They will come

Both Ellen and Jeff have told their followers about Bitcoin. So the watercolor convo tomorrow will be about Bitcoin. Coinbase will see an influx of new users. The exchanges will start to get hit with new users and they will help us ride to the Moon. Can't you see it boys. It's going to happen.

Other urls found in this thread:


Perfect timing for Link.

Normies flood in.

Their money hits exchanges Sunday.

Sergey releases simplified mainnet and announces all partners the same day.

Link gets national news coverage.

Normies pour into Link and we see $100 within a week.

Stupid autocorrect
Joe Rogan.
Obviously I'm not a follower.

It's Jeff Regan rite?

my name jeff

Jeff Roland

>Jeff Rogan

no thanks, jeff

NASDAQ wants a big piece too apparently = minute 17:00


can't they stfu. I'm trying to accumulate


Uhm... Where they?

m8 the women watching Ellen during the day are not the people itching to go out and actually learn about how to risk all their money on crypto, and the stoners that listen to Rogan that would be interested are already in. This would be a move to keep it in the public conscience at most.

Ellen told them that they could be millionaires by buying Bitcoin. Uhm. I think that'll be enuff to get a few of them to start asking and researching.
BTW Ellen, last week, have away $1,000,000 to her audience. Each got like $2,500 or something

Dont sign up for coinbase they bill your cc 50 times

>My name is Jeff
>watercolor convo

Yeah, for some reason I am not buying your signal...

Ok I'll go slow so you Veeky Forumstards can understand.
Both Ellen and Joe have told their followers about Bitcoin. So the water cooler conversation tomorrow will be about Bitcoin see? Coinbase will see an influx of new users see? The exchanges will start to get hit with new users, see, and they'll close for awhile, driving up more interest, see? And they will help us ride to the Moon, see? Can't you see it boys. It's going to happen.
One of Joe's boys found us and posted!!!

Um, I don't know anything about Ellen, cause I don't watch lesbian afternoon drama, but fuck Joe Rogan, seriously I could give a fuck anything he talks about


>watercolor convo