From a financial point of view; why the fuck would you EVER buy/finance a car rather than leasing it?
From a financial point of view; why the fuck would you EVER buy/finance a car rather than leasing it?
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Just bought a new car, someone knowledgeable please answer OP
Because the breakeven point where it becomes more worth it to own the car occurs at 4-5 years and many people own their cars for more than 4-5 years.
This is one of the simplest concepts in real world finances, how old is this faggot OP?
depreciation is factored in more with a lease, you will get more money buying a car and selling it down the road than what you would save by leasing same car.
Notice how the default time for a car lease is three years?
Because title loans are super financially savvy duh jk. And buying a cheap car that you can maintain yourself is actually less expensive than a 300+ car lease payment. Depends on what you want though. If you want to modify your car, don't lease it. If you want to treat it like a cool appliance and lease a new one every year or so, that's cool too.
Buy a new car with 0 interest. Pay it off completely and ride it until maintenance costs are getting noticeable. This is the best option
Leases are only a good choice if you don't plan on staying in a particular geographical area very long and you have a need for a new car.
>buy a car
>sink money into an asset
>eventually own the asset at depreciated value
>lease car
>sink money into an asset
>never own it, lease ends and it gets taken from you
Why would you think that paying for a car and ending up with nothing is a better deal than paying for a car and ending up with a car?
I'm going to guess your answer is something to do with maintenance and repair. Sure, if you are in the peculiar position where you actually NEED a brand-new car all the time, then yes I guess there might exist a rationale where it makes more sense to spend more money to own nothing, but never have to worry about repair or replacing the vehicle, since they'll take care of that for you.
But for the vast majority of cases, it is just a better deal to buy, own, and take care of a car you like, instead of paying for the "new" thing all the time.
I bought my pickup for $4000, I've had it for 4 years, and have spent maybe $2000 on repairs(brakes and tires mostly). If I leasted a comparable vehicle, i would have spent at LEAST $15000 so far.
All leased cars have GPS devices in them and (usually) have remote kill switchs.
buy a Toyota Tacoma 4x4, and you'll understand why sometimes leasing is not an option.
I bought mine brand new in 2011 for $25k OTD. It was all paid off after 1 year. Still drive it, and take care of the car myself.
It will still sell for $10k even after 100k miles.
What's the difference between a new car, and a car that's 5 years old with
>why would you ever buy something instead of renting it
The absolute state of Veeky Forums for fuck's sake.
this isnt a thread about new vs used retard
i bought a used honda accord for like 3k 5 years ago and it still runs great, i dont know why anyone would do otherwise
smart money buys 1-3 year old vehicles.
>paying $25k in one year when you could stretch it across 4 years
Such a waste, imagine what you could have done with that money in the meantime to make it grow.
Confimed for never having had a car.
Why not just drive a chevy cavalier with over 200k that would still run even after the fucking apocalypse?
It's a thread about buying vs. leasing, but he made a fucking retarded argument for buying, so I fixed it for him.
Not an argument
Other than what's been stated about owning it, leases usually say you can only drive 1,000 miles per month or else there's a per mile over penalty at the end of the contract.
Because leasing won’t give me nearly enough miles you dipshit.
you don't get a brand new car to start with. leasing to me is just an extra level of retardation
Here's a reason why. A story of an old friend that ran into a bit of money, then bought into the lease meme
>friend gets $12k from parents
>she immediately goes out and leases a mini cooper
>roughly $5k/year just in lease costs alone
>factoring in insurance costs put it up to $7k/year
>she gets a flat tire
>oops! not covered under the lease!
>have to pay to have run-flat tire replaced
>on the hook with the lease for 4 years
>spending over $28k to basically rent a car
Leasing is for rich people only. Anyone else should always buy. I picked up an 08 dodge caliber a year and a half ago. Paid $3.5k in cash, and the other $3.3k on my credit card. Lived cheap for 7 months and paid off the credit card. This way I avoided high interest rates on loans (because the bank wouldn't give me a decent rate at the time), and paid it off quick to avoid the interest build up on the credit card. Now if I need cash, and don't need my car, I can sell it. Instead of putting an ad up on kijiji hoping someone will take over my lease.
Leasing is just renting, you don't actually own the thing. You could also buy a good used car for $9k, drive it for a few years, then trade it in for another $9k car. While you can't avoid doing any repairs whatsoever to your vehicle while you own it, you can avoid some costly repairs that come with having an older vehicle by trading it in before it gets that old.
