Tron going to moon harder than my cock tomorrow. You've been warned Veeky Forums .
tron literally wont be able to compete anymore, its becoming the joke of crypto, you dont recover from that, especially not when your roadmap has nothing happening for at least a year.
Trx is probably the only project that has been delivering constantly
And I don't hold any tron
What has it delivered besides the mass suicide of normies who bought in at ATH?
lick em'
Constant updates, cryptodogs, livestream, gl check Justin twitter I'm not your secretary, cuck
live stream with this beaut
that's not actual tech to solve usecases though, that's just delivering marketing bs
I only have 18k of this shitcoin. Any chance I'm gonna make it?
dumb money clinging to every little bit of hope left it seems
>faggy meme pets
>egotistical tweets that hint at non-existent partnerships
>livestreams where justin gives tours of his office and rambles in broken english for an hour about how he is going to "heal" the internet like an utter moron, several of which have resulted in Tron crashing because of how little faith buyers have in him
>this counts as is delivering
Kys dumb shill
10x EoY. That is not making it but still something.
your gonna be sucking by dick tomorrow
Wasting your time.
Space partnership goys.
Wat is main net? Is it good?
Gifto Peiwo et all. If you don't understand the value of circulation for a currency, I can't help you. If this were an asset then you would need some form of tech development, but trx is actually aiming to be a currency. The fact that trx is retardedly stupid and can be used as tip on chat apps is the whole point of its market penetration strategy. You know the meme that first time coin buyers but the cheapest simplest watered down coin? Well that is the truth. And they will buy trx.
>run by chink with shady financial history
>literally funnelled money out under an account with "JUSTin" in the name
>ceo is dogshit at livestreaming
>whitepaper is plagarised
>won't have a working product for years
>no one even knows what the fuck it does
>literally the only thing keeping it afloat is a horde of normies with mental disabilities who are pouring money in because they like the name and want to "heal the internet", and think Tron will one day be worth as much as bitcoin
Congrats user. You are officially never gonna to make it.
You know, they will come and see that everybody thinks it's a shitcoin. There must be another #scamoftheweek next time, not trx or xvg
>literally the only thing keeping it afloat is a horde of normies with mental disabilities who are pouring money in because they like the name and want to "heal the internet", and think Tron will one day be worth as much as bitcoin
>keeping it afloat
>hoards of normies
>pouring money
>think trx will be worth as much as bitcoin
You played yourself
>what did he mean by this?
Still more than link or whatever shit you guys keep buying
Who "everybody"? People on an anime loli board? Normies don't check Veeky Forums before investing. They hear bitcoin on tv long enough and buy the cheapest coin with a familliar name. That is if they don't end up seeing it used on their chat app for tips and just rack up 4k trx by accident.
Nice just bought 100k cocks
You know EVERYBODY. Reddit, bitcointalk, twitter, even the tron "investors".
haterz gon hate but check this out ladies
>trx subreddit
holy fucking shit. I just realized that tron is the chink equivalent of TRTL. both equally shitcoins.