Why is TEL mooning??? I thought this was a shitcoin

Why is TEL mooning??? I thought this was a shitcoin....

these Veeky Forums fags made me sell my bags. had 3mil TEL bought at 0.003 and sold it because these cunts said it had no moon potential. if this goes to $0.10 i will kill myself

It's not mooning tho


haha very funny you made me look

Why is everyone repping it everywhere? I've seen it all day on Veeky Forums and all over discords

because its gonna fuckin moon.. give it a few weeks

Paid shills

does anyone think this isn't a scam?

doesn't it have something to do with phones in africa or some shit?

>buys coin not even 1 cent
>still loses 70%
>am i winning yet

Why tho? Like is there any tech behind this???

It's not mooning you fucking retard


But it is going up a ton in volume and seeing low sell walls.

I wish


That wall isn't that big. the .000004 one got chewed through in like 3 hours earlier today and it was bigger. i think someone is buying a ton.

it's a fucking million dollars

>it's a fucking million dollars
The one earlier today was 2.5 million. It was nuts! and buyers ate through it for some reason. SO I posted here to see if there was anything that the Veeky Forums world is aware of that I wasnt. I dont even own this shit.

I know that feel bro. Let's ride this ship down there's at least 1 percent chance we can dump our bags on someone in the future.

tel is going to 10 cents.

I will eat a Nintendo 3DS if this happens.


for every gwei it moves they earn 20% because this shit coin is litteraly worth 1/10th of a penny

so any effective shilling will earn them huge returns

Does anyone know how this coin even works? How does someone gain money by exploiting people that have no money???

because the game it the game, nigger. same as it ever was

>up 2%

this happened a few weeks ago. still no explanation. seems to happen all the time though.