Press S to spit on the grave
Congrats biz, we killed TURTLE COIN
it's absolutely dead at this point i don't even know if the bittrex listing rumors are gonna save it
It's being developed activly as fuck just because it doesn't 20x in a day doesn't mean shit
S weak handed faggot whales ruined the coin. Two of them are petulant children and probably creampie the dev who gives them whatever they want
so you are saying that it's not gonna pump where i want it. the best thing you can do for a coin is to not develop it just have rumors & forks that's what pumps it
agreed, the whales dumped so hard & everyone else dumped & now we are 2sat & i wanted turtle to win, but it can't now.
100 Mill coins per day, there's not enough demand to sustain. There was a screenshot here a few days ago, a faggot named Cision alone is dropping millions daily for 3-4 sats. IT's DEAD *inhalessss*
The devs literally told a whale to fuck off who then dumped it from 8 SATs. Said whale was the largest holder of them all. He has like 700mm and dumped most of it
>tfw my real box turtle just died
This hurts
unlike most scams, bagholders in this had AMPLE opportunity to get out. and you still do.
i've been warning you for weeks. and i'll keep warning you, because the price is at 3 sats (rofl) and can go under 1, where it will trade for doge instead of btc, which is exactly what's going to happen... the market cap has a long way to fall still
kek turtles fucking whales
This is great news then, spread TRTL among the people!
i thought it was going to a penny because you know the website looks nice, the coin is cool, and i liked the community. little did i know that this behemoth would tank to 4sat. why can't we just collectively hold until $1 & then organize a big dump on the baby boomers & pajeets that buy in once it's on binance? biz we are supposed to work together not this. anything but this
It's a real coin with a real developed team and a real community
So of course it dumps because that makes so much sense
if anyone is interested in free TRTL coin i'm going to be giving away 10,000 TRTL to everyone that post's there TRTL wallet address on the comments of my IG. I will let you know when to post it.
you were the chosen one biz, you were supposed to bring balance to the turtle
nobody wants your bags faggot. You can't even give that shit away.
I'll give away 50 million turtles here to whoever posts a fucking address. Can't sell them and they're not worth a fucking thing since you can't sell them
Payment Id: aca25c29a213053a06eaeaab136e2a3e5ebc83cdd53c49346f8424a1bebef83a
Nah, definitely not dead, just sleeping for a while
yeah, for 150 fucking years till they're all mined out. My guess is that mining will probably stop in a few weeks other than a couple deluded faggots including turtle marine that have hopes this fucking piece of shit will be anything more than a meme
devs seem like they really want it to be a valued coin though
That's like 20 grand at current prices
I don't think it's dead, but it's not going to moon any time soon
>can't sell them
tradeogre has 5btc worth of buy orders, 4 of them for 3 sats a pop
and what fucking retard is going to blow 20k on a pile of shit that isn't worth a fucking penny? Thanks asshole, my thoughts exactly.
Either way, quit fucking begging you dipshits. I just did all you turtle asswipes a fucking favor and formatted the drive that had my shitcoin wallet on it along with the stupid keys. Took 80 million shitcoins out of circulation for you fucks.
why is all the serious BTC on tradeorge and not on TradeSatoshi where it is safer?????
to anyone wondering, these are paid discord shills. the coin is a premined scam (december mining, not literal premine)
sure is LARP af in here. Guys i actually have 10MM TRTL and will be giving some away this week. Follow me on IG for instructions later in the week.
go pound sand choadhuffer. Go back to getting spit roasted by cocksteady and eatcock you fucking kike shill shit bag
why won't trevon james do a video on turtle? it's my birthday tomorrow and that's honestly all i want in life right now. I spammed him on twitter but he refuses
Big if huge
You're even more pathetic than Reddit. And that's saying something. You LARP this hard for "fun"?
do it nigger, we both know you won't because you're a filthy noturtler fudding faggot
here you go cocksuckers. You can take this new spicy meme I made back to your shitty fucking discord and share it with the dictator dev cocksteady
Just leave already, TurtleMarine.
go fish you shilling kike faggot. you fucking turtle assholes are all going to lose what little bit of pathetic money you have. Enjoy standing around rubbing cocks with the fucking retard devs who wont do a fucking thing to help the price of their shitcoin other than make memes and fuck around with mining on vidya. Privacy piece of shit
my god the selling on TO right now
exactly. there is just over double what I'm holding in sell orders on TO. this coin is dead. No amount of FOMO can help it.
