>It's over 10k thanks to the United States Of America
>It's over 10k thanks to the United States Of America
Other urls found in this thread:
USA Weakhanded fags for months.....
Take this shit beyond 16k, then you can show off....
Everything else is just fucking lame.idiots.
There's at least 1 bootlicking faggot in this thread.
burgers taking credit for everything they dont do like always
You think SEC secretly PnD's BTC? No one would suspect them
>please American’s, take my smelly European ass passed 16k
Jesus Christ have some dignity europoors
Thanks to them, it's going to be under 10k as well.
American here, at least I'm smart enough to know it was a collective effort brought on from necessity. You all fail to see that we can control shit too if we all quit working against each other. Work together to make EVERYONE happy. New money will be coming in soon, lets take that.
You faggot eurosharts dump this shit every night like clockwork and you have the gall to blame it on the Americhads. Why am I not surprised. Just get out of the way while we take this thing to 25k by the end of March.
Everyone dumping their tax returns into crypto, BTC will be $30k by march
JewSA has BTFO the chinks again
Thank you based Americhads
America will be the land of crypto
Your broken system will stay cucked forever
Nah we just clean it up and improve on it.
Bills are already written waiting to be passed for a crypto revolution
the americhads have done it again
i love it when pol investors blow off steam in these threads.....i just wish Canadians had a little money to participate in biz
celebrate - watch the candles rise
>implying either of those shitholes could ever invade America.
America and it's #1 Navy probably can't even invade china.
trading is zero sum game...go back