Oh my god

No OMG thread? Good, i'm not done accumulating.

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1500 reporting in

mfw i sold 100 at 0.017 to buy back lower

yeah everyone! come on in! buy omg at the top!

buy high sell low goyim

This isn't the top, freshman

>tfw only 16 OMG

oh well, guess I should just find the next Mooncoin while it's still sub $1.

iktf, I have 10 omg which is better than nothing but I'm feeling FOMO right now

I didn't expect the price to pump so hard

this is pretty much it for omg my dude

the ATH was 28 you nigger

Lol you have a few more months to buy before the big numbers start around June.

>being this dumb

At what price should I dump my XRP for this?


here is comes its coorrecting

50/50 omg/req right now

Yes you are, shill fag. That’s why you have been making 6 OMG threads a day for the past week.

Let him, lol.

We are not chainlink. Omg is the net big thing.

If we don't want 200 more billions to go right into scam projects we shouldn't hide the legit ones


By June it wont matter if you bought at $5 or $20.

only have thousand of these shitcoins
not gonna make it

There are always dips on the uptrend. Go for it when it's low.

what's june

Man I goofed, didnt accumulate enough. Should I sell my Sub bags at a 50% loss to dump for omg?

a month


>didn't buy OMG when it was $7 last week
>didn't buy OMG when it was 50 cents

whyd u make one then fkin retard

Fucking pajeets

>dipping already

what happened


welp I bought that dip, hopefully it'll dip lower

except that if you got in at 5 you'd have 4x as many

Still rich tho

>accumulating this high

still way under ATH

Just bought 100k