Don't give away 50MM user, but if you want to get rid of a few i'll be glad to take some. Thank you my guy
oh shit, I remember seeing this shilled before the pyramids. What happened biz?
closest thing to a 1000x possible coin I can see.
Yeah 1000 TRTL per 1 DOGE
Jesus dude, they have benzos for these kinda issues...
I am from the far flung future of 2020
TRTL is $100 end of 2018, $1000 end of 2019 and is on track to be the next bitcoin ever since Bitcoin died half way through 2018 due to being shit.
Buy TRTL, it will make you a millionaire.
>now we are 2sat
>see arbitrage opportunity thanks to the 4BTC buy wall at 3
>in the hour it takes to transfer funds to TradeShitoshi it's already back up to 4.
Hey are you stupid faggots seriously discussing price movements of a memecoin that was created as a meme, and massively accumulated by like 10 people before the discord was ever made?
Wow, you are. Must be the marks we chose who still dont realize they got scammed with a memecoin.
Jesus thats funny.
Whatever it's not like Electromeum were they raised 40 million dollars in an ICO to fork Monero. It's just a fun coin with some big whales. It could take a few months to get some traction again. I've taken a bath on this shit but I'm still mining it and may buy some more if it dips to 1sat. The FUD is so try hard. Reeks of Curry.
Complete scam. Rocksteady dumped millions of coins on Tradesatoshi before it went down for a week. So-called friendly community is a bunch of asshole kids on discord
It's not even a friendly discord, it's full of retards.
The whales are horrible like that Cision guy, he just dumps his turtles without a care for the community.
They are fudding to collect cheap TRTLs
Cision and Phunk are assholes but every other whale is pretty cool
i dont see this coin coming back. the fomo is dead and the devs dont care about image or hype
>he thinks it's dead
p-pls, I'm accumulating
Oh shut the fuck up
Yeah its dead. The cunt Cision fucked it hard. Devs could change block time to save it but doing nothing. Time to go support Alloy - the new TRTL.
>expecting a literal nigger to be useful for once
Hi guys! Can you sent me some tyrtles?
I would be very grateful.
Can't see the Turtle Coin logo.
fixed that for you.
Why would you integrate the total supply over time? That makes no sense.
Im sorry a bunch of anons got pajeeted. This had scam all over it.
This is a good lesson for you, this is how it feels to be scammed. Bitconnect etc. Unless you are in the pre ico discord do not fucking invest in shitcoins. The shilling the fudding all done to promote fomo. You ate it up but now are much wiser to the rustling of the jew nose as it sniffs out your precious shekels.
Learn from this mistake and do your research. Why do you think there are 5 threads a day telling you to dyor. Not just a spicy meme you tards.
Welcome to /biz newfriends that got burnt, you earnt your right to be salty and bitter however you are low IQ so by all means keep buying high and selling low. These bags aint gonna buy themselves..
Fucking called it, literally a preminer PnD scamcoin
>i thought it was going to a penny because you know the website looks nice, the coin is cool, and i liked the community
Bitconnect had a nice site too, a strong community and funny memes.
Join Chancoin, noobs.
Is this better?
fill me in user TRTLv38QKju2ecaBdvMSXr5D33yPQuL1MCznnepmVwT6e3Jpiyce9sUfTERxK3ignwdP6J33yjoy1fbozRorjLR33hYpao5RaKM
sup the KING is here...
yes i dumped on all u pajeet losers living with ur mom at 32 sats.
fudding to collect cheap?
its 2-3 fcking sats retard lmao
You rot in your broken van, you bipolar, pedophile piece of shit.
come down to exile and say that u lil piece of shit
Pedo Turtle Marine?
The coin isn't even 1% mined yet, your chart is just made up numbers. When it became popular it was about 0.2% mined. It's about 0.6% mined now. By the end of this year it'll be ~3% mined.
Of course the people that mined in the first month got a bit more. It was the same with bitcoin and literally every other mineable coin. Once the websites / windows wallets / pools are up of course there are more miners.
Pic related, it's closer to the "premine" you claim (even though it wasn't even a premine). See that little red line at the bottom? That's about the 0.2% mined in december before everybody on Veeky Forums jumped on the bandwagon.
You killed it biz congrats on this seriously.
>year 2112
Jesus, if you want to make a valid point at least show the chart for this year or something.
>reddit spacing
Biz being biz, buy high, sell low
I wouldn't say 2 BTC daily volume is dead, but/biz/ definitely put it in a coma lol
Veeky Forums isn't relevant.