>Your days are numbered, Bogdanoff.
Your days are numbered, Bogdanoff
Other urls found in this thread:
>be me
>try to beat the /bogs/ at their own game
>buy out coin
>it dumps
>sell just a little bit
>wait for the inevitable PUMP IT
>never pumps, keeps plummeting
>start to panic for real
>price drops to 1/5 what i paid for
>cant take it any longer
>/bogs/ tracking my bank account through Rothschild Records the entire time
>they knew i bought more than what i initially sold
>you win again, /bogs/
>money is intangible to the bogs
>every dollar physically and theoretically belongs to them
>money was created by the bogs for the bogs as a way to exploit the masses for their own enjoyment
>they continue to do this through different ways
>first the stock market crashes, then the lottery ticket frauds, next the hyperinflation to start off the next revolution
>today, they meddle with crypto-currency
>nobody can ever turn a long time profit so long as the bogs have any involvement
>they keep getting away with it
there is a piece of sminem inside all of us
>money is worthless to sminem
>every dollar he touches instantly vanishes, even the bogs can't recreate it
>sminem only values life
>flowers represent life to sminem
>sminem started tulip mania in 1636
>outsmarting the bogs, he acquired a huge amount of money
>this temporarily disabled the bogs to allow for the industrial revolution and the enlightenment to take place
You cant hold me hostage forever, bogdanoffs!
>in 2010s, the bogs regain power by massively gaining during the crypto bubble
>sminem is summoned by Veeky Forums to once again bring forth another enlightenment, free of bogs
You have two choices, who /bogpill/ here?
>take the final step and accept your overlords
>know that whatever you do you will always be slaves to the /bog/
>it is useless to resist
Or, who /sminemfren/ here?
>take the step of love and life and accept him into your heart
>know that whatever happens he will always watch over you
>true joy comes from being one with sminem
>lives in post socialist shithole
>still manages to be happy
What did he mean by this?
>be Sminem
>suffer so much some call you the return of Jesus Christ himself
>in graceful humbleness, deny any comparisons
>people adore and worship your kind humbleness
>everything is great
>was great, that is
>until one day, the bogs arrived
>some say they are so evil that they even speak french
>they came as a direct response from satan in retaliation to Sminem
>in their great satanic powers, leave the financial world in darkness
>now in our greatest time of need, we need Sminem to deal with the meddlers once and for all
>lend Sminem your energy in this thread or all of your coins will get BOGGED
LEND HIM YOUR ENERGY Veeky Forums, for he is chained by the bogs
He’s got a 12 inch horse cock what do you expect
sminem single handily ended the bear market
holy shit youre right.
even if we assume that is pants are up to his belly button thats some peace of meat hes packin
lol'd, thanks
Who wins, Smims or Meninem?
Ears so big he put the phone behind to avoid brain damage
>hung like a bull
>chained bear
>It's only prudent to not involve yourself in things that don't concern you. Consider this your final warning.
Meninem, meni, meni, meni, meni nem
Wish death 'pon me
Lord I don't cry no more
Don't look to the sky no more
Have mercy on me
Threadly reminder that whenever you get fucked Bogs will just have another party with shitty French songs with normies out of spite.