Is there any reason to not use linux when crypto trading for security? It the least vulnerable to viruses. I just bought a new laptop for work, and it came with windows 10, debating to install debian / ubuntu.
Is there any reason to not use linux when crypto trading for security? It the least vulnerable to viruses...
fucking lmao at debian/ubuntu
kys newfag
InStAlL gEnToO
Hell ya Linux mint is that top of line os
Shut the fuck up without your kys at this or that
Someone FUD me on Linux mint
live boot cinnamon by USB thanks me later
Qubes OS
You can get VMware and run linux in a virtual machine, or try to do it the other way around and run linux with a windows VM inside of it.
Keep in mind if you're technologically retarded, you'll probably manage to lose everything anyway.
There's no reason not to be running Linux unless you need specific programs for work which don't work through wine
Vidya has always been the excuse but nowadays wine/pol/lutris can run most games except new AAA titles but that's what consoles are for
na, use an old win xp drive, its so old no one is hacking it anymore
>graphics drivers
Pick 1 user.
OP, do you mean anything in particular when you say "for security"? Or are you just following what the retards on /g/ say.
Windows and Linux are both vulnerable to attack. But the odds of you falling victim to any of these attacks are slim to none, unless *you* do something wrong to cause it.
If you are that uptight about keeping your files safe, then do not allow your computer to access the open internet at all.
>Linux doesn't have graphics drivers
What. Support for amd isn't as great as Windows but I still run games fine. Nvidia is like no problems
I bricked my vm somehow
wtf is wrong with Debian? Red Hat derivitives are a fucking pain in the ass and are only useful for server applications where u don't want to update constantly. For regular use, Debian is solid. Don't listen to this asshat. It's like he purposely wants to make shit overly difficult for himself just so that he can be a faggot OS hipster and use some obscure build that is barely supported.
>he doesn't use OpenBSD
say goodbye to your coins
Current lack of wallet for ADA is the only reason.
If windows 7 is good enough for traders in a bank then it’s ggod enough for your small time dogecoin trading.
Source: work IT security in a large bank.
>still using the WinJew
>still visiting kikebook
>still visiting Jeewgle
It's like you are the Norman
I know you're joking but still
>mfw finding someone using XP
Cinnamon crashes a lot.
the difference is bank people dont browse the internet
Its easy. Just buy a new laptop and run whatever you want. Just dedicate it to crypto and nothing else. Don't use it to go on porn sites or anything.
Use a firewall to block ALL connections except for crypto sites, Don't download anything at all except Firefox. You can use Linux if you wish but use a strong password if using 10/7. Use Verycrypt to encrypt the laptop. (You can use ubuntu as it gives you the option to encrypt the HDD and the computer won't even boot without the password.
Buy a Tracphone flip phone for 40$, use it to verify via SMS. Don't call anyone, don't use it to get on the internet. Get the year plan for 50$.
Buy a Hard wallet and use that for additional security.
See if a store debit card will work on coinbase, use cash to put money into it, or pay a homeless person to do it for you.
Waste your money on Link and realize you won't live long enough for it to be value because you damaged your heart fapping 6 times a day.