You're forgetting the utility aspect of that car. I had landed a job, and moved to a different state.
I traveled alot, and absolutely needed a reliable truck for utility purposes, and it did a hell of a job-- and still does.
Any single dude that doesn't do any manual labor and drives a sedan, will not ever understand that shit.
Things aren't the same as they used to be. Cars are very expensive now to repair and lots of things you can't do yourself. That said cars also are more reliable than ever before.
It comes down to this. If you can buy a gently used car and you can change all the fluids, battery and plugs yourself then you will be better than most of the population. But the days of engine and tyranny rebuilds are over in modern cars.
>Not an argument
I know. I'll break it down for your brainlet brain: an old item performs worse and breaks down more often than a new one. They are usually also worn out somewhat. Shocking, I know!
Depends on the car. If you want Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Porsche, etc. you lease because maintaining them is outrageous.
If it's an F150 or a tacoma that you will use being a home owner or at work that's a totally different story and you want to purchase for sure. Upkeep is cheap and it's a vehicle you will use forever.
>tfw drive camry and work in IT.
I'm about to buy a Tacoma just to have as a home owner.
So, you're saying paying cash for my $100K Tesla was a bad idea?
Jesus christ
leasing a car is literally retarded except in some business applications where you can write off some of the cost as "keeping up appearance" by always having new model vehicles
It's only a good idea to lease if you're the kind of schmuck who has to have a brand new car every 1-3 years.
What's a good idea? I'm not implying anything about OP's question, we were sidetracked on the difference between new and old.
Agreed. Leasing master race reporting in. “Leasing is for morons” is a literal meme baby boomers came up with.
>buying a new car
lol you probably even financed it at interest
you fucking retards
i've owned a bmw335 for the last 6 years, around 50k milestones it. will keep it until it has a major problem, then probably going to trade it in and get a 340 on lease. i would rather not lease but my state has high property tax on cars.
>Just bought a new car
Some people just want to throw their money away.
Wrong, that’s just one of the many perks.
But that’s with a lot of added risk.
>some people aren't poor and like having nice things
kys poorfag.
Kike shill thread. The elimination of ownership is a Jewish goal to you dumb goys.
Somebody is a rich boy with a big fat bank account. :)
You can get near 0% financing on good credit. Unless you drive a lease less than to and from work every day and nothing else it's a terrible financial decision. Mileage overages can add thousands of dollars per year to the costs. Dealerships make a shit ton off leasing and related services and so are more than happy to sign you for one.
I needed a new car so I just went and bought one, the same way I'd go buy a new lamp or a new dishwasher.
Why the fuck would I want to deal with the lease paperwork, the extra billing, the credit checks, etc. when I can just buy the damn thing and be done with it?
Leasing is great until you give the car back and have to pay for every tiny dent from someone dinging your door + if you go over on the mileage you are fucked.
>deal with the lease paperwork, the extra billing, the credit checks
I don't even
i am 100% serious when i say this: you motherfuckers on here are stupid as all fuck.
i just... i just dont even know what to say anymore
good thinking
Piece of shit.
When I was 18 I got a car loan, ever missed a payment and paid it off years early and all I got was a bank that put multiple enquiries on my report and FUCK ED IT so I got bad credit even tho I have only ever paid off loans on time. Never got a loan again. Fuck credit providers. I'd rather have no credit history and a 100k deposit for a house than a credit history and no deposit. Credit is bullshit anyway. Never EVER get it. Drive a shit car
But, dealers price the cost of inspections and certifications into used cars, and they won't offer 0% finance on them.
I was a fuckboy and bought my wife a car last year. I got her a 2015 with 30k miles on it and save like 30% off a new one. But with the increased cost of financing and what I lost from sellinga one owner car, I would have saved money buying new.
But honestly if you don't have the cash to buy the car you want outright you don't belong on this board.
I understand leasing can work for some people. My car loan I basically paid 20k to "rent" a car for 2 years.
Cost 30 sold for 8. That's how much I got ripped off and how much value it lost. Could have leased a Ferrari
Buying new u would have lost 40% of its value in first 3 years, that's the sweet spot to buy
do you not value ownership at all
I bet you are the type of person to never own property or anything worth while
Leasing is a horrible deal, buying used is the only financially viable option
If it's a super rare super car that'll have value for collectors in the future.
