Is it really kill now?
Funfags show yourself
Well, I don't see it going much lower than this. If it does I'll just buy more because this is the first coin I have held (and actually believed in) where I can have a ridiculous amount for basically no money.
Someone post the "I loft everything" funchan img
>I don't see it going much lower than this
>this is the first coin i have held (and actually believed in)
>I can have a ridiculous amount for basically no money
Nice VPN, Samefag. And yes, most coins are basically scams, so I don't really hold many, at least FUN has a coherent use case and an untapped market, so fuck it, I'll risk a WHOLE $500.
when is big news/releases expected for FUN?
>FUN has a coherent use case and an untapped market
> has a coherent use case
> untapped market
>I'll risk a WHOLE $500
you're doing it on purpose
>strong support at 0
Keep holding retard.
>I'll just buy more
It's like up from where it was a few days ago.
Are we looking at the same charts?
breaking away from bitcoin trend now. go see
I will, I have already kissed that $500 goodbye, I'd rather hold to zero than sell at a loss. Or it goes to $1 dollar a coin someday and I'll be happy.
You and Samefag guy need to work on your FUD, or at least put some effort into your shit posting from now on. It's not even entertaining.
>I'd rather hold to zero than sell at a loss.
You're just going to keep greentexting me, aren't you?
Time to hang out with Sayori!
its like the plushie meme was inspired by you
Put me in the screencap then, I guess.
>I have already kissed that $500 goodbye
What discord are you niggers from?
I still have no clue why gambling needs it's own special token. I still haven't gotten a good explaination how it's supposedly "fairer" and how anybody gambling gives a shit.
>What (messaging program) are you (racial slur) from?
>Zero-content posting
>are we looking at the same charts?
I never got into FUN, can some recollect any recent FUD or is this just news-less dip?
What I did stumble upon while researching gaming products on the ethereum network, was some old videos pre-branding showcasing the tech, so I'm pretty sure it's not a scam. So I'd say handle this like any dip and deathgrip your bags through it.
It didn't moon after ICE so some retards dumped it, and now assholes are doing what appears to be coordinated empty FUD to get their buy in price sufficiently low. There is literally nothing wrong that I can find with the project, and these genius plush posters can't even find anything either, even though they are apparently so much smarter than everybody.
just go back already
What made me drop this coin is when i realized casinos will never use it because it wout favour the player rather than the house. Sold at 0.11 at a slight loss : ¥ )
This place is getting worse than reddit, it's 99% shilling/FUD, at least over there people post real thoughtcrime every now and then. All the smart people made money and left here already, I don't know why I come here.
What's going on in that picture?
Some guy whipped his dick out at a SJW rally in Brazil. Apparently getting yelled at is his fetish or something. There's a video of it somewhere...