Are you mad yet?
just getting comfy AF
why would anyone be mad about VEN being at 6 dollars? This shit is fantastic.
What are you so salty about little boy?
not salty, just getting comfy my man
this is a shit post
Fuckin coca cola kid roped us all into ven. Based coca cola kid is based
why? I've been in ven for ages, it's time for this shit to moon.
it's going back to 5.30
good i got a transaction coming in and i want to buy more
Big VeChain fan here, this is going to the moon for sure! $10 EYO. Book it.
How much was it 2 months ago?
Yes because i fomod at 7 dollars
50 cents
Paid shilling. Same guys that did Raiblocks. When is biz going to block these fuckers?
very shady stuff going on on biz
Lmao salty waltie
like 2 bucks, i got in at 3. feeling nice and comfy with all of my coins right now desu.
feeling a little too comfy..crash imminent.
So it's too expensive now... sad. ;_;
fuck off shill, how many accounts do you have on here about 50? You're a piece of shit.
Vecucks are immune to the truth.
Sunny Lu promises them milk and honey, Vecucks believe.
Sunny Lu lies about partnerships( Vechain has none ), Vecucks believe
Sunny Lu pulls exit scam, Vecucks are in denial.
Vejayjays response to all truth -call them salty walties, then go back to being cucked.
Nice try, what the fuck do I care about partnerships and all that bullshit though, if all I want is to make some money with this coin? Sunny is promising people shit and they're believing, all I see is a coin I bought at 2$ going to 6$. I already sold half of what I had and made some nice shekels, friend. I don't care about the future of any coin or person after I dump them
I know it’s all fun and games here but I hope no one is dumb enough to believe the FUD and for folks to do their own research and see that this is a pretty good investment.
There are so many people here trying to get rich off of crypto and it sometimes bums me out that this board is 95% joking when we could be helping each other out.
There are some things regarding VeChain worth discussing like the expected market price of Thor and how that will impact the price of VET, etc. But it’s all just bullshit here with shilling and FUD that won’t even move the price anyway because big money’s much smarter than that, so what’s the point?
i have 8 VEN.. if i stake them for 40 years, can i make it?
case in point
kek nice brainlet FUDing. Time to go all in on ripple!
>Missed the dip
Same thoughts. Could you fags for once, stop the FUD and actually try to get some anons rich?
1. There are always corrections.
2. This isn't a crash, retard.
Fuck off back to your shitty WTC subreddit.
>not buying it at 4000 sats. it's like youre a faggot or something
because btc is dipping a little bit