>Leasing is a horrible deal, buying used is the only financially viable option
a tacoma? lol
the memes are true, its a reliable truck.
>buying a car newer than 10 years old
I fell like we might be missing part of the story here.
THat's why I got a 2015. I went around to people to try to buy a car but 99% of people selling are fucking pajeets and scammers. YOu'll get absolutey fucked by a using car unless you really know what the fuck you're doing. I got that popular mechanics checklist off /b/ years and years ago and it's served me well. At the time my time was very valuable so I eneded up going to a dealer after meeting 5 shitheads tryingto sell me crap. I fnanced a 2015 priced at 13k. With financing and all the fees, it ends up being 19k. New ones are stickered at 19k. The dealers want you to buy new cars and it's hard as fuck to buy used cars from strangers. I'd have more money if I'd have boughten new.
When I buy for myself I'll get a new car on 0% finance unless LINK hits $100.
What’s your cars projected value by the time you plan to sell or trade in? Assuming automated cars don’t completely wreck the resell market in the next 5-10 years (they will).
a car is the absolute worst investment you can ever make
dumb fuck
Most "adults" I know who have a lease either because they are retarded dont look past he monthly payment or because one of their familymembers leased the car for them.
Lol you don't actually believe this do you?
I bought a Honda Accord 2003 several years ago
It's paid in full now, so I only pay for minimum insurance, which is like 200$ a year
I put about 1k a year in maintenance
Much better than a lease which is easily 300+ a MONTH
it most certainly is not
you can't look at it like a house or other investment
the value is in what you get out of it. If you buy the right car you will get more than it's value out of it.
i.e. you buy a used car for 10k, drive it for years and sell it for 5-6k.
better yet, buy a car that will APPRECIATE
this guy gets it.
if you bought an e30 m3 10 years ago you could have gotten it for less than 12k, they go for well over that now.
LOL, no shit. I used to work at a dealer that used gps trackers for people with shit credit, you have to have them sign a 3 page disclosure, if you ever put on on a car just for the fuck of you would lose your license most likely.
>leases the gayest car in the world
3 years ago I bought a 2 year old Suv for work with 60k miles on it. I travel a lot with multiple products. Added 60k miles in 2+ years myself. I would never be able to lease an auto for the amount of miles I log. This is why I buy. One year left of payments before I can repeat the process with a slightly better auto.
>be me
>prefer classics
>they only appreciate
>genuinely break even or make money on the cars I own
70’s cars are so much cooler than the shit being produced today
bro here even a shitty buy here pay here place can turn your car off if you miss a payment
dunno man
even buying a tiny engine POS just to get from A to B gets annoying
having to register it yearly with insurance + gas and maintenance VS paying premiums for taxiesque services
We all know the crowd you run with now. Thanks for the insight into your life.
>Leasing is just renting, you don't actually own the thing
you don't either unless you have the title. most people never pay off their cars. if you lease, you have no liability. if you buy, you rent it and assume all liability. it's literally retarded to not lease.
if it depreciates, rent or lease
if it appreciates, buy
literally business 101
you forgot:
if it can pay for itself, buy
Cars lose a lot of value as soon as you pull them off the lot.
They then go for a few years without losing any value at all.
The value then declines steadily as it rusts away.
... buy a car that is six months old.
... drive for 2 years
... sell for about the same you paid for it, replace with another 6 month old car
... repeat.
what is appreciate
>paying $300/mo for the rest of your life
>paying $7500 once for a used car that will last you 5+ years
>still have to pay for oil changes and maintenance on both, so it's a sunk cost
If you're a niggerrich faggot that absolutely must drive a car no less than 2 years old at all time, lease.
If you're not a nigger, buy used.
I manage a pizzeria
stupid delivery driver had his car shut down in the middle of the shift
my last two cars were both three year old former leases bought from dealerships. Dealerships do mark up their used cars somewhat relative to the private used market however you can haggle them down if you can at a good time of year when they're trying to offload stock, or better yet have a hail damage sale. I was happy with buying former leased vehicles as they previous drivers had to abide by the dealer's scheduled maintenance for the duration of their lease. Ultimately i get a vehicle that has been cared for reasonably well, has depreciated to values i was comfortable paying cash for (no financing), and even had some parts of the warranty still valid when i took possession.
20k is the sweet spot.