How did Sminem single handedly bring us into prosperity? Is this really magic?
How did Sminem single handedly bring us into prosperity? Is this really magic?
that zoo looks absolutely fucking depressing
actually, everything in Russia looks depressing, including the food
90% of the country is a shithole. What do you expect?
>money is worthless to sminem
>every dollar he touches instantly vanishes, even the bogs can't recreate it
>sminem only values life
>flowers represent life to sminem
>sminem started tulip mania in 1636
>tfw I still don't get this meme.
Thank you based sminem for caging the bear
Sminem is the bull
it reallly is fucked up that all his pictures are with tulips, bears, or making bull horns or with chain links......
magic is afoot boys
Did that Russian user from the previous threads ever get in contact with him?
It just remains for someone to make a crypto called Sminemcoin.
Sminemcoin will be worth $10k in 2025 screencap this post.
Holy shit it’s true. Sminem has been sent to bring us the greatest bull market of this millennia.
You shouldn't have come out hiding
I hope so. I want to send him some coins so he can usher in the crypto-singularity.
he is truly ushering in an era of prosperity for mankind.
>including the food
the best steak I've ever had was in Kiev (which is admittedly Ukraine, not Russia)
sminem has fully merged with the bogdabots
Fuck you bogs you had your shot. Your sun is setting. This is the age of Sminem. Tulips sprout from his footsteps, savage bears are tamed at the sight of his ears, and GPUs spontaneously overlock in his presence.
>the best steak I've ever had was in Kiev (which is admittedly Ukraine, not Russia)
why even make this post if you weren't in Russia, lmfao!
no respect.
Ukraine is a fake nation.
How has no one said it yet?
>They fell in our trap again.
Ukraine is just little Russia, after all
>I hope so. I want to send him some coins so he
I am that user. He blocked me 3 times and refused any contact. forget about him
>Initate BEAR-18
Shame. Veeky Forums probably could have sent him enough crypto to change his life significantly.
He doesn't give a flipping heck this guy!
reminds me of america
His photographs are cryptic. The captured bear is obvious, one has already died of starvation! Those ears pricked up to hear our calls... The knowing smile... His shirt says "party" because it's time to do so...
High pants for high gains! Smin truly is our patron elf god!
so the invisible hand of the free market...was him all along...
Some Russian autistic kid gets targeted and bullied by Veeky Forums
He's not even into crypto or anything, people are just being assholes to the poor kid
This spic looks nothing like him. Maybe the evil version of him.
Can I get a quick rundown on Sminem?
sminims, sminems evil bogdanoff clone.
Actual Ukrainians hate Russians though
An autistic kid allegedly sitting on a ton of BTC. Which if it's true these threads are just making him a target.
>son of bogdanoff brothers.
>they used their dna together in a lab to make a fusion bog.
>200% bog dna, incredible.
Actually ukrainians is a russian subculture
Everyone hates Ukranians. I don't think they are even human. Probably because of that old Ukranian tradition of keeping the placenta and throwing away the baby.
I know you're joking, but for the literal buzzword braintlet journalists reading this:
he's practically a hero around here
whiter than you 56%
can confirm, am actual Ukrainian
but I mean, do you blame us?
Me too m8 born in Tepнoпiль
Raised in canacuck land
it's true pic related
Interesting, but too brief. A bit more detail please.
I was serving in the russian army, when maidan and staff happened, radio and sort of internet intel.
