've predicted.

My choice is Schopenhauer, Bataille, Cioran and Nick Land.

u-understand blockchain? that is for tech nerds and other morons. we are investors here. nerds do the job, we harvest the crop

find Sminem, he will teach you, young slavling

You need to get past the Nihilism stage to understand what crypto will really end up being for humanity, more than just a currency.

Start by understanding ETH in the form of a world computer that users pay to have calculations performed. Then you need to come to an understanding of what money really is and what makes it valuable.

If youre looking for that deeper understanding of it that opens your eyes youre going to have to do a lot of research. But its worth it.

Crypto is a form of governance for people that which will mold nicely with the post modern times.

Yeah, you're absolutely right. That's why I'm interested in crypto now.

Do you know anything about how torrents work? Accessing the blockchain is similar except the wallet program, like bitcoin-qt, is both the torrent file + download client. It connects to a bunch of "peers" who also have the blockchain file and downloads it from them. Then, to add new blocks to the chain, mining is performed. It's a pretty simple concept but I don't see much good info explaining it, I might make an animation pretty soon.

I don't think you can understand how cryptocurrencies work if you don't have at least basic knowledge of programming.
Go look at basic tutorials how to program in python and be able to make at least a command line calculator or something.

We are entering an era where without basic programming knowledge it's not possible to understand how anything important in the world works, leading to permanent state of confusion for those ignorant. I have to say I like this future.

>cuck humanitiesboi likes Schopenhauer
Colour me surprised

>u need 2 do lots of research 2 understand wut money iz
Boomer go home

What, you don't need to know how to program to understand cryptocurrencies

>mfw im a software engineer with thousands invested into crypto and i've never bothered to find out how the tech works

I feel like once a read a book about it I'm gonna be pissed off

If you don't understand blockchain you are just a gambler, not investor. Investors do research and know what they are investing in because it looks promising.

Lol hi Sergey good luck with your failing chainlink


Stay poor. Boomers have no idea what money actually is or why it has value. Most of them atleast.

That's why I'm calling you a Boomer you dumb autist. If you have to actually do a lot of research as to why money is money then you're probably fucked.

Then please, tell me what you think money is user.

a ting wot store value an can be used a medium of exchange innit

And is fungible

I offer Mainlander, Althusser, Lebowski, and for Nick Land all I can say is KYS.

also, don't say 'academical' if you're attempting to use the word as an adjectival variant

Okay Pajeet, that's nice. You smoking a sativa or an indica? Stay woke bud.

Well go ahead and tell me what money is then

>and for Nick Land all I can say is KYS.
Leftist pussy here?
>also, don't say 'academical' if you're attempting to use the word as an adjectival variant
Ok, thanks.

Didn't say you were wrong. Go work on your grammar before you begin contemplating the intricacies of a rising economy tho. You are a small portion of the population that has thought about what money is. Money is what ever has agreed value that can be as widely used as possible. Many people miss-align money with happiness and achievement, but they don't understand that money is no different than inches or feet. It's a measurement of how much value you've saved up. You answered it in a technical way, which wasn't wrong.

OP just go through this chart and learn why crypto is each of those categories until you think you understand it. You don't need to be a programmer to see bitcoins value..

Now Ethereum and Chainlink tho.. they make bitcoin look like the Model T.

Forgot the chart cause I have autism. Sorry.

i like "the book of satoshi", it explains blockchain and visions that satoshi had

all good, lands find, even for the left;

better nick is szabo, likely satoshi himself, good theoretician on money to explain blockchain but he basically recycles austrian economics wholesale so u need to read more widely in economics and philosophy than just crypto people

lmao same

Thx, I'll try it.

I was intentionally shitposting in a dumb bong "accent". I honestly think most people actually do have an intuitive conceptual grasp on money even if they can't actually tell you with any technical accuracy what they're trying to say but maybe I'm overestimating people.