They obviously know more about crypto..prove me wrong
They obviously know more about crypto..prove me wrong
And memes too
a "reddeditor" is never wrong, right?
loll.they banned u for that?
Honestly the username and upvote feature is a much better system for cryptocurrency discussion. It provides more transparency and a easily verifiable reputation for users. Here its just shills and pump and dump scams
but redditfags don't get the benefit of slowly learning lwho is lying
yeah they can have more detailed discussions without the trolls...i wouldn't have known about JNT if it weren't for reddit.
The irony of these two posts is not lost on me
As if shills aren't more likely to use the upboat feature unlike the average plebbitor.
As far as shills and scams around here go, all they can do is to conform to board culture if they want to rip off the average user and ironically the shills and scammers here fail hard at that looking highly out of place.
They are so fucking vacant when it comes to LINK that my conspiracy brain makes we want to think the mods suppress discussion so they can buy more.
The other explanation is that redditors are just dumb as fuck and never do any research, but that's impossible, isn't it?
If flags were added to Veeky Forums it would be the best crypto community on the internet, prove me wrong
u r gey
Twitter knows more about crypto than Veeky Forums at this point. Most of the people here with any sense realized that they were killing brain cells by hanging around.
Fucking deluded stinkies, damn
Veeky Forums is shit
lurk on pol to see how flags work with VPN....i don't think biz could handle the ensuing bantz
This. Biz rides pumps and gets dumped on instead of finding cheap, reliable buys.
Right now Cardano (ADA) is at its 24 hour low and not 1 thread about it is in the catalog. Just an example.
this thread made me puke
what has Veeky Forums become
No, i just took the screenshot
Not really
Most of the cryptoscams start here, look at tonydumper/magnalis/bazingacoin
>recommending Cardano
*breathes in*
we have better memes faggot
they banned me on r communism for asking if a person like elon musk could exist in communism. the mod literally said "elon musk is a fraud and im sorry you're dumb enough to believe it"
One is built through fire the other is built through soys calling each other sirs
Wong, because the redditors are here anyways.
>being so paranoid that you think the reason reddit doesn't talk about LINK is because mods are censoring discussion so they can accumulate more.
Mate, are you alright?
They banned me for calling a confirmed Indian a pajeet
agreed...i come here for memes..reddit has actual info regarding coins though
lurk more
when you believe you are teaching biz/pol, you remain the student
trading is a zero sum game.....if you think TEL marines are retards, trade against the meme....if you are manipulating TEL marines, trade against those who think they are retarded.....ladder up
who is lying? all of us are being is where whates blow off steam and relax
ladder up, no one knows, but the memes keep coming
how high are you?
Funny how a commie would know anything relevant about Elon Musk, I hope you too know how Elon Musk keeps getting all the US taxpayer money he wants in order to keep himself and his company afloat. In order to answer your question, I do think that a person like Elon Musk could exist in communism since communism is usually if not always statist in nature and statist societies tend to reward those who game the system.
Never said hold ADA, just that it was at a good price at that time. I made 2% in that period.
Trading is worse than holding in efficient markets. I don't think anyone could suggest that this is an efficient market.
>holds Veeky Forums bags.
You have to go back.
Flags work great on /pol, you instantly know when to disregard a sub-human's opinion and berate them without having to go through the effort of reading their post. /biz needs flags or to range ban India, you know it's true.
I upvote this comment.
>nasa investing in innovation makes elon musk a scam artist
dude who small is your iq? is mars flat?
>front page has a larp about a paid shiller with 0 evidence but people believe it because crackhead backstory
>know more
if some virgin on Veeky Forums wants to change his vpn just so he can get a different flag, wow...
People here are smart enough to pick their posts out, without having flags. Anyone crying for flags; newcomers from /pol/. They also have a ridiculous distaste toward redditors which isn’t surprising because they likely started at Reddit and then came back to /pol/ to get away from it. Now you’re here, faggot.. and we have to deal with you fucks along with the pajeets, along with the redditors, and the bots and the newfags.
VPN's make flags worthless...why are all the best shitposters leafs? would weed people not sophisticated enough to VPN....but it would add a layer of bantz preceding each response, which would bring biz down, in my opinion
Why the fuck would mars be flat let alone earth? Just because Nasa obviously fakes footage doesn't mean that planets would magically turn flat. Also, Nasa being run by scam artists would make anything they invest in rather suspect.
All this said, biz knows more than Reddit. 80 percent of biz is just fuckin betamales desu
right, retard......that's why flags won't help biz....assuming it even needs help
>makes claim
>prove me wrong
Because leafs eat tide pods bud
if you are even arguing this, you need to go back too
>the moon landing was fake
>the earth is round
>911 was flat
if you believe you are above level 2, you begin to become unteachable
Not my fault you can't discern pixels. Not saying whether moon was landed at all or not as it would boil down to speculation, just that the footage about it was faked.
911 was an inside job and the jews did it.
>Finland exists
>he doesn't realise that bitcointalk is the holy grail. A mix of Veeky Forums and reddit albeit with terrible english speakers
This. And we are there. I drop some Veeky Forums memes from time to time; Thanks, just bought 100k. And the best part is most of them don't even get it. But I know some of you anons do, and that's what keeps me going
tf is bitcoin talk? and where does one find this creature
On average they do
Most of this board is garbage tier retards and street street shitta shitta
The 10% that post here and get it are worth the noise
There are no posters like them on plebbit
Can you even post from VPN? I have never been able to A simple Google would have worked ledditor
You need a gas mask here, but the gas mask can just be waving your hand in front of your face briskly.
I hate link holders so much. Literally a low iq cult that shills threads constantly because deep down they don't even believe in their own project. Shittiest coin and sergey is a fat slob who can't even code
They are emotionally invested and having actual knowledge about the projects, unlike us who doesn't really give a shit and just want to get rich.
nigga, 4 chan is 100x better. I used be reddfag, my PF is alwyas -50%, as soon as i entered 4 chan, now my pf is 30x, already took out my initial investment , I never looked back redtfags board. only catch is u have to weed out 99% shill here. never fomo. u r good
i feel like half the people here just larp about their holdings so can never take anyone serious.
flitering is much easy in 4 chan where as in redfag world is ocean. hard to filter out good ones
I can tell people here I have over a million in crypto without being worried about niggers coming to my house with bats to make me unlock my wallet
1. Raiblocks
>took out my initial investment
You have to go back
For a news source r/cryptocurrency is pretty fast.
For info on alts, plebbit sub reddit is better.
For 'hidden gems', Veeky Forums wins once in a while.
For memes, Veeky Forums wins flat out
> biz isn't emotionally invested
have you seen the link threads? nearly everyone here is basically sworn to their shitcoin of choice
>You have to go back
not that I want to take out or due to market crash scare, took out for urgent fiat need