Here's some that I found myself.
Post early adopters of crypto ITT
>early adopters
>all dated December 2017
Get out
>what is sarcasm
The Joke
Your head
ShareBlue slimes.
they unironically are early adopters, crypto is not used anywhere in the real world and maybe 1 in 10000 people has ever owned crypto
im sure they are no longer in after that crash.
holy fuck
kek women
Unforunately there is no joke. Statistically, these are the early adopters of crypto. Lots of people on biz were probably innovators (1.5 - 3%)
>bragging on Facebook about how much you made off Crypto
please make it stop
This time next year we will be posting linkies
here we go
you can be an early adopter in alt coins and make bank
fuck i hope she sold at $6k to feed her kids
I mean that's actually a pretty smart use of the kids money if we're being honest. as long as she's giving some of it to them.
holy fuck LOL
the absolute state of normies
It probably isn't because she bought the top of ripple and likely also panic sold it on the way down. They're just getting played by the market and there's nothing smart about this.
>Literally bought at the ATH the shitcoins that tanked the hardest during the crash
>''I think you're(*) a little mad u didn't(*) buy it''
You know that feeling when someone's so stupid whilst you actually try to help them but they are to stubborn and their stupidity anoys the shit out of you?
ripple is top 5 mcap under $10 therefore it is the next btc
>Explain to me what it does
>"cool name"
Where to buy Bitcoin packs?
>tfw sold TRX lions share at 1900 and still hold enough to laugh at naysayers if hell freezes over
They are sold in the soft drinks aisle inside your local 7-11
Rent berry looks interesting tho.
What the fuck is a bitcoin pack?
Holy fuck I can't believe there are people this retarded who exist
Am I reading this right? This dipshit tried to send USD Tether to a coinbase wallet address?
Holy shit if there is a whale here reading this for the love of fuck please, PLEASE crash crypto to unspeakable levels so we can get rid of these baghodlers.
>bitcoin packs
until you realize rentberry has been out for ages without crypto and is a massive fucking failure. so they threw in a cryptocurrency to save the site
>they dont know about bitcoin packs
>the absolute state of nigger crypto investors
lmao, the prodium exit scam "penis"
Autism detected.
tfw I missed the dotcom bubble of my generation
this will forever haunt me
gofundme com/losteverythinginbitconnect
fucking fresh lads