Russian side was just reacting to the potential nato threat, no one to blame here
That's not true, here's a quick rundown:
>Father was a bull, mother was a wood elf, hence his likeness
>Literally descended from Asgard
>Prophecies foretold of his coming as the end of the Age of the Bogs
>One of the first to invest in Bitcoin, has acquired immense wealth but won't cash because he knows 1 BTC will be worth 100k when fiat becomes worthless
>Discovered wizardry at a young age, hasn't had sex since to retain his great power
>Can manipulate markets by posting cryptic photographs, but unlike the Bogs who have become corrupted by their crypto wealth, he does so with benevolence to the common man
>Simply wearing his pants high casts a spell that makes crypto rise beyond your wildest imagination
>His earthly name "Sminem" is an anagram for a word in a long forgotten ancient tongue that means "bearer of the green flame"
>Green stemmed tulips sprout in his presence, bears try to run from him but are captured by his telekinetic spells, over 500 Bogbears caught so far
>Literally walked into the Fort Knox gold reserve and collected all the gold while the entire security staff was under a spell of paralysis, now has the gold hidden somewhere in Siberia (hence the tensions between the USA and Russia)
>Will lead Earth through a financial revolution and a new age of prosperity the likes of which we could not imagine (think: driving anti-gravity lambos on Mars and beyond)
>At this juncture the entire fate of the world's financial assets depend on his confrontation and eventually battle with the Bogs, but they know they stand no chance against the immense power contained in his left ear alone, so they hide in their fortress in France
>Has cat
because he's literally a ferengi.
>no one to blame here
This is what Russians actually think
This is what healthy psyche thinks actually.
>offering money to a multibillionare who can decide the fate of the market with one phonecall
This nigga got big fuckin hands
He doesn't need phones, his magic can connect to any form of technology and manipulate it.
Who's his friend? That guy is obviously a spy wearing a fake face. We have to warn him!
>Russians invading Ukraine
who made this
In general ethnic ukrainians is not even slavs, cumans and crimean tatars+romanians and etc mix. All white europeans in Ukraine is basicly russians, poles and germans (Catrine the Great bring them in central Ukraine in 18 cent.) with broken mentality. Commies did their job and brainwash millions of russians and poles into "le ukrainian"
but user, the gold is not in fort Knox, its in fort bogdanoff
This kid looks goofy but he does more cool shit than me and isnt afraid to have his picture taken.
Where can I read up on bog and sminem lore?
Its on the blockchain. Get some NAS so you can find it.
Yes, because Ukraine should have no right to self-determination if they dare want to leave Putin's sphere of influence. So, you annex a lump of territory in "self-defense".
Iron hands,iron will,the one!
Hello guys, I have been in contact with Sminem and I have helped set him out a bitcoin wallet.
praise him boyes
Don’t you dare to speak this way about our saviour,the chosen one! May his iron hands crush you!
Sminem is a god. I think there’s a connection between a literal 56% Creatura shooting up the school, Sminem becoming our mascot, BTC getting back on track, and various other memetic shit. Something is going on. We may be entering a new timeline.
Every time an offspring of the bogdanoffs is created, an evil version appears through virgin birth somewhere in the world and wreaks havoc later in life
This is some straight up Twin Peaks doppelgänger shit going on now.
Кaкиe жe хoхлы дeгeнepaты, пиздeц пpocтo
I'm pretty sure everyone here thinks he's fucking based and hasn't done anything to harass him. The other night anons were trying to contact him on Russian Facebook to setup a wallet so we could send him coins.
>anons were trying to contact him on Russian Facebook to setup a wallet so we could send him coins.
Did they succeed?
>Sminem Wildlife Fund
Can someone give us an update?
They found his social media. It said he was offline for 7 hours and then I went to bed. Maybe another user can fill us in. If it happens again I'm just going to try to make an account and larp as the kid for ETH.
Moжeтe из нaшeй cтpaны yйти? Cпc
it actually does look like an older version of him
this is gold
He's white so he is a mentally unstable lone wolf. Poor guy. He had such a bright future ahead of him.
holy shit the quick SMINDOWN
>white people as far as the eye can see
genuinely don't understand the mind of those who find it depressing
Я бы c paдocтью. Cpeднeмy пидopaнy Бoмбac c Кpeмoм нa фиг нe yпaл. Этo Пынe в гeoпoлитикy зaхoтeлocь пoигpaть.
Thanks just bought 100k
Went to some really cool vegan places in Moscow last december. None of them had any alcohol because of "muh health" though.
The people/"celebrities" who have emerged thanks to crypto is amazing.
>caged bear
this what russians consider >just be urself mate
And I thought chadsmimem was just